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Fuel pump not working???


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Hey people..

I'm really buzzed out about whats happening with my car (bc-5 legacy sedan)..

I started it up for the first time after putting a new walbro pump in it, split rail set up and a low k's forester motor in it and had it idling running sweet for a good ten mins whilst filling it up with water after just putting the radiator in. Then all of a sudden it died...I quickly noticed this was due to the car not getting gas. I THINK it ran out of petrol - the gas gauge seems to be faulty and read that the car was right full, but the gas light was on...and i know that the car deffinately didnt have much gas in it at the time.

So i filled the car up which took about 45-50 litres of gas, then tried to start it but it wouldnt fire and after pulling the hose off the fuel filter realised it still wasn't getting gas?? So got out a test light, and pulled the plug off the fuel pump and checked the wires for power going to them, and sure enough the light flashed on one of the wires, so it looked to be getting power to the pump. Although when i held the negative wire of the test light on the car body itself it wouldn't make the light work - the light would only work when i held the negative wire of the light on the car battery terminal itself which is fortunately in the boot, which struck me as odd? (But I'm no good at car electronics so i don't know if this is anything to do with the price of fish).

So at this point I was like "Okay, why the hell isn't my brand new walbro (GENUINE btw) working anymore?" And pulled the pump setup out of the petrol tank, and put the plug in the pump whilst it was out with the cars key on, and sure enough the pump didnt work at all, so i quickly got my spare fuel pump and plugged it in to the fuel pump plug and it wouldnt work either though?

Has anyone got any ideas please? I'm pretty stumped and just want the damn thing going.

any help is much appreciated.



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Guest boostin

Be aware that with the key on engine off the pump will only run for a few seconds.

If you have a Walbro like mine, you will be able to hear it run when you flick the key on. I can hear mine at idle, and thats with a 3" exhaust!!

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 boostin said:

Be aware that with the key on engine off the pump will only run for a few seconds.

If you have a Walbro like mine, you will be able to hear it run when you flick the key on. I can hear mine at idle, and thats with a 3" exhaust!!

Mine too. I didn't use any sort of foam sock to muffle it though.

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Where are the fuses/relays for the pump sorry?

And will check first thing in the morning whether the factory pump will run when plugged in for the first few seconds of having the key on, as it had been on for a few minutes before i plugged the stock one in.

ALSO with the charcoal canister hose that runs by the fuel filter and return lines, i blocked that up with a bolt and hose clamps. I know for a fact this is the charcoal canister pipe and havnt got them around the wrong way or anything silly, but was wondering if this could over pressurise the tank or do anything to cause it....silly idea but it could essentially really be anything huh.

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Any of your new split fuel lines blocked? My wagon did same thing after putting my split setup in, thought pump was bugered, tried new fuel pump and still no go, then found a small o-ring i used on the end of my fuel rail had squeezed out and was blocking the fuel line, dont ask me how that would stop the pump from working but as soon as i fixed the block she was away again!

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Okay, ended up having to hard wire the pump to get the pump going as it seems the relay right up under the dash is fcuked, Then went to turn the car over and it still won't fire....So I'm pretty much ready to kick the piece of shit in now. Also just noticed that the clutch fork isn't properly in, so guessing the motors gotta come out again. Yay for shitty subarus.

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Update, just had a break from it and couldn't stop thinking about it, so went back to the shed and pulled a plug out, and found that there was no spark at all, So went down to the wreck/parts car with an axe and hacked the dashboard up, pulled the ECU out of that and put it in my car and sure enough the old girl had spark and fired (YUSSSSSS) :) Realised this must have been due to me pulling the newly done chip out of my ECU before getting the car going and putting the factory chip in (as the chip was for yellowtop injectors and i didn't really trust the tune that the guy couldve done to it) and mustve accidently got my dirty hands on the wrong thing.

So now I'm just stuck with the issue of my clutch fork not properly being engaged and having to most likely pull my fcuking engine out and doing it again. ARGGHH. Anyone got any slick ideas? Tried fiddling around with it and popping it back in but it just doesn't seem to want to.

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Ha ha too late for talking about it now anyway...pulled the motor out again this morning...will put it back in this arvo I think. Hope I get it all right this time or I'm gonna kill myself...hate how much time I'm spending on this thing.

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