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91 gas... not screwing up my car?!


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Im confuseded..

Last weekend i put 91 gas into my twinturbo legacy by accident. (yes, im stupid, i know) I didnt realise until the tank was already half full, i blame the stupid names they give gas that makes it confusing.. Anyway i was pissed because i know you aren't supposed to use 91 and i was expecting it to run terribly. It was a bit gutless on a hill right after i filled it, And it feels like there might be a slight performance decrease overall (as it should i guess) / engine feels a tiny bit rougher.. but thats it. No pinking, backfiring, jolts, poor idle, anything.. nothing really significant at all.. it still goes alright and even the mileage im getting seems normal..

Whats going on? I remember a thread on here where a dude got yelled at by everyone on here for using 91 until he told them he had a Link in his car, because its supposed to be so bad.. Perhaps ive uncovered a conspiracy where all our gas is really the same octane and premium is just a ripoff? idk. Im kinda feeling a bit disappointed that premium isnt really so premium after all. Has his happened to anyone else? and no, im not intending to use 91 from now on, its not worth wrecking an engine over.

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id say more of a long term thing, have you been driving your car hard, using full boost lots etc? i dont think it really matters for getting to work and back but i def wouldnt recommend it for any prolonged period of time

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So if its such a conspiracy, why don't you continue to use it? Take it for a thrash, tow a trailer for a while and see how good 91 really is....

Of course your car is still going to run on it, it's just not going to do good things once your engine gets hot and you get some boost up it. Or I could be part of the conspiracy of making you pay more so that it doesn't take as much to clean up the gulf and run wars etc.

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Maybe run it for a few months, with full boost gear changes regularly then whip your pistons out and check the ring landings. They will tell a different story. ;)

For the most part you probably wouldn't notice massive differences, but your car will definitely detonate more when under load which will put stress on pretty much all of your engine, but mostly your pistons and bottom end.

If you drive your car like a nana you'll be fine, but lets face it, who has a turbo and drives like a nana all the time.

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ok confession time

I have been living on 91 for years

my car is high Ks turbo and gets driven hard, often up to and above 14psi (factory cut at 14.7 that feels like chucking an anchor out the back) and I have not had any major breakages in the 6 years Ive owned her. I will admit with 98 she runs better (boost cut comes faster) but not enough to go the extra $. I think if you spent big money on a flash late model car then yea probably stick to the 98 but my old girl just guzzles it no matter what so i'll stick to the cheap stuff. well untill I put a better engine in then I will reassess.

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 spicyHam said:

Im confuseded..

Last weekend i put 91 gas into my twinturbo legacy by accident. (yes, im stupid, i know) I didnt realise until the tank was already half full, i blame the stupid names they give gas that makes it confusing.. Anyway i was pissed because i know you aren't supposed to use 91 and i was expecting it to run terribly. It was a bit gutless on a hill right after i filled it, And it feels like there might be a slight performance decrease overall (as it should i guess) / engine feels a tiny bit rougher.. but thats it. No pinking, backfiring, jolts, poor idle, anything.. nothing really significant at all.. it still goes alright and even the mileage im getting seems normal..

Whats going on? I remember a thread on here where a dude got yelled at by everyone on here for using 91 until he told them he had a Link in his car, because its supposed to be so bad.. Perhaps ive uncovered a conspiracy where all our gas is really the same octane and premium is just a ripoff? idk. Im kinda feeling a bit disappointed that premium isnt really so premium after all. Has his happened to anyone else? and no, im not intending to use 91 from now on, its not worth wrecking an engine over.

lol that was me!! ;Dbut my OLD my twinturbo legacy used to run on 91 all the time its was 98 bg5 with a r block and that car never never had a link in it.

i did BIG km's on 91 and in the end did sell the block to a subaru shop in chch ..they told me the piston and block was mint!!!

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 Treecrusher said:

Maybe run it for a few months, with full boost gear changes regularly then whip your pistons out and check the ring landings. They will tell a different story. ;)

For the most part you probably wouldn't notice massive differences, but your car will definitely detonate more when under load which will put stress on pretty much all of your engine, but mostly your pistons and bottom end.

If you drive your car like a nana you'll be fine, but lets face it, who has a turbo and drives like a nana all the time.

lol here we go again what a fk JOKE...WELL my old car did a shit load of boosting and a hell alot of towing the stock car and streety..and i never drive like a NANA

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 Koom said:


So if its such a conspiracy, why don't you continue to use it? Take it for a thrash, tow a trailer for a while and see how good 91 really is....

Of course your car is still going to run on it, it's just not going to do good things once your engine gets hot and you get some boost up it. Or I could be part of the conspiracy of making you pay more so that it doesn't take as much to clean up the gulf and run wars etc.

So if its such a conspiracy, why don't you continue to use it? Take it for a thrash, tow a trailer for a while and see how good 91 really is....

lol LOL DONE IT ALL and as i have said i sold the block to a subaru shop in chch..

(now u going to said y i just sell the block right!!!)

well the car got write off, and the cam belt brock,a mate need the heads so i sold them to him and sold the block to the chch shop

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 Koom said:

You're not supposed to give them evidence that the conspiracy is real. If they all start using it, then the price of 91 will go up past the price of 98........

lol i just use 91 as cheeper farm gas..so keeped useing it and never have a prob with the car...

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End of the day its your car, you can do what you want with it.

Personally I would rather pay the extra $5 -$10 a week to run 98 for piece of mind as we all know how much turbo subaru's like to blow up and run big end bearings

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 subiv5 said:

End of the day its your car, you can do what you want with it.

Personally I would rather pay the extra $5 -$10 a week to run 98 for piece of mind as we all know how much turbo subaru's like to blow up and run big end bearings

$5-10 what a joke more like $40-60 aweek for me i use 4-6 tanks a week pmsl

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gee, I might use 91 in the super saloons, methanol getting way too expensive

will it be ok on 91, 15.75:1 compression and revs between 3500 and 7800

Gee come to think about it diesel is even cheaper again !!!

We could be onto something BIG - end

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 Ichi Ban said:

gee, I might use 91 in the super saloons, methanol getting way too expensive

will it be ok on 91, 15.75:1 compression and revs between 3500 and 7800

Gee come to think about it diesel is even cheaper again !!!

We could be onto something BIG - end

lol your a funny fker aye

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Like i've said many times before, octane rating is also known as an anti knock rating.

Lower octane is less resistant to knock, or detonation, detonation occurs when the mixture is put under high stress, such as high heat, or high pressure. Or both. Turbo's create both. THIS ALSO MEANS, if you drive like a fricken nana, you are neither over heating the mixture, or applying excessive pressure to the mixture, and thus won't suffer from the negative effects of low octane. I drive my car on 95 every now and again, when i have to. When i do, i turn down boost, and don't floor it everywhere.

If you flaw it consistently on 91, don't expect to be driving home.

Also don't listen to GTB36, his car's tuned to run on 91, or something like that. He aslo claims not to nana drive, but his anecdotal evidence of having no ill effects with 91 seems to suggest otherwise.

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 ReubenH said:

Like i've said many times before, octane rating is also known as an anti knock rating.

Lower octane is less resistant to knock, or detonation, detonation occurs when the mixture is put under high stress, such as high heat, or high pressure. Or both. Turbo's create both. THIS ALSO MEANS, if you drive like a fricken nana, you are neither over heating the mixture, or applying excessive pressure to the mixture, and thus won't suffer from the negative effects of low octane. I drive my car on 95 every now and again, when i have to. When i do, i turn down boost, and don't floor it everywhere.

If you flaw it consistently on 91, don't expect to be driving home.

Also don't listen to GTB36, his car's tuned to run on 91, or something like that. He aslo claims not to nana drive, but his anecdotal evidence of having no ill effects with 91 seems to suggest otherwise.

your a egg go read back iam not talking about my bh5 with the link!! ::) ::)

i have said 2-3 time now my old standed bg5 gtb.. ::)

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