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Getting out of old cars, need some help guys :)


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I didn't mean based as in its an evolution, i meant they carried over the Spec C suspension set up to the regular STI's cause it was so good.

By comparison, legacy's handle like ****... :P

The Spec c was a fantastic car, very capable and quick, but the fastest car i've ever been in is still a blown 454 Torana SLR!

How's that for 20/20 vision? :D

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Guest Fastfour
 DPI said:

Maybe, although, as far as road going versions go, i still maintain the V7 Spec C RA will eat a V8 or V9 Spec c any day, it just comes down to physics, Heavier equals slower...and they never go any more power either (untill the V10 Spec C Type RA-R), and that weighed in at 1500kg plus.

I'd disagree there. My car would eat Pauls car any day of the week ending in Y. And thats not smack talk, thats the truth. haha

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Richard Mason recently made a comment in a rally forum that he tossed up going to a GC8 for the 09 championship and running it in the open class - as it would be quicker than his V10... However I think the combination of going to an older car (he is partially supported by Subaru NZ) and also trying to get hold of all the various nice WRC parts to go in it were what stopped him.

That and its not really level playing ground winning the NZ Rally Championship using an old open class car with a bigger restrictor, rather than competing in a Group N car like Paddon. Plus it would have restricted him on what other events he could enter, ie Rally Oz this year and Rally NZ next year - as there is no FIA class for the car.

I notice there is a couple of V7s that have been for sale for a long time now on Trademe (Rally cars that is) and they dont seem to be getting snapped up. I have also seen a V7 with a full V10 kit on it, that did sell. I think alot of it with the NZ championship is like Koom says - homologated parts for later models are better and there is always the image for the sponsors and fans. Weight doesnt seem to play a huge part, as the cars are always weighing in at WELL over their homologated weights at Scrutineering... Which of course does seem to contradict the normal less is better rule - but you do have to remember you arent allowed to pull much weight out of any model anyway as you have to use factory panels etc.

Personally, I would suggest a V7 would make a very good base as a rally car as they have so many stronger parts over earlier models - so if you were building your own rally car it would be a good place to start. But if your competing in Group N I dont think its worth doing.

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I'm going to speak up as another V7 RA Spec C owner, but without all the smack talk ;)

I'm going to assume that you're like me here. Relatively novice performance driver, likes to go to the track but only manages to do so very irregularly, usually drives the car as a daily driver in town to work, occasionally likes to let loose on a deserted public road at night.

If you want to do all of this in a quiet, comfortable car, get a V8. End of story.

You can also do all of this in a V8 that has a piddly little fuel tank, lots of open road noise and tire roar, no boot carpet, harder seats, no remote boot release, no airbags. When you drive non-car people around as passengers, you will find yourself having to make excuses why it's so noisy and raw, and if they drive it, you'll have to warn them that the steering is a really tight ratio so be careful. Such a V8 is called a V7 Type RA Spec C. BUT you will also have several thousand dollars worth of saved money in your pocket, or you will have a V8 STi caning monster because you spent all the savings on a full 3" exhaust, reflash, some semislick road legal tires, and possibly some coilovers. This of course will all be a complete waste of money, because as a novice driver you never had enough testicles to take a V8 STi to its handling limits on a public road, much less a modified V7 Type RA Spec C.

Now, the reverse. You're a lover of fast cars. You understand them, you relish the feel of chassis balance through the tactile surface of the c0ckpit, and you fulfil your urges by going to regular track days. You take your V8 STi to the track, and have a lot of fun until you notice that it rolls a bit in corners, understeers a bit, and that a hot blonde chick in the modified Evo 7 keeps passing you. Too bad, you spent your money on sound deadening, comfy seats, electric windows and a computerised differential.

Or you could rock on up to the track in a modified V7 Type RA Spec C, spank the blonde chick as you come up her tailpipe while taking her from behind.... ;D

Of course, if you have enough money, then all this becomes irrelevant as you can modify any car to get rid of its weaknesses and make it the way you like. The sky is the limit, but conversely I think using the success of $1m WRC cars as a way to argue the benefits of factory cars is pretty stupid.

The fact is that as the owner of a modified V7 Type RA Spec C, given then choice again between a V8 and a V7 Type RA Spec C, I would go for a V8 Spec C or a V9.

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Having pulled all the models to bits, i can see where all these arguments about geometry being updated are coming from... although there is much overlap that has been overlooked

Underneath: a v7 sti c is identical to a v8 sti c. So any differnece between them will not be in geometry. Only setup or engine.

Underneath: v9=10 and got better front knuckles/hubs, 10mm wider track and the subframes were a bit stronger.

There was also overlap going from c spec stuff the previous year put into standard sti gear the following year

Personally I prefer my car. It's a GC8 that weighs at least 200kg less than a GD, and ive upgraded to v7/8 sti c running gear. Unfortunately it is not as stiff but that can be overcome!

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 Optical said:

Personally I prefer my car. It's a GC8 that weighs at least 200kg less than a GD, and ive upgraded to v7/8 sti c running gear. Unfortunately it is not as stiff but that can be overcome!

v8 sti motor and drivetrain in my case but wouldnt have it any different much lighter than the whale of gdbs ;) hahah

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