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EJ205 Factory Horsepower

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That is correct, the wrx for V 7,8,9 only made about 230hp.

This was due to the fact that in the final version of the GC8's the was very little HP difference between the STI and plain WRX. Also the V7 was the first model to be officially exported in large numbers to the US and AUS so they had to detune for emissions and again to make the STI stand out.

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 lunchie said:

That is correct, the wrx for V 7,8,9 only made about 230hp.

This was due to the fact that in the final version of the GC8's the was very little HP difference between the STI and plain WRX. Also the V7 was the first model to be officially exported in large numbers to the US and AUS so they had to detune for emissions and again to make the STI stand out.

You might be thinking of the usdm market because I know jdm v7 sti's are round the 280mark similar to the gc8's.

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[quote name='lunchie said:

That is correct, the wrx for V 7,8,9 only made about 230hp.

This was due to the fact that in the final version of the GC8's the was very little HP difference between the STI and plain WRX. Also the V7 was the first model to be officially exported in large numbers to the US and AUS so they had to detune for emissions and again to make the STI stand out.


You might be thinking of the usdm market because I know jdm v7 sti's are round the 280mark similar to the gc8's.

Read the OP again mate, we are not talking about the STI, just the WRX

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Well they are designed for different things, so theres not a lot of point comparing them. Remember the GT version of a legacy is a higher spec model than the basic WRX.

Dont just judge them on their factory output when buying. Go take one for a drive.. if you find it to slow go buy a more powerful model. Different setups deliver power curves so its not always the peak HP/KW figure that matters. :)

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People seem to love applying huge numbers to the PHWOOOOOOOAR feeling you get when you drive 'em. This simply isn't always the case ;D The GD/GG WRX indeed doesn't make many ponies, which is something that we're facing right now as Mum's in the market for one.

Something interesting I heard from the Winger's guys is that verison 8 (specifically) AUTOMATIC WRX (not the manual) made closer to 180kW. Reason is beyond me, but they were fairly insistent that if Mum wanted an auto WRX (as she has a completely stuffed left knee) she should go version 8 as she'd get more bang for her buck.

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Latest STi is 11 ;) Ver10 is still GDB.

And amen to that. The 205 is strong and robust, but obviously no STi. There's a reason there was damn near $15,000 between the WRX and STi (and still is) - easy to forget that. You get extra power and handling goodies for your empty pocket :D

Either way, they are all still miles faster than my EJ20E ;) ;D

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My mate had a totally stock V8 wrx sedan and it easily cracked a flat 6 to 100kms, was a great car, passed SUPER easy and had all the power you would need.

Same again with a V10 2.5 turbo hatch, flat 6 to 100 (timed myself) bit less manic with the flatter torque curve (2ltr are abit more fun in that regard I recken)

But yeah I garrentee that anyone buying a normal v5,6 wrx due to their "higher" hp would still love (maybe even more) the later model stuff.

Gotta also remember that a 200hp car from the mid 90's is NOTHING like a 200hp car from the 2000's

I remember mums 1991 325i, was quoted to make 170hp.

Then she traded it for a 2006 Golf 2ltr FSI (non turbo) and that makes 140hp, thing is tho the golf EATS the bmw for breakfast no questions asked, has HEAPS more torque passes better on the open road, nicer up hills, everything.

So like all the others said, don't be fooled by a seemingly lower power output on the later model stuff.

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It's not really a pen!s competition though, and not about just power. There's also torque, driveablility, handling, reliability and your genuine rapport with the car. Doesn't matter if it's not gutsy as fack if you actually love it. Especially if you're not racing...just carting the whanau around, towing a trailer every now and again, lugging gear around, going on the occasional cruise, getting sh!tty with the idiot going 70 on the open road and 110 up the passing lanes...

All Subarus have their uses. Sure there are be-all-and-end-all models, but what if that's not what you want or need? ;D Trust me, a Legacy is still a great car because there's no real lack of power, and yet, FEATURES. COMFORT. HANDLING. CLASS. Why get rid of it? ;)

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 Shale said:

It's not really a pen!s competition though, and not about just power. There's also torque, driveablility, handling, reliability and your genuine rapport with the car. Doesn't matter if it's not gutsy as fack if you actually love it. Especially if you're not racing...just carting the whanau around, towing a trailer every now and again, lugging gear around, going on the occasional cruise, getting sh!tty with the idiot going 70 on the open road and 110 up the passing lanes...

All Subarus have their uses. Sure there are be-all-and-end-all models, but what if that's not what you want or need? ;D Trust me, a Legacy is still a great car because there's no real lack of power, and yet, FEATURES. COMFORT. HANDLING. CLASS. Why get rid of it? ;)

Yeah you got a point.. And mine comes with best looking Black&Blue Leather interior. :) So makes it pretty comfy.

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Same sorta theme as to why I have my Legacy. Old school, but super comfy and she's so rugged you don't mind throwing crap (including gearboxes, engines and cranes) at the boot ;D When she runs, she makes a whole 135kW and it feels absolutely beastly given the gearbox doesn't know whether it's arthur or martha ;) Is it fast? Hell naw. Is it charasmatic? Amongst the finest!

Full leather BE/BH Legacys are proper cruisers, AND dem Bilsteins. Mmmmmmm handling. Gotta admit, they look and sound very sexy too.

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 pappu said:

135kw is not bad at all on ur old BF GT shale..

think i saw 145 (or 149) on a 2001 BH at the last dyno day...

have u modded it?

my old 1990 BF only managed to crack 119kw shamefully lol.. had 187km on odo...

My old RS (1990) made 160kw on a tdo6 and link. Factory cams sucked apparently but even with 160kw it HAULED, or felt like it did anyway lol

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 Enervated said:

hmm yeah. I just want something fast, compfy and looks&sounds sexy.

well I can tick off the sounds sexy part. :)

v10 wrx.. hotted up with the sti kit and nice wheels

lol there is one parked accross the street from work and by god it looks good!!!

outta interest - anyone in AKL works in the east tamaki area and has a blue v10 wrx with black wheels and sti kit and sti muffler as well?

that thing looks super good

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