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My battery went flat now my motor is locked up


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Can some one help me out i have a 96 wrx ra and my battery died then wen I charged it it wouldn\'t start and when I try roll starting it the wheels just lock up what would be causing this problem

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Lol, the commas were trying to list.

I was pointing out that he could have the handbrake on.

Or be using the wrong gear.

Or if he\'s used the foot brakes with the car off, it\'s likely that they\'ve seized on. Because no oil pumping through brake booster or something like that, so they just stay on.

Not quite sure the exact physics of it, but that\'s something how it works.

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 94 Leone said:

Or if he\'s used the foot brakes with the car off, it\'s likely that they\'ve seized on. Because no oil pumping through brake booster or something like that, so they just stay on.

Not quite sure the exact physics of it, but that\'s something how it works.

I repeat Marky, what?

Oil doesn\'t pump through the brake booster, it\'s vacuum actuated on Subarus...

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[quote name='94 Leone said:

Or if he\'s used the foot brakes with the car off, it\'s likely that they\'ve seized on. Because no oil pumping through brake booster or something like that, so they just stay on.

Not quite sure the exact physics of it, but that\'s something how it works.


I repeat Marky, what?

Oil doesn\'t pump through the brake booster, it\'s vacuum actuated on Subarus...

And if it\'s vacuum actuated then with the motor off it won\'t retract, it\'ll let you push the brakes on, but not release.

Thus why when towing a car, use handbrake rather than foot brake in second vehicle to slow down. I may be looking like a total ar$e but meh.

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 94 Leone']

[quote name='94 Leone said:

Or if he\'s used the foot brakes with the car off, it\'s likely that they\'ve seized on. Because no oil pumping through brake booster or something like that, so they just stay on.

Not quite sure the exact physics of it, but that\'s something how it works.


I repeat Marky, what?

Oil doesn\'t pump through the brake booster, it\'s vacuum actuated on Subarus...

And if it\'s vacuum actuated then with the motor off it won\'t retract, it\'ll let you push the brakes on, but not release.

Thus why when towing a car, use handbrake rather than foot brake in second vehicle to slow down. I may be looking like a total ar$e but meh.

I thought being young made you invincible not unintelligent.

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Fool level = over 9000

Haha... ehh.

I hate it when you hear some vague peice of information and it sounds feasible: so you go on beleiving it...

Bahaha; happy to be comic relief.

Anywho: has OP sorted problem, or are we just gonna beat up on the green 17 year old with zero form of formal mechanical education? ::)

Haha lol I look really retarded in this thread lol

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I\'m 17 with little mechanical knowledge, maybe I should remove myself also :|

On the other hand, thing with the brakes being locked up. How can you crash start it if you can\'t get it to move in the first place? Someone didn\'t think that one through.. Maybe it\'s just a coincidence that maybe the centre diff has shit itself or something like that? Unless they\'ve got the great idea to try do it in first..

Feel sorry for the fella pushing it.. Face + rear window hahahah

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It should roll or you should be able to roll the car so if you cant AND you have handbrake off, in neutral then you have some other problem.

Id be jumping it to see if it starts. The rear discs could be stuck on even with the handbrake off. They do that sometimes if its been wet. At least my last two wrxs have done it periodically if sitting for a couple days after rain.

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