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BRAKE FLUID FLUSH - how important ??


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how criticial is it to have the brake system flush ?

how often does it need to be done ?

is there any significant advantage using brake fluid DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5, etc ?

is there such thing as a PROPER way to do the brake flush ?

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1. depends how often you change it good to have done if it has never been done, might also improve the brakes with a good bleed.

2. every 2 years maybe depends if your just driving on the road or racing if your racing you might bleed them before an event, if your brake pads last that long you might be best to change and bleed the brake fluid at same time. but do the pad first as you\'ll need to push the pistons back and can be made easier by releasing the bleed nipple which will then require bleeding

3. always best to use the recommended dot of your vehicle as the dot 5 or is it 5.1 is made of a different chemical and is not compatible with dot 4 systems and cant be mixed which is not best to mix any fluid

Look at the specs of the dot specific fluid as some have different spec that can handle higher temperature etc.. but cost more depending what you use your car for road or racing

4. not that i know of just turkey buster old fluid out of reservour leaving a little bit at bottom to minimise the introduction of air and put new fluid in and do a complete bleeding at the nipples untill new fluid come thru and there is no air.

order of bleeding for subarus its front right, rear left, front left, rear right there are guides in the maintenance section i recommend the two person bleeding technique

also dont spill any brake fluid as its corrosive and will damage paintwork etc.. so if you do accidently spill it wash it off immediately with degreaser or something as it doesnt take long to see the damage

always best to leave it to a qualified mechanic if your not sure of what your doing as brakes are important in saving your life.

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 turborunner said:

1. depends how often you change it good to have done if it has never been done, might also improve the brakes with a good bleed.

2. every 2 years maybe depends if your just driving on the road or racing if your racing you might bleed them before an event, if your brake pads last that long you might be best to change and bleed the brake fluid at same time. but do the pad first as you\'ll need to push the pistons back and can be made easier by releasing the bleed nipple which will then require bleeding

3. always best to use the recommended dot of your vehicle as the dot 5 or is it 5.1 is made of a different chemical and is not compatible with dot 4 systems and cant be mixed which is not best to mix any fluid

Look at the specs of the dot specific fluid as some have different spec that can handle higher temperature etc.. but cost more depending what you use your car for road or racing

4. not that i know of just turkey buster old fluid out of reservour leaving a little bit at bottom to minimise the introduction of air and put new fluid in and do a complete bleeding at the nipples untill new fluid come thru and there is no air.

order of bleeding for subarus its front right, rear left, front left, rear right there are guides in the maintenance section i recommend the two person bleeding technique

also dont spill any brake fluid as its corrosive and will damage paintwork etc.. so if you do accidently spill it wash it off immediately with degreaser or something as it doesnt take long to see the damage

always best to leave it to a qualified mechanic if your not sure of what your doing as brakes are important in saving your life.

Think ou\'ll find the proceedure is nearest to master cyl to furtherest away . RF LF RR LR - well thats what the service manual says

prob doesnt matter so long as you do all 4 tho

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 Eight dollar']

[quote name='turborunner said:

1. depends how often you change it good to have done if it has never been done, might also improve the brakes with a good bleed.

2. every 2 years maybe depends if your just driving on the road or racing if your racing you might bleed them before an event, if your brake pads last that long you might be best to change and bleed the brake fluid at same time. but do the pad first as you\'ll need to push the pistons back and can be made easier by releasing the bleed nipple which will then require bleeding

3. always best to use the recommended dot of your vehicle as the dot 5 or is it 5.1 is made of a different chemical and is not compatible with dot 4 systems and cant be mixed which is not best to mix any fluid

Look at the specs of the dot specific fluid as some have different spec that can handle higher temperature etc.. but cost more depending what you use your car for road or racing

4. not that i know of just turkey buster old fluid out of reservour leaving a little bit at bottom to minimise the introduction of air and put new fluid in and do a complete bleeding at the nipples untill new fluid come thru and there is no air.

order of bleeding for subarus its front right, rear left, front left, rear right there are guides in the maintenance section i recommend the two person bleeding technique

also dont spill any brake fluid as its corrosive and will damage paintwork etc.. so if you do accidently spill it wash it off immediately with degreaser or something as it doesnt take long to see the damage

always best to leave it to a qualified mechanic if your not sure of what your doing as brakes are important in saving your life.


Think ou\'ll find the proceedure is nearest to master cyl to furtherest away . RF LF RR LR - well thats what the service manual says

prob doesnt matter so long as you do all 4 tho

in my subaru wrx service manual it states it uses a diagonal system bleading Front Right, Rear Left, Front Left and Rear Right its all over the internet i\'ve also have been told you start from the furtherest away from master cylinder and get closer to cylinder but this has been stated in my wrx manual and has always worked the best maybe legacies and foresters uses a different brake system or requires a different method but just saying what my wrx manual states

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thanks guys, i think i might leave them for the pro to do :)

so using dot 5 or dot 5.1 is not recommended for street use ? track use only ?

some manufacturer still recommend to use dot 3 but as you know there aren\'t many places that sell dot 3 anymore, is dot 4 ok to use ? obviously the dot 3 would need to be flushed out completely first before putting dot 4

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 JoKer said:

5 or 5.1 (I cant remember which) is silicone based and not recommended, one is better than the other

RBF600 is well repped in cars here that see some track time

why is it the silicone based one not recommended ?

i will do a search on RBF600 :)

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 GReX said:

how criticial is it to have the brake system flush ?

how often does it need to be done ?

is there any significant advantage using brake fluid DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5, etc ?

is there such thing as a PROPER way to do the brake flush ?

If you have a GTR and a NSX shouldnt you have your cars regularly serviced?

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good questions dacerx :)

the gtr has been hiding in the storage, rego is on-hold at the moment, and i only bought the nsx few months ago, have done serviced straight away, but not sure whether the brake fluid had been done or not

the last time the brake fluid was done on the gtr was when i upgraded to big brembos for the fronts, and that was about 2 years ago, and car barely done 1000kms since then (weekend toy only)

i was pretty sure the guy who did the brake fluid in my gtr used 5.1, hence all the questions above :)

and thanks al-baru for the link :)

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