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Nelson & Marlborough Clubsubbers!


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Heya guys.

I wanna start harrassing people about an area tab for the top of the south. We have A Chch and Otago /Southland tab but for those of us in this area thats a fair drive just to join in with a local cruise down there! Ok for when are in the area and join in but a long way to drive to go for a drive!

Lets see how many of us are around here can leave a message on this link to show how many local active clubsub guys are cruising round here. If you know any of our other local members who need to repy to this give them a poke and tell em to stick their hands up!

Lets show the committee how many of us are cruising round the area. It would make organising cruises easier and open to more people who didnt know they were happening.

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  • 2 months later...

Use two jacks and plenty of axle stands, blocks of wood and possibly skateboards... haha xD

What part of nelson are you in? It\'s unlikely I\'ll be able to help, but if you\'ve a day when my dad\'s working over there I could get a ride in and give you a hand lol.

It\'s likely there are other people here with not much better to do with their time than help a fellow clubsubber though :D

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Thanks fella, it\'s all good, I\'ll battle away. I\'m in Wakefield FYI.

My goal is at the very latest to have it done by 1st week of Jan cos I have a whole week off then. In reality it\'s really only a full days work or so if I put some effort in. It\'s the annoying things like lining up dowels and sorting CVs that seem to stuff me.

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Heya guys and gals. Sorry for the no showings on here and round town lately.

IMPORTANT READ!! before you go further ... no pity required. Just know when Im mobile again I will get a run sorted!

As some of you on here know I am a decky on a fishing boat. Well, not even 3 days into my last trip I had an accident on board so my mellon isnt exactly on to it at the mo. We use different thickness of nylon rope thru out our midwater trawls. Well during hauling last weekend one lose mesh was flicked up into a shround above our heads and held onto a thin metal vent rod. The nylon rope stretches to 46% before breakin and the 12mm stuff that got me has a breakin strain of nearly 5000kg. So I collected a 12mm rope and the afore menetioned metal rod in the side of my head around the temple.

After lyin on the boat for a little while i was waitin for my my ride the Westpac chopper picked me up from the boat and I had a few hours in Welly A&E with their neuro team before heading to lower hutt hosp and their Plastic surgery team. 6 hours later I was out minus a bunch of shattered head bone and plus a new plate in the noggin amoung other bits and pieces! I havent figured out if its metal or titanium yet but as soon as I can get my hands on a magnet I will update you!

Yes the 2 hospitals have some hottie nurses so if you hurt yourself thats where yo wanna go! The missus has already threatened to take my keys off me if i attempt to go anywhere near the car but with only one eye workin for a bit its probably safe i wont be drivin anywhere! So that also means there wont be any updates on rally car for a bit either.

Soooo as I said, no sympathy required just know that I will be back into a run as soon as I can use 2 eyes and get my head straight!

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Holy shit mate that\'s insane, glad you\'re OK, the fact you can type a legible paragraph in itself seems like a big win (if that\'s the right term to use given the circumstance).

May you have a speedy recovery, give us a yell if you need anyone to keep the engine warm for ya ;) Razz & I will happily help.

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Thanks bud!

You should have see how long it taook me to type that!

I was silly enough to book 2 appointments today. Dr and hosp for apps.

I had to end my hosp one cos i was almost fallin out of chair and sooo tired!

Gettin thru it all thou just lots of sleepin.

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      Afternoon team,
      im new to the group first time posting. Im hoping some body can help me get my launch control all dialled in on my link g4x. Ive had the computer and car all tuned from chris at prestige awesome knowlegable guy super happy with the results but now im wanting to get my launch/anti lag all dialled in. Ive been reading multiple different forums etc all with different conflicking information which has made me nervious with what do i listen to this or that if you get what i mean. Now ive started to make myself familiar with my PClink software etc the past few weeks and im eager to learn how to do minor setups or tweaks etc so im not relieing on my tuner so much and obviously saving myself abit hurt in the back pocket. 
      Now back to the question at hand.... Im wondering if theres and one who could please share there knowledge and wisdom with setting all my values, timing, fuel etc when i have launch control armed and engaged, or even a launch tune file they can possibly send me to load onto my tune. Ive figured out the setup of my digital inputs turning launch control on etc and its obvisously on its pre set factory settings. It engages but doesnt sound the greatest or as angry as it should i feel. Hence reaching out to you good buggers. 
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