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Fly by wire throttle body adjustment


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So I have had some idle issue just recently, today I took off the throttle body to clean it out and noticed the butterfly plate/valve wasn't in a fully closed position (don't know if it's meant to be slightly open or not on these fly by wire things) so I adjusted it to be fully closed with out it resting on the inside of the body. After putting it all back together and cleaning out the MAF with electrical contact cleaner, it won't start... Cruise control light flashes before starting, and when the car turns over it instantly dies... Could it be a case of the ECU having to be fully reset again to re correct to new butterfly valve position or maybe the MAF is playing up? Any help would be much appreciated...

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I've heard about people having issues after the cleaning (you went a step further and tried to adjust).

Try the following

ECU reset

1) Turn off the lights, aircon, stereo or any system in the car that draws extra current on top of the engine.

2) Disconnect the battery for 30 mins.

3) Reconnect the battery.

4) Before you start the car for the first time, turn the key to the ON position but do NOT turn the engine over. Wait 10-15 seconds so the electronic throttle body or IACV has time to go to the factory programmed home position.

5) After waiting, start the car and let it idle without any load, lights, A/C etc.

6) Every 20 seconds or so the idle will be adjusted up and down as the ECU tries to adjust it towards a stoichiometric fuel / air mix.

7) Leave the engine running for a full 10 mins but DO NOT TOUCH THE ACCELERATOR during this time or turn on anything that will cause extra electrical current draw.

8) Turn off the engine, and leave the key in the OFF position for at least 20 sec.

9) As per step (4) turn the key back to the ON position for 10-15 sec without actually starting the engine.

10) Start the engine and leave to idle for a further 5 minutes without touching the accelerator and without turning on other systems in the car.

11) Turn off the engine again and wait at least 20 sec before restarting.

12) Take the car for a test drive as the ECU should now be fully retrained.

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Adjusting shouldn't of caused such a big issue though. It looked like it had been tampeted with previously, throttle plate should be in a fully closed position though right?

With disconnecting the battery, do I simply disconnect positive and negative or just positive...

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how is the engine going to get any air to start if the throttle is fully closed ?

they dont have a separate idle controller .

u took something away from the ecu . moved it . put it back and expect the ecu to overcome what you did . now it doesnt know where the throttle plate it . the ecu only knows where it used to be and still thinks it is there

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so you fiddled with the throttle but then you asked this "With disconnecting the battery, do I simply disconnect positive and negative or just positive... "

what ever you do dont play with a solar panel . those things are a bomb waiting to go off unless u get the right diode to go with them

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 gotasuby']Fly by wire shouldn't be fully closed when not powered. The ecu can enjoy or close it. I would adjust it back he other way a bit

Will adjust it back when I get home, I don't know much about fly by wire throttle hence asking around, not much info on the net

how is the engine going to get any air to start if the throttle is fully closed ?

they dont have a separate idle controller .

u took something away from the ecu . moved it . put it back and expect the ecu to overcome what you did . now it doesnt know where the throttle plate it . the ecu only knows where it used to be and still thinks it is there

so you fiddled with the throttle but then you asked this "With disconnecting the battery, do I simply disconnect positive and negative or just positive... "

what ever you do dont play with a solar panel . those things are a bomb waiting to go off unless u get the right diode to go with them

let this be a lesson in " if it aint broke , dont fix it"

there was nothing wrong with the idle before so why did you decide the throttle should be shut

Why the anger? I'm simply asking for advice on a matter, don't need a lecture from you. To answer your statements, my idle has been rooted for some time and being a tradesman I like to do things myself and learn from it. I asked about the battery disconnect because I don't know if there is some stupid procedure you have to do to complete it properly.

Why would I play with solar power... I'm more into my 3phase 400V electrical circuits thanks

[quote name='Andy_Mac said:

And to answer the battery question, just removing the negative terminal is normally enough, but considering you have an electronic throttle then just disconnecting the battery isn't enough to completely reset the ecu like it is in the older cars

Ok thanks for the tip

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Update: So adjusted the throttle plate to near where it was originally (Cruise light flashes with no CEL untill back in the "Home" position) car took a few attempts to start but once it fired over it ran fine. Now I have no more idle issues, ECU or what ever "catches" as RPM fall below 1000 which it wasn't before causing the engine to stall. Happy :-)

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