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COBB AccessPort Question


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Hey all,

Just been spending the night hunting around for a draft list of upgrades for my (future) Impreza STi and I came across a few people on NASIOC forums recommending COBB AccessPort as an upgrade.



Just wondering whether anyone has experience with using/owning one of these and whether you would recommend?

I am a novice when it comes to the really technical stuff that the AccessPort seems to deal with, and I\'m skeptical as to whether I would need this if I plan on having the car professionally tuned anyway... Plus, these things are like $700+ to get in from USA, so I want to know that it will be worth it.

All feedback appreciated! Cheers ;D

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 chappell943 said:

The accessport can only be used with Amercian wrx\'s and sti\'s and will not work on the cars over here unfortunately.

Are you sure ::)

I bet it will work with anything OBDII and could be a nifty gadget

but Stoffa has it in 1 hit, there are more economical options

edit :



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ok maybe not

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nope cobb does not support any JDM/NZ/AUS WRX/STI Models.

What you need is this


and this


Total $300, + $150 for the wideband sensor to be welded if not a diy job.

Then get a tune i reccomend you contact this man http://www.flashtune.co.nz/ great guy, helpfull and affordable street tune, $350.

Total cost $800. And if stock turbo vf30/22 etc 220kw* round about.

Or buy a link $1400, + $600 for a tune on a dyno,... (estimation)

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what model car is it for?

Looking at getting a 2003 - 2005 STi

[quote name='Disruptz said:

Or buy a link $1400, + $600 for a tune on a dyno,... (estimation)

Sorry, whats this \'link\' thing that you say will cost $1,400?

size=2]Thanks for all your answers/feedback so far guys![/size]

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link are favoured by 99% on new zealands tuners, awesome world class product made in NZ and if you have issues they\'re get to deal with over the phone.

$1400 would probably be a second hand one, by suggestion would be a reflash on your factory ecu, where do you live and we can recommend a tuner.

You whole process should start by talking with a tuner and dont get hung up on chasing big power, maybe go for a drive in a car with 200kw and see what you think.

you should be able to get that easy enough with an exhaust and a reflash

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 kwi_fozze said:

The standard ecu can support quite a high level of tuning, and have just as much, if not more tunability than a link, at MUCH less cost

standard ecu can do everything that a link can do now that the standard ecu 2001+ wrx/sti has been unlocked/hacked.

If you go the tactrix/evoscan cable (evoscan also made in nz) you must get the wideband sensor.

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 Stoffa said:

$1400 would probably be a second hand one, by suggestion would be a reflash on your factory ecu, where do you live and we can recommend a tuner.

You whole process should start by talking with a tuner and dont get hung up on chasing big power, maybe go for a drive in a car with 200kw and see what you think.

you should be able to get that easy enough with an exhaust and a reflash

Ah, if you guys could recommend a tuner that\'d be perfect! I live in Auckland.

I\'m not trying to chase massive gains in kw, I will just have the money left over (by the looks of things) and want to look into some small mods to add some performance and keep me happy. Building a mad performance racing uber machine has never been on the agenda - I don\'t have that much money! :P

So far I\'m wanting to upgrade:

  • Exhaust system to a turbo-back
  • Kartboy short throw shifter and bushings combo
  • K&N Typhoon short ram intake kit
  • Perrin lightweight pulleys
  • Dyno tune!

Also, maybe the Perrin belt and radiator covers for a bit of bling because they look so damn cool ::)


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Seems like you spend a lot of time looking at American websites... forget perrin et el... there\'s plenty of Japanese stuff you can get in place of the American stuff. Also, when you actually get a car, I suggest you save your pennies for petrol, good tyres, clutch replacement, WOF,

rego, frequent oil and filter changes, brake pads, rotors and fluid... can\'t image at 18 you are going to need any performance upgrades for a while.

edit: oh, and insurance!

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Seems like you spend a lot of time looking at American websites... forget perrin et el... there\'s plenty of Japanese stuff you can get in place of the American stuff

I\'m sure there is, but maybe my Google prefers to spit out American results for me :P Care to elaborate/enlighten?

[quote name='loner said:

Also, when you actually get a car, I suggest you save your pennies for petrol, good tyres, clutch replacement, WOF,

rego, frequent oil and filter changes, brake pads, rotors and fluid... can\'t image at 18 you are going to need any performance upgrades for a while.

I don\'t see how age should mean that I don\'t need to upgrade my vehicle? 8) Nonetheless, the upgrades I want for the most part aren\'t i]serious performance[/i] upgrades. I\'ll have money to keep the car serviced etc. but I just want to put some money into the car to improve its drive performance at the outset.

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[quote name='Stoffa said:

$1400 would probably be a second hand one, by suggestion would be a reflash on your factory ecu, where do you live and we can recommend a tuner.

You whole process should start by talking with a tuner and dont get hung up on chasing big power, maybe go for a drive in a car with 200kw and see what you think.

you should be able to get that easy enough with an exhaust and a reflash


Ah, if you guys could recommend a tuner that\'d be perfect! I live in Auckland.

I\'m not trying to chase massive gains in kw, I will just have the money left over (by the looks of things) and want to look into some small mods to add some performance and keep me happy. Building a mad performance racing uber machine has never been on the agenda - I don\'t have that much money! :P

So far I\'m wanting to upgrade:

  • Exhaust system to a turbo-back
  • Kartboy short throw shifter and bushings combo
  • K&N Typhoon short ram intake kit
  • Perrin lightweight pulleys
  • Dyno tune!

Also, maybe the Perrin belt and radiator covers for a bit of bling because they look so damn cool ::)

http://www.flashtune.co.nz/ reccomended tuner on factory computer mate, give him a call,

nice car btw 8)

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To be fair the U.S. stuff, Perrin and the like do all seem to be on the pricey side and not often used over here in NZ for some reason. Possibly due to the wealth of Japanese goodness we have on tap that the U.S. guys would part with there Pee pee to have :D. If you want to be different the U.S. often used brands are a good way to go.

However if you don\'t want that sort of wallet rape find a local company who has a good range or good import sources and use them. Personally I think SUBWORX have a good range of people to import from and Glenn is great to deal with, hes a forum member on here.

Any of the club sponsors could help you out im sure if you know what you want...

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Seems like you spend a lot of time looking at American websites... forget perrin et el... there\'s plenty of Japanese stuff you can get in place of the American stuff

I\'m sure there is, but maybe my Google prefers to spit out American results for me :P Care to elaborate/enlighten?

[quote name='loner said:

Also, when you actually get a car, I suggest you save your pennies for petrol, good tyres, clutch replacement, WOF,

rego, frequent oil and filter changes, brake pads, rotors and fluid... can\'t image at 18 you are going to need any performance upgrades for a while.


I don\'t see how age should mean that I don\'t need to upgrade my vehicle? 8) Nonetheless, the upgrades I want for the most part aren\'t serious performance upgrades. I\'ll have money to keep the car serviced etc. but I just want to put some money into the car to improve its drive performance at the outset.

There\'s loads of Jap stuff and some good aussie stuff even...

As for your age... don\'t take it all personal and shit, but I would never let my kid have an STi at 18...

it\'s stupid and dangerous.

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http://www.flashtune.co.nz/ reccomended tuner on factory computer mate, give him a call,

Thanks man!

To be fair the U.S. stuff, Perrin and the like do all seem to be on the pricey side and not often used over here in NZ for some reason. Possibly due to the wealth of Japanese goodness we have on tap that the U.S. guys would part with there Pee pee to have :D. If you want to be different the U.S. often used brands are a good way to go.

However if you don\'t want that sort of wallet rape find a local company who has a good range or good import sources and use them. Personally I think SUBWORX have a good range of people to import from and Glenn is great to deal with, hes a forum member on here.

Any of the club sponsors could help you out im sure if you know what you want...

Hmm, yeah well I suppose a point is that trawling through US stuff is easy at first because there\'s a lot of stuff out there and you can at least get a grasp of what you roughly want before you really start shopping around for your best options (ie. cheaper). If you get what I mean...

I am not familiar with the best brands to look for when looking for/ordering parts in NZ, but with ClubSub\'s help I shall get there!

There\'s loads of Jap stuff and some good aussie stuff even...

Yeah, I know of GFB (Aussie), but not really any decent Jap brands to look into... I think...

[quote name='loner said:

As for your age... don\'t take it all personal and s***, but I would never let my kid have an STi at 18...

it\'s stupid and dangerous.

Not taken personally at all :)

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Seems like you spend a lot of time looking at American websites... forget perrin et el... there\'s plenty of Japanese stuff you can get in place of the American stuff

I\'m sure there is, but maybe my Google prefers to spit out American results for me :P Care to elaborate/enlighten?

[quote name='loner said:

Also, when you actually get a car, I suggest you save your pennies for petrol, good tyres, clutch replacement, WOF,

rego, frequent oil and filter changes, brake pads, rotors and fluid... can\'t image at 18 you are going to need any performance upgrades for a while.


I don\'t see how age should mean that I don\'t need to upgrade my vehicle? 8) Nonetheless, the upgrades I want for the most part aren\'t serious performance upgrades. I\'ll have money to keep the car serviced etc. but I just want to put some money into the car to improve its drive performance at the outset.

There\'s loads of Jap stuff and some good aussie stuff even...

As for your age... don\'t take it all personal and s***, but I would never let my kid have an STi at 18...

it\'s stupid and dangerous.

Just make sure you give them good sex education and they use condoms then.

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