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trying to find a turbo back exhaust for '01 Legacy RSK B4


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Hey all, so I\'m looking for a new exhaust. Unfortunately I cant seem to find any full turbo-back exhaust systems anywhere on the market. Does anyone know of anyone who makes them, or someone on here who would be interested in making one?

My legacy is the twin turbo setup aswell.

I\'m based in auckland if that helps.

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Autobend / Rage make them off the shelf

Failling that there\'s a secondhand set on trademe and subaruspeed.co.nz had one on there a couple weeks ago when I last looked

The downpipes are the same for BG and BE - the Y pipe bit onwards is slightly different (so one won\'t just bolt up to the other) but it would be much cheaper tham making from scratch

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 Marky said:

Autobend / Rage make them off the shelf

Failling that there\'s a secondhand set on trademe and subaruspeed.co.nz had one on there a couple weeks ago when I last looked

The downpipes are the same for BG and BE - the Y pipe bit onwards is slightly different (so one won\'t just bolt up to the other) but it would be much cheaper tham making from scratch

Thanks for that mate, I\'ll go hit up rage about it.

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 ADIKT said:

correct me if im wrong, but I read somewhere - yonks ago. not to change down pipes on the TT\'s.

They said - changing the downpipes could cause it to overspool ?

Same as knocking the guts out of cats causes similar issues but not so extravagant from what Ive heard.

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Seems to be the case - as with any car - if you remove the restriction, boost will rise

Problem is that too many munters just went "oh sweet 18psi" - then did nothing to try and drop it - and blew sh!t up

For what its worth (mines not a great example cause I fck with things) but when I tried the factory boost control again after having both cats out (and the other bits I\'ve messed with) it did see upwards of 18/20psi on pri/sec - I didn\'t push my luck but gives an idea I guess

100% improves things across the board though - not earth shattering hold my beer I need both hands kinda fast but a difference you notice anyway

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 Marky said:

100% improves things across the board though - not earth shattering hold my beer I need both hands kinda fast but a difference you notice anyway

Hannah this guy is gold!! Ever considered stand up comedy as a hobby bro... U\'d be good

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 nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.

Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Do some more research. if your going to go to that extent. bin the TT setup and go single turbo. will be a hell of a lot cheaper and far better gains to be had.
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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Do some more research. if your going to go to that extent. bin the TT setup and go single turbo. will be a hell of a lot cheaper and far better gains to be had.

I guess so... If I\'m going to go nuts I should really build a new EJ20 aswell lol. Fix some of the major issues with EJ20\'s (like the oil feed running through the engine that is TO SMALL), better bearings bunch of other shit too. good bye 3k lol

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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Do some more research. if your going to go to that extent. bin the TT setup and go single turbo. will be a hell of a lot cheaper and far better gains to be had.

I guess so... If I\'m going to go nuts I should really build a new EJ20 aswell lol. Fix some of the major issues with EJ20\'s (like the oil feed running through the engine that is TO SMALL), better bearings bunch of other s*** too. good bye 3k lol

well don\'t go fixing what not broken lol. blow this engine up first :P
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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Do some more research. if your going to go to that extent. bin the TT setup and go single turbo. will be a hell of a lot cheaper and far better gains to be had.

I guess so... If I\'m going to go nuts I should really build a new EJ20 aswell lol. Fix some of the major issues with EJ20\'s (like the oil feed running through the engine that is TO SMALL), better bearings bunch of other s*** too. good bye 3k lol

well don\'t go fixing what not broken lol. blow this engine up first :P

Point is to go buy another engine, build that one up to be \'mostly\' bullet proof. once I\'ve done that wind that boost up on the old one and kaboom!

I\'m just kidding would probably use it as a spare lol. In any case thats what I would do. I\'ve had two mechanics who believe the big end is on its way out anyway. Yet my old man (also mechanic used to be in air force as mechanic), believe its tappers as it only does it in first gear while under minimal load.

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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Your advice is trying to sell you stuff

You dont need an electronic controller - if anything the TT setup tends to confuse the %$#% out of them anyway unless you buy a big dollar one (which is still a waste). Mine runs a rock steady whateverpsi I want it to (dyno sheet is up here somewhere) just via a simple bleed valve OR can use the factory setup with the restrictor opened up if you want

You need a retune for downpipes in the same way of thinking you need a retune for a new exhaust / air filter / whatever - to get the most gain from it yes, but you will see improvements in spool up, reduction in the VOD, less gas usage and more power all over

Opening up the exhaust is one of the few changes to a car you can do which will at the same time make more power, improve economy and make it "safer" - less back pressure means less likelihood of det, safer motor

The whole "overspooling the primary" thing has been talked about with the early TT\'s which to be fair have grenades for turbos anyway - the primarys on them seem to be made of glass at the best of times and asking more of them blows them up faster.

As for twin vs single - said it before, buy a wrx - you\'ll get far far more value and performance out of picking up a V5/6/7 than you will from sinking cash into a B4 - but that\'s your call to make

(Put it this way - if you have say 15psi on primary now - and then open up the exhaust/downpipes and still run 15psi - what is being "overspooled")

tl;dr I say do it but it\'s not my car or money

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[quote name='nickmcgill said:

I\'ve also been told not to touch the primary turbo cat anyway as it overspools and does bad things.


Yeah so I got some advice, and basically if I do this (which I will LOL), I basically need a EBC, and need to retune the ECU. I\'m still happy to do this. I like the twin turbo setup somewhat, but at some point I will replace both turbo\'s for aftermarket versions which means I should be able to get rid of that boost lag spot between 4-5k RPM

Your advice is trying to sell you stuff

You dont need an electronic controller - if anything the TT setup tends to confuse the %$#% out of them anyway unless you buy a big dollar one (which is still a waste). Mine runs a rock steady whateverpsi I want it to (dyno sheet is up here somewhere) just via a simple bleed valve OR can use the factory setup with the restrictor opened up if you want

You need a retune for downpipes in the same way of thinking you need a retune for a new exhaust / air filter / whatever - to get the most gain from it yes, but you will see improvements in spool up, reduction in the VOD, less gas usage and more power all over

Opening up the exhaust is one of the few changes to a car you can do which will at the same time make more power, improve economy and make it "safer" - less back pressure means less likelihood of det, safer motor

The whole "overspooling the primary" thing has been talked about with the early TT\'s which to be fair have grenades for turbos anyway - the primarys on them seem to be made of glass at the best of times and asking more of them blows them up faster.

As for twin vs single - said it before, buy a wrx - you\'ll get far far more value and performance out of picking up a V5/6/7 than you will from sinking cash into a B4 - but that\'s your call to make

(Put it this way - if you have say 15psi on primary now - and then open up the exhaust/downpipes and still run 15psi - what is being "overspooled")

tl;dr I say do it but it\'s not my car or money

Yeah, I get the point getting more \'power\' from a V 5/6/7 but I honestly dont like them. I like the B4 because A. It\'s stealthy as all bother compared to its cousin the WRX... B. The B4 is WAY nicer on longer drives lol

I think I honestly might just stick to doing the exhaust, bigger y pipe from the turbo\'s back. Then I\'ll likely make up a custom exhaust from there.

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Sorry mang I don\'t mean to come off all arrogant (which I know I do)

Best value for $ is to go single, ultimately - but your call there - as for the exhaust just keep an eye out, no need to custom make anything when you can pick it up cheap enough second hand.

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I borrowed a lateish BG GTB manual for a couple of weeks while I owned one of my liberos. It was pretty awesome in any application did a few long trips and loved it. Had a real short shift just a temperamental synchro in 3rd on the upshift. Awesome quick car for 3k with low kms and hell tidy. They have the nicest throb out of any of the unequal length headers. The whole TT crap under the bonnet scared me off tho and the fact every second car is an early legy on the road up here. Legacy def a good sleeper though but I could never justify it when you can get a tidy sti for little more in this day and age.

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