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STOLEN: Red V3 WRX / Plate: FJK393 AKL


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Hi guys

My mate's red 1995 WRX V3 has been stolen last night in North Shore area

It's number plate is FJK393.

It's got a really big muffler and VERY loud.

my mate didn't have an insurance and he's totally devastated.

If you see this car by any chance, please call police or call me on 021 131 1031

The car looks similar to this


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Both my cars are insured but I have considered dropping insurance on the Subi before. If you have to use NAC or similar you only seem able to get market value and man they sting you on that.

Still better than nothing but it hurts when you have been paying for insurance on 10k and they pay you out 5k as I had happen to me.

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 Johnnynz said:

Both my cars are insured but I have considered dropping insurance on the Subi before. If you have to use NAC or similar you only seem able to get market value and man they sting you on that.

Still better than nothing but it hurts when you have been paying for insurance on 10k and they pay you out 5k as I had happen to me.

I insured mine for 13k... and they payed me 13k.. market value would have been about 8-10 i suspect. They didnt argue at all about the amount they were going to pay me. And i did not have them come look at my car to have a fixed value set on it...

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 Slidesector said:

NAC charges me $2500.00 per year. and WONT insure it under 3rd party fire and theift.

Havent had insurance for 2 years, saved myself 5K so far

$2500 a year!!!!!!! fucking robbery!!!!!! i was paying 1400 pa. first turbo vehicle. im 21 years old. and have had a shit load of fines for numerous things...

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[quote name='Slidesector said:

NAC charges me $2500.00 per year. and WONT insure it under 3rd party fire and theift.

Havent had insurance for 2 years, saved myself 5K so far


$2500 a year!!!!!!! f***ing robbery!!!!!! i was paying 1400 pa. first turbo vehicle. im 21 years old. and have had a s*** load of fines for numerous things...

Yeah weird huh! 1997 Nissan Silvia Turbo in white 22 years old, lost licence when 15 thats it. barley any fines. Just a high risk vehile I suppose?

I only drive it every so often and never leave it dumb places so I thought the insurance wasnt worth it

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[quote name='Johnnynz said:

Both my cars are insured but I have considered dropping insurance on the Subi before. If you have to use NAC or similar you only seem able to get market value and man they sting you on that.

Still better than nothing but it hurts when you have been paying for insurance on 10k and they pay you out 5k as I had happen to me.


I insured mine for 13k... and they payed me 13k.. market value would have been about 8-10 i suspect. They didnt argue at all about the amount they were going to pay me. And i did not have them come look at my car to have a fixed value set on it...

I had a 1993 WRX In great nick, original paint in great condition, inside immaculate, original engine still under done about 88 thousand kms. I slid out on some oil on a corner and stacked it. After $1500 excess I got 4800. I felt a bit shafted because they sent me to a car yard to get a second opinion on its worth after I argued and he valued it lower than NAC did.

Worst part was he had a 94 WRX beat up as hell on sale for 13k yet he valued mine at around 6k and said that was what he would expect to get as no one pays sticker price. I wasn't a happy lad.

I went back and offered him 7k for the 94 and he laughed me out of there, I wanted to flatten the gimp.

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Just a note NAC DON'T OFFER 3rd Party fire+theft coverage. Considering changing to a different company so long as I can insure my bike at the same time and can get Fire+theft once i have my legacy up to a decent reliable condition.

Will keep an eye out for the WRX

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NAC charges me $2500.00 per year. and WONT insure it under 3rd party fire and theift.

Havent had insurance for 2 years, saved myself 5K so far

I hope you put this $5k away so if/when you stack the car you can afford a new one.

But wait....what if you crash into someone else and stack theirs too?????

Damn no insurance.


[quote name='TURTLE said:

You sir, are an ass.

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[quote name='Slidesector said:

NAC charges me $2500.00 per year. and WONT insure it under 3rd party fire and theift.

Havent had insurance for 2 years, saved myself 5K so far


You sir, are an ass.

How am I am ass? My racing is on the Track and the car does 2000KMS a year.

You sir, don't know shit.

If someone crashes into me with no insurance thats the risk I take. I refuse to pay 2.5K for an insurance that is nearly always VOID due to modifications that continue to happen, not to mention they value my 20K car at 9K. WOW

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That wasnt the question. The point being if someone without insurance hits you, and YOU have insurance, your insurance will fight to get money out them.

Plus the fact if you tell your insurance company it has mods, they probably wont care, its when you hide it from them.

My old blue wrx was fully insured. Mods and all...inc the link.

PLUS in your last few posts you never made mention of the fact it does hardly any road kms...so in actual fact they dont know shit because you never said. You dont know what you dont know.

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I dont give a rats if you choose not to have full insurance and cant claim jack if someone crashes into you.

The issue i have is that you are being selfish to other road users by not having insurance and if you wipe out someone elses pride and joy there is not much comeback.

3rd party fire and theft can be had for reasonably cheap if you look hard enough.

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That wasnt the question. The point being if someone without insurance hits you, and YOU have insurance, your insurance will fight to get money out them.

Plus the fact if you tell your insurance company it has mods, they probably wont care, its when you hide it from them.

My old blue wrx was fully insured. Mods and all...inc the link.

PLUS in your last few posts you never made mention of the fact it does hardly any road kms...so in actual fact they dont know s*** because you never said. You dont know what you dont know.

yea i gave my insurer a full list of mods.. as you stated - problems will arise if you hide shit from them or tell them porkies... Thats probably why i had no hassles making a claim from them...

[quote name='ODB said:

I dont give a rats if you choose not to have full insurance and cant claim jack if someone crashes into you.

The issue i have is that you are being selfish to other road users by not having insurance and if you wipe out someone elses pride and joy there is not much comeback.

3rd party fire and theft can be had for reasonably cheap if you look hard enough.

I think NZ govt should follow suit of the UK. COMPULSORY INSURANCE (atleast minimum of 3rd party)

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 ODB said:

I dont give a rats if you choose not to have full insurance and cant claim jack if someone crashes into you.

The issue i have is that you are being selfish to other road users by not having insurance and if you wipe out someone elses pride and joy there is not much comeback.

3rd party fire and theft can be had for reasonably cheap if you look hard enough.

Find me 3rd party fire and theif for a 97 S14 Facelift, ill even send you a mod list. It cannot be done. I have looked.

Selfish to other road users, yet 1/2 them don't have insurance anyway. I don't drive like an ASS. Winning.

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