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How to connect a laptop to a subaru....


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Right, here is the simplest way to connect a laptop to an OBD1 subaru, including the early models that had a OBD2 plug but weren't actually OBD2...

First thing you need is a FTDI ttl to usb lead. You want the one shown here...


It has to be a five volt one so make sure it doesn't have 3v3 on the end of it's name.

Best place at the moment to get them in N.Z.is, from Aussie... http://www.dontronics-shop.com/ftdi-usb-to-serial-ttl-level-5v-converter-cable.html

They are $44.00 N.Z. dollars delivered to your door. Put it on the credit card and it will be here in about four days.

Get the lead, strip three wires, black is going to go to earth(pin nine), yellow is for pin two and orange is for pin three. Don't connect it to the car yet. If you are using the OBD2 plug on the first of the OBD2 models then black goes to pin four or five, yellow goes to pin twelve and orange goes to pin thirteen. Have a look here if you are not sure which plug or pin is which...

http://www.vwrx.com/index.php?pg=selectmonitor. Download the software while you are there.

You can get a radio adaptor which will plug into the ssm plug on the car from an auto-electrical or audio shop but just stripping the wires and soldering the ends stiff will do the job, the car has female sockets so it's easy to shove anything in there really.

Now you need to download the drivers for the ftdi chip from the ftdi site and install them. There are instruction at the ftdi site for installing the drivers. Plug your new cable into your laptop and go into the controlpanel/system/hardware and check that the adaptor has shown up and which number that usb to serial adaptor is connected to. Record the number because you need to tell the software which port to use.

We are going to use the "ssm dump" part of this software to check it goes...


When you get the software there will be three parts to it. One is a text configuration file and in it, it has which port number to use. Open the ssm text file and read through it. The comport is 2 by default but just change the number where it says "comport=2" to the number you recordered earlier. When you run the dump part of the program it will get you an ecu identifying number... We hope!

The ssm dump tool is for testing and finding ecu addresses. If you make a connection you will get a ecu number, like 7431XX or something. So... (this is getting exciting), plug the usb in and connect the wires/plug to the car. Turn the key on(but don't start the car) and start the "ssm dump" program.

If you get 474849 it is the request being sent to the ecu being echoed back to your laptop because there is a setting wrong in your port setting. If you get "Null", you don't have a connection. Check the wires and that the key is on.

Once you have the ecu's identification number it will either connect straight up to the car with the ssm, or, you might have to rename one of the other ecu identities to your number in the text configuration file that comes with the software.

Once you get an ecu identifying number in the dump tool then see if there is a definition file ecu number the same or similar. If your number is in the list then you can run the ssm program and you will start logging data straight away. If your number isn't in the list we need to find a model that will work for your car. This may help you choose a likely model...

1st character is always "7" on older cars.

2nd character is year rom was produced "0" for 1990, "2" for 1992, "3" for 1993, "4 for 1994" etc.

3rd and 4th characters seem to specify the car and engine type. For example: (25=SVX), (31,32,36,39=Legacy),(3F, 40=Impreza) Probably lots of others too.

5th character is market. "1" for JDM. "2" for USA. "3" for Europe. I guess "4" might be USSR.

6th character is ROM revision I think. Try 1,2 or 3.

You could try putting a range of addresses from the likely file into the dump and see if the figures returned make sense, ie. the revs or battery voltage are right. So if your car's ecu number was near 744014 you would choose to log from 1332 to 1336 say, to read the battery voltage. You tell it the numbers to log by typing into the top of the dump program where it has two, four digit fields. You wont get all the data fields in one dump so choose something simple to test. Revs are good. Just enter a narrow range so you get a lot of readings in a few minutes.

If you find a likely candidate, copy the likely part of the definition file to the bottom of the config file and edit the ecu number in it to your number then save the changes. Now try reading the car using the ssm tool, not the dump. Hopefull all the data will be right, but we can test it is by running the motor and doing things to the motor.. disconnect an injector lead and the a/f will change and so will the IPW and O2 for instance.

If you like that software, you will really like the evoscan software, it's heaps faster, does more cars, more makes, more parameters. It's the best software availiable at the moment. Have a look here.. http://www.limitless.co.nz/

I have added a few more models to the evoscan setup, if your ecu number isn't in the vwrx config file we can put some of the ones I have in or make you a new one.

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I think you need a link data logger for that, I'll have a read and see what I can find. I know you can log some aftermarkets but it looks like those use a different protocol than subarus.

If you were tricky you could use a ELM interface though and get data off, but I don't recommend trying that.

Edit. Ok, just had a look and their software is there to download, and ehe cable sounds like it comes with the link. Should be straight forward.

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  • 2 months later...

Keeweechrs, repco or an auto electrician can sell you an adaptor to convert from one type of radio to another. They are just a short cable with a subaru plug on one end and the sort of radio you have at the other. Be carefull and check the subaru plug they are selling is for your model, there are two types. They look similar so check it against your cars diagnostic plug... the diagnostic plugs are the same in all cars but not the radio plugs.

If you want it cheaper though, grab a pair of side cutters and go see your local wreckers and ask if you can snip a plug off the end of a car's loom. Once again, check it is right before you snip.

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  • 2 weeks later...
 log1call said:

Keeweechrs, repco or an auto electrician can sell you an adaptor to convert from one type of radio to another. They are just a short cable with a subaru plug on one end and the sort of radio you have at the other. Be carefull and check the subaru plug they are selling is for your model, there are two types. They look similar so check it against your cars diagnostic plug... the diagnostic plugs are the same in all cars but not the radio plugs.

If you want it cheaper though, grab a pair of side cutters and go see your local wreckers and ask if you can snip a plug off the end of a car's loom. Once again, check it is right before you snip.

I just bought one from PK Auto Electrical in Penrose, Auck. It was a bit tricky, cos like log1call said, there are diff varieties of that plug. Before I found the right one, I came across one with 6-2-4 pins, and 1-1-4 pin combinations. The one you're after is 4-1-4.

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  • 3 months later...

hmmm, you wouldnt happen to have an ini file for a 1997 sti? i successfully got the ecu id but it doesnt seem to be too happy playing with the supposed match in the standard ini file, some readings are garbage while others alternate between something sensible and zero...

this is all using the evoscan ssm cable, the evoscan software works very well by the way

i performed a scan with the ssm dump program, but wouldnt have an idea how to quickly figure out which address corresponds to which sensor apart from the obvious method of disconnecting the sensor itself and narrowing it down via trial and error :'(

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