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Redline performance semi tunned headers


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i run stainless headers and there a faint hint of rumble at idle but if you wernt looking you wouldnt pick an ej sound like a silvia more though ,anyway mine are from the mcphail group kain was his name only problem i had was oil filter clearance have to use a lf3079 or 3034 cant remember and use real mls gaskets i blew 3 sets of composite ones before i changed them i think it was just the expantion between the alloy and stainless,also beware they can hang low my car isnt very low but the manifold is ,luckily its inbetween the wheel area to dont have to worry much, and brace the up pipe on the factory mounts because of the steel oil feed line doesnt like to flex much i cant find a pic of my ones havent seen another set like them anyway what ones were you looking at?

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 bc5rs said:

i run stainless headers and there a faint hint of rumble at idle but if you wernt looking you wouldnt pick an ej sound like a silvia more though ,anyway mine are from the mcphail group kain was his name only problem i had was oil filter clearance have to use a lf3079 or 3034 cant remember and use real mls gaskets i blew 3 sets of composite ones before i changed them i think it was just the expantion between the alloy and stainless,also beware they can hang low my car isnt very low but the manifold is ,luckily its inbetween the wheel area to dont have to worry much, and brace the up pipe on the factory mounts because of the steel oil feed line doesnt like to flex much i cant find a pic of my ones havent seen another set like them anyway what ones were you looking at?

Thats redlines mothership so yep theyre redline and there is semi and tuned which explains the slight rumble. Filter in normal terms would be a Z436.

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[quote name='bc5rs said:

i run stainless headers and there a faint hint of rumble at idle but if you wernt looking you wouldnt pick an ej sound like a silvia more though ,anyway mine are from the mcphail group kain was his name only problem i had was oil filter clearance have to use a lf3079 or 3034 cant remember and use real mls gaskets i blew 3 sets of composite ones before i changed them i think it was just the expantion between the alloy and stainless,also beware they can hang low my car isnt very low but the manifold is ,luckily its inbetween the wheel area to dont have to worry much, and brace the up pipe on the factory mounts because of the steel oil feed line doesnt like to flex much i cant find a pic of my ones havent seen another set like them anyway what ones were you looking at?


Thats redlines mothership so yep theyre redline and there is semi and tuned which explains the slight rumble. Filter in normal terms would be a Z436.

yeah the fleetgaurd opne is the onlyone that is short enough

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 bc5rs said:

i run stainless headers and there a faint hint of rumble at idle but if you wernt looking you wouldnt pick an ej sound like a silvia more though ,anyway mine are from the mcphail group kain was his name only problem i had was oil filter clearance have to use a lf3079 or 3034 cant remember and use real mls gaskets i blew 3 sets of composite ones before i changed them i think it was just the expantion between the alloy and stainless,also beware they can hang low my car isnt very low but the manifold is ,luckily its inbetween the wheel area to dont have to worry much, and brace the up pipe on the factory mounts because of the steel oil feed line doesnt like to flex much i cant find a pic of my ones havent seen another set like them anyway what ones were you looking at?

Cheers for the input, they seem cheap enough so maybe worth a try see how long they last, if you run a flexi joint and mount them properly should they be ok? Or is it more the heat that is the problem with them?

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theres a flexi in the up pipe already i just had the turbo oil feed pipe bend on me and spray nice gold oil over everything i recomend wrappin the up pipe twice for good measure ive had mine for 3 years now ,wrap the othe pipes to just keep in mint that road debris will slowly take it off i made a small sheild on the bc5 for it though , theres no problem with them ive had other than my filter issue

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they are rubbish, mine leaked at the doughnut joint and replaced twice, and they just cracked and blew a massive hole near where they bolt onto the heads :/


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 DXROLLA said:

As title say has any one used them? Seem pritty well priced, much of a performance upgrade?

Main reason im looking for some aftermarket ones is the factory ones weigh a tonne :o

For the $900 that the redline ones cost why not spend a couple hundred more and get something proven to be good from one of these manufacturers.



I have heard very good things from the Tomei ones and their results from dyno testing are available on their website.


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The "$900" headers you are talking about that Redline sell would be the SSI ones. These are VERY good.

Interestingly, SSI make the headers for Tomei (and some other brands), so the extra couple of hundered you are paying for them is to cover that fancy metal badge that is stuck on them :) (and the roll of heat wrap I guess)

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 Tony said:

The "$900" headers you are talking about that Redline sell would be the SSI ones. These are VERY good.

Interestingly, SSI make the headers for Tomei (and some other brands), so the extra couple of hundered you are paying for them is to cover that fancy metal badge that is stuck on them :) (and the roll of heat wrap I guess)

If that is all correct then I would say the SSI ones are probably very good as you say, however I have worked within the electronics retail industry for long enough and heard enough stories of which brand actually makes the panels for which other brands tv etc to be dubious of this sort of thing

I am not saying you are lying or anything of the sort, but simply saying that when I want "A" I buy "A" rather than buying "B" which I have been told is made by the same guys that make "A"

Maybe not the cheapest way to do things but I know with greater certainty that the credentials of my product are genuine.

Again, not saying that SSI don\'t make the Tomei ones, just saying it would be hard to verify that with regards to the exact model/make/specs in question

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Yeah for sure, I fully get where you\'re coming from. Maybe they are in fact "built to Tomei\'s specs" etc and are different to the other SSI ones, but they are made by SSI. I have seen some Tomei headers in person and they still have the SSI logo stampings on them (you can even see them in that pic you posted - on the head flanges, and under the up-pipe flange). Either way, both types do their job well, its just up the buyers to make their minds up, and a lot of the time, (especially in my job) budget dictates the outcome of which parts are chosen.

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 Tony said:

Yeah for sure, I fully get where you\'re coming from. Maybe they are in fact "built to Tomei\'s specs" etc and are different to the other SSI ones, but they are made by SSI. I have seen some Tomei headers in person and they still have the SSI logo stampings on them (you can even see them in that pic you posted - on the head flanges, and under the up-pipe flange). Either way, both types do their job well, its just up the buyers to make their minds up, and a lot of the time, (especially in my job) budget dictates the outcome of which parts are chosen.

Well put mate, I would still probably steer towards the tomei ones just because I know even if SSI makes them the design of the tomei ones is an extremely effective one with lots of dyno plots to back it up. As in even though SSI makes them (the tomei ones) SSI may not use that same design for their own or other branded headers you know?

However it is still great to learn that SSI sounds like a brand to be trusted, as previously I knew them more as a distributor rather than a maker of parts.

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