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Brembo pricing, is it worth it?


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What is a good price for brembo brakes (2nd hand)? I'm looking at some out of a 2004 STi and don't want to get ripped for something not worth the bother...

I'm currently in Oz so would be buying unseen (trying to get photo now) but what would people generally pay for brakes and hubs? Is there tell tale sign I should look out for that might indicate something is wrong with them?

I know if I want to fit the rears to my foz that there is alot of additional work that needs doing but im ignoring that cost currently (and new wheel costs because I need new wheels anyway...)

help ASAP please ;D because seller wants to sort deal tonight or tomorrow by the sounds of it...

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I like the idea of brembos (I know thats a stupid reason to go and waste money but I'm in the right mood to throw some at the car finally lol)......

Also I may be able to onsell them for profit even if they dont fit my car. Price I was given seemed to good to be true which is why I was wondering about things that may go wrong with them?

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youd be looking in the region of $1000 for 4 calipers. $1200 odd you might get the rotors and pads as well.

The fronts will bolt up fine - just rims to worry about.

the rears can be made to fit if you find the right hubs (just takes some searching) and those hubs bolt up to any foz, wrx, and legacies up to BG, BH onwards they wont work.

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then take the deal. who knows what condition they are in.. but hey.

The 04 hubs will be R180, so you possibly can use those as well just depends what you're putting those into.

Basically R180 hubs requires matching R180 axles and diff (rear). or... if your car is r160, you can find non sti WRX v7/8 hubs and the rears will bolt up, no axle and rear diff change required.

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 subi4snow said:

This may sound like a stupid question but is there any benefit or harm caused if only the front were replaced?

nope none at all,THIS seems to be the common and really will see the best bang for your buck as the front end does 80% of your braking ( at least)

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 subi4snow said:

Turns out i missed my opportunity anyway... Guy was originally going to take 750 including freight to dunners but someone else offered him more before I could accept fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu looks like im on the hunt again lol

too slow no go.....

gutted mate :-[

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Honestly I think if you upgrade the disk to a larger size (330) and buy good pads (endless) then there is no point in buying brembos, the factory 4 pot caliper can give excellent breaking power. My race car has excellent brakes and i run factory calipers, you are basically paying for the gold colour caliper and brand.

I have tried a gc8 with brembos and pretty much same spec as mine apart from the calipers and there is no difference between the two.

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 ballsrburning said:

Honestly I think if you upgrade the disk to a larger size (330) and buy good pads (endless) then there is no point in buying brembos, the factory 4 pot caliper can give excellent breaking power. My race car has excellent brakes and i run factory calipers, you are basically paying for the gold colour caliper and brand.

I have tried a gc8 with brembos and pretty much same spec as mine apart from the calipers and there is no difference between the two.

you're missing some of the benefits there chap. While i do disagree on your point there is also the fact that the disks are thicker, and pads and calipers larger. That meaning the increased material is able to soak up more heat and continue working optimally for longer after repeated breaking applications (at least for longer than the smaller calipers can take).

Fwiw - i went from 4 pots to brembos, and by the seat-o-pants-ometer i believve they able have to haul up faster.

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[quote name='ballsrburning said:

Honestly I think if you upgrade the disk to a larger size (330) and buy good pads (endless) then there is no point in buying brembos, the factory 4 pot caliper can give excellent breaking power. My race car has excellent brakes and i run factory calipers, you are basically paying for the gold colour caliper and brand.

I have tried a gc8 with brembos and pretty much same spec as mine apart from the calipers and there is no difference between the two.


you're missing some of the benefits there chap. While i do disagree on your point there is also the fact that the disks are thicker, and pads and calipers larger. That meaning the increased material is able to soak up more heat and continue working optimally for longer after repeated breaking applications (at least for longer than the smaller calipers can take).

Fwiw - i went from 4 pots to brembos, and by the seat-o-pants-ometer i believve they able have to haul up faster.

Fair enough if you disagree, I can only go on what i experienced and my brakes have never suffered form brake fade and I couldn't tell any difference between the two, If I were to upgrade I would go 6 or 8 pot and not bother with brembo, I don't think its a great enough benefit for the cost.

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Depends what type of 6 or 8 pots you're talking about.

if its something like the 330mm / 22mm 8 pot d2's they are rubbish.

If your talking about something like 343/30 6 pot AP's then fark yes i'd have those.

If you can get Brembo's for a reasonable price they are a good upgrade for those in motorsport. no doubting however the AP's give you even better performance but they are that much rarer and that much more $$.

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 funkytown said:

Depends what type of 6 or 8 pots you're talking about.

if its something like the 330mm / 22mm 8 pot d2's they are rubbish.

If your talking about something like 343/30 6 pot AP's then fark yes i'd have those.

If you can get Brembo's for a reasonable price they are a good upgrade for those in motorsport. no doubting however the AP's give you even better performance but they are that much rarer and that much more $$.

yeah i am talking AP not D2, i will just spend the thousands and do it that way. Hell ofr a long way away though.

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Honestly I think if you upgrade the disk to a larger size (330) and buy good pads (endless) then there is no point in buying brembos, the factory 4 pot caliper can give excellent breaking power. My race car has excellent brakes and i run factory calipers, you are basically paying for the gold colour caliper and brand.

I have tried a gc8 with brembos and pretty much same spec as mine apart from the calipers and there is no difference between the two.

you're missing some of the benefits there chap. While i do disagree on your point there is also the fact that the disks are thicker, and pads and calipers larger. That meaning the increased material is able to soak up more heat and continue working optimally for longer after repeated breaking applications (at least for longer than the smaller calipers can take).

Fwiw - i went from 4 pots to brembos, and by the seat-o-pants-ometer i believve they able have to haul up faster.

i too agree with you with this funky and a few other guys that had upgraded from 4pots to brembos. there are some others that say the same thing about the 4pots but really on the track its kinda a piece of mind that your brake wont failed you. its all about brake fade due to heat. I yet to replace my Project Mu i900 pad as its killing my rotors effetely.

the disavantage of the brembo is that the rotor is heavy but it is almost twice the size compare to the wide and its got a larger venting between the rotor plates compare to the 4pots and it looks good. i know for the fact that my car stop way better with the Brembos over the 4pots

people do what ever they want to their car.

[quote name='funkytown said:

Depends what type of 6 or 8 pots you're talking about.

if its something like the 330mm / 22mm 8 pot d2's they are rubbish.

If your talking about something like 343/30 6 pot AP's then fark yes i'd have those.

If you can get Brembo's for a reasonable price they are a good upgrade for those in motorsport. no doubting however the AP's give you even better performance but they are that much rarer and that much more $$.


yeah i am talking AP not D2, i will just spend the thousands and do it that way. Hell ofr a long way away though.

AP setup probably cost over $3000 vs Brembo setup around $1000. Bang for buck i think everyone will go for the Brembo, well unless you work in the IT business can afford to spend shid loads on your car?

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[quote name='B4 2000 said:

Meh, screw AP racing lol. Personally i'd get wilwood 6 pot


I'd personally trade in 10 sets of Wilwoods for one set of AP's. Just saying.

for a motorsport car, ya. But for a daily driven, i'd just get wilwood, they are cheaper and great brakes

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