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Legacy TS?


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Could anyone give me some info on the Legacy TS? (not the TS-R). It's real hard to find info because im guessing its a JDM version that's been imported. I'm looking at one on trademe and have a couple of questions:

-Is the 2.0L engine the same as the one in the TS-R? i.e. the 150HP 110KW 2.0 DOHC non turbo engine? Are there any known issues with head gasket problems etc? I read a bit about the 2.5 DOHC engine having head gasket issues.

- the seller says recent work was completed on the fuel system. What exactly would they mean by that and what questions shoud I be asking when I go to check the car out? Obviously i'll ask for proof of receipts etc.

Cheers, Luke

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TS-R was the highest spec non turbo. it got the 2.0 DOHC engine and turbo spec trim, interior and exterior. some of the newer TS-R models also got better suspension, but not sure on the specifics there

TS had the same 2.0 DOHC engine, but without the extra interior/exterior trim, mags etc. so it was cheaper. that's pretty much that. mechanically they are the same.

regarding the fuel system, well, it could have had the fuel lines cleaned properly, or it could just have had an injector cleaning product put in the fuel tank. it may have had the filter changed, or the fuel pump replaced, which is something that'd only happen (in this case) if it died. unless your receipt is specific, i suppose you'll never know

and yeah, there's very little information on this spec. its as if they didn't advertise it, in an effort to sell the TSR

Dad had one years ago, it was the first subi i researched. pretty good bang for buck, but the older ones at least are pretty thirsty

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 kamineko said:

TS-R was the highest spec non turbo. it got the 2.0 DOHC engine and turbo spec trim, interior and exterior. some of the newer TS-R models also got better suspension, but not sure on the specifics there

TS had the same 2.0 DOHC engine, but without the extra interior/exterior trim, mags etc. so it was cheaper. that's pretty much that. mechanically they are the same.

regarding the fuel system, well, it could have had the fuel lines cleaned properly, or it could just have had an injector cleaning product put in the fuel tank. it may have had the filter changed, or the fuel pump replaced, which is something that'd only happen (in this case) if it died. unless your receipt is specific, i suppose you'll never know

and yeah, there's very little information on this spec. its as if they didn't advertise it, in an effort to sell the TSR

Dad had one years ago, it was the first subi i researched. pretty good bang for buck, but the older ones at least are pretty thirsty

Oh wow. Thanks man that cleared things up.

Thirsty as in gas guzzling? This ones advertised as a 96 on the auction, but carjam says 95.

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 Jakee said:

The BGs TS-Rs suck as hard as the turbos do

Average open road consumption of my 99' B4 TT is around the same if not better than my old 96 TSR.

And yes, TS is good basic wagon. Same running gear as TSR without the fancy bits. Had one for a work wagon, performed perfectly until someone in a Surf with bullbars decided to rear-end it.

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Okay, I didn't know about this fuel consumption thing. So you guys are saying it might not be too suitable for a poor uni student?

It's pretty funny someone mentioned a honda civic, as my last car which I just sold was a 1.3L civic. Hahahahah

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well i'm not TOO fussed about fuel efficiency, as i live in Dunedin and everywheres just a 5 minute drive. It's no where near as far to get to places compared to living in Auckland last year.

I'm more looking for a little bit more power than my 1.3L civic that had about 98 bhp... these legacys have about 150 bhp right? I'm looking to use it to drive from Dunedin to queenstown and wanaka and back, with my snowboard and stuff. Not to mention the space for 3 other people to come with me. So i should be able to make it there and most of the way back on a single tank right? Not going to be too heavy footed

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Yeah, they're (N/A subarus) really economical around 80-90kph in my dads bg7 I drove from murchison to westport using a 1/4 of a tank of gas (thats a 2.2l aswell) about 100ks on the windy gorge, my dad drove back and used 1/2 a tank of gas with his lead foot, just shows how the heavier your foot, the lighter your wallet xD

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well it's either this TS, or a honda ascot innova. the honda's done twice as many kms (nearly 200k) but just as well looked after. Going to check out both tomorrow and make a cheeky offer on each

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Obviously they arent the best for a city runaround being full time awd and long wheel base. But very verstile for everything else. Fit loads in them, sleep in them as long as you arent over 6ft tall, good on rough roads and snow yet comfortable on long trips.

Note the TS has dull un-bolstered from seat, chuck in a cheap set of TSR/GTB/WRX seats if you dont fancy being throw out of your seat everytime you hit a twisty peice of road. :D

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Haha I'm 6'1" but I've slept in my civic hatch before :o

Yea I really like WRX seats. Also I was wondering if it's possible to put the MOMO steering wheels that come in impreza's and TS-Rs in the TS? Would it require any cert or anything because I assume there's an airbag in the stock one. Those momo steering wheels have always been attractive to me for some reason..

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Well, the guys in the states do theirs every 100k MILES... Which is about 160k in propper terms... So its really up to you. Allow about 800-1000 for cam belt kit with labour, or hit up your local subie specialists and for about 2 grand get the full 100k service, which does gearbox and diff fluids sparkplugs and other bits and pieces too. if you are mechanically minded, easy enough to do yourself...

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I done my brothers at 150,000 km BUT YMMV I would suggest 100,000 km or there abouts( would not let it go to 110,000) and yup about a grand if done properly ( this includes belt,tensioner,idlers,waterpump,seals and accessory belts) then you can add for things like tappet cover seals,spark plugs and other bits and pieces :)

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