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91 gas... not screwing up my car?!


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"who's a nana driver here?" (-raises hand...)

Wow some of you guys defend the bloody oil companies like they pay you.. Cheers Reuben for being on the against side but actually saying something constructive.

I was kinda exaggerating about the conspiracy thing lol, dont take it so seriously dude. But that said it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you actually tested samples and found that on average the octane rating is actually less than what it says on the pump.

And for the record, i think if you thrash your car with full boost gear changes for two to three months straight you will stuff it no matter what gas you are putting in there. Clubsub guys seem to think putting in the best oils and fuel gives you a license to thrash, when sadly it doesnt..

Though i DID say i wasn't intending to change to 91 from now on, im just surprised it didnt have worse effects - from what ppl on here said about it.

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 spicyHam said:

And for the record, i think if you thrash your car with full boost gear changes for two to three months straight you will stuff it no matter what gas you are putting in there. Clubsub guys seem to think putting in the best oils and fuel gives you a license to thrash, when sadly it doesnt..

I pay for it and i'll drive it whatever way i choose, and i do thrash my car, it gets an absolute raping when im racing and i have broke parts yes, but i have also broke parts on other cars that have never been thrashed. you cant win em all, just like the person who always uses top shelf oil/petrol and does a beb, just hope that the preventive maintenance works,

At the end of the day you can put 91 in it, just dont complain in the futur like my car did a bottom end bearing or i brouhgt some cheap oil ($10 for 4L at the whari) and then wonder why your motor is stuffed.

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Well I'm not kind to my car at all. I killed the last engine in 3 months, so built a new one which has lasted me 30,000k's, /1.5 years of abuse, and it's still going strong. I only use 98 and edge 10w-60.

Anyway. There has been anecdotal evidence of cars running fine in the thread, i will counter with something i heard a few years ago. The STi hatch had only been out a couple months, and a new owner decided he'd go round the track in it. He thought it a good idea to run 91... He got towed home with beb failure... His warranty was not honored.

Spicy ham, i'm sure you're right in saying what we pay for and what we get will likely not be the same, but i'd still rather just use the best i can get, regardless of what it really is.

And here's some more 'anecdotal evidence' When i run 95, i don't even have to push it to see a noticable drop in fuel economy. I worked it out once and found i'd spend just as much on 98. I figured, why go with 95 if i can spend the same amount, and go with 98, and have less a chance of damaging something. And this was before the STi conversion and 18psi daily

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[quote name='spicyHam said:

And for the record, i think if you thrash your car with full boost gear changes for two to three months straight you will stuff it no matter what gas you are putting in there. Clubsub guys seem to think putting in the best oils and fuel gives you a license to thrash, when sadly it doesnt..


I pay for it and i'll drive it whatever way i choose, and i do thrash my car, it gets an absolute raping when im racing and i have broke parts yes, but i have also broke parts on other cars that have never been thrashed. you cant win em all, just like the person who always uses top shelf oil/petrol and does a beb, just hope that the preventive maintenance works,

At the end of the day you can put 91 in it, just dont complain in the futur like my car did a bottom end bearing or i brouhgt some cheap oil ($10 for 4L at the whari) and then wonder why your motor is stuffed.

here here to that ;D

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$10 for 4l? wow, that is cheap, im cheap but not THAT bad lol. I suppose thrashing is ok if you have the dollars to maintain and fix it, and you actually do fix it - Subi's have such a bad reputation because people don't bother with part 2. I don't think they are unreliable at all, mines been damn good actually. I dont have the dollars to thrash, so i drive carefully 80% of the time - and others in my position should do the same. Young idiots who have no money, stuff their cars at the strip then flog them because they can't afford to fix em is what gives all the cars a bad name.

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 spicyHam said:

$10 for 4l? wow, that is cheap, im cheap but not THAT bad lol. I suppose thrashing is ok if you have the dollars to maintain and fix it, and you actually do fix it - Subi's have such a bad reputation because people don't bother with part 2. I don't think they are unreliable at all, mines been damn good actually. I dont have the dollars to thrash, so i drive carefully 80% of the time - and others in my position should do the same. Young idiots who have no money, stuff their cars at the strip then flog them because they can't afford to fix em is what gives all the cars a bad name.

I dont have the $$ to get it fixed but i maintain all my cars to the best possible standard, and i will always try and fix myself, i try my hardest not to break it, but that said im not gunna get a 4wd turbo car and treat it like a autozam revee(my nana's car) i dont think subys have to bad a rep sure a few more bebs/gboxes but i know an evo owner who races and have gone thru more gearboxes than i have. and turbo honda owner who has blown more headgaskets and motors than me, i'd say the ones that are killing it are the ones who think boostin 20psi when cold is ok, also if you can afford to buy it you should be able to afford to fix it (and maintain it)

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I swear there needs to be an IQ test before people can join the club.

I think I'll trust the guy with the tech points in his signature over the guy with a cartoon in his avatar that's confessed to not knowing a thing about all this.

As above, your car, feed it what you wish. Same with your kids - they're yours, feed them what you like. Your choice. The outcome is your choice too.

I don't see why this is an argument about who flogs what car though. Being above wastegate pressure surely has little to do with boyracing. I'da thunk it had more to do with simple mechanics ;D As Reuben explained.

My car suffers along on 95 sometimes, when I'm feeling poor, but that's okay because it's an N/A. No biggie. The Legacy however...when it actually GOES it gets 98 and nothing else if I can at all help it. This is because I understand that knock = no.

That and I've seen a melted piston and destroyed bore first-hand. I'm sure it had FAR more to do with the fact that it'd been freeboosted and less to do with the gas in the tank, but I will do whatever I can to avoid having another engine do this:


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Have a look at your manual..

What was your car designed to run on?

To use anything less than that is asking for trouble..

My RS only ever gets 98.. Det on anything else...

QYKCHK only ever gets 98.... Runs so much cleaner and more economical.

Bottom line if it says 95 octane in the factory specs that should be the absolute lowest you use!!

But hey everyone has the choice which gas to stick in the tank....

If you want to gamble a rebuild on 5c a liter go for gold.

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 ReubenH said:

And here's some more 'anecdotal evidence' When i run 95, i don't even have to push it to see a noticable drop in fuel economy. I worked it out once and found i'd spend just as much on 98. I figured, why go with 95 if i can spend the same amount, and go with 98, and have less a chance of damaging something.

Same here, my E-tune works out 10-15% thirstier on 95 than 98 as well as feeling slower. Unfortunately petrol companies are too retarded to sell 98 anywhere south of Dunedin so I'm stuck with 95 a lot of the time, but I add octane booster to it for engine safety - adds to the fuel cost but its still much cheaper than lunching an engine.

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If 91 was fine for use in turbo cars WHY do warrenty companys specifically state you MUST use 95 or higher and if the engine craps out with anyhting less than 95 in you WONT get a pay out..

Put 2 and 2 together its common sense really..

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