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opinions on the best sounding bov's


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  • General Member

So are nice rims, spoilers (for most people) and a lot of car modification. Hell even power gains on street cars are wank factor. If I have 180KW or 480KW I can still only legally do 100KM.

I think people dismiss wank factor far to much in car modification when thats what it ALL is unless you have a dedicated and often used race car.

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Apologies to the OP for the potential thread hijack. But does anyone know whats happening re bov? Is the rumour that you can\'t have them vent to atmo but can have them plumbed back?

i had to recirc mine to intake to pass cert this week

that sucks

You mean \'\'that blows\'\' :P

For the venting bov wof fails etc this seems to be a constant rumour in c.s. If its illegal to have a venting bov then it will be written in the virm before being applied, i haven\'t seen it mentioned in there yet. Maybe someone can enlighten us if its there as a \'\'rule\'\'?

Otherwise keep the rumours to yourself :P

They use the "emissions" rulings, And to some extent the "noise" parts.

so they can fail it if they are arse holes ( 90% of inspectors are OK some are just dicks)

[quote name='scoobygt said:

all you need to do is go to the $30 wof places that are run by indians, they dont give a s*** about stuff that requires a cert

Any "cheap" or "easy" Wof places are dangerous, I take my vehicles to a guy I can trust and I know if he fails it then it is something to look into, before i brought my Hilux the dealer took it to a known "easy" wof place ( not that the hilux had a known issue) and it passed the WOF clean sheet easily, BUT it had a number plate light and rear light out, which makes me think what else did the guy miss that MAY effect the safety of the vehicle.

If you take your vehicle to a "dodgy" WOF place becuase you know that it is well dodgy then you are a fool and I hope that your vehicle gets pinked BECAUSE i dont want to be on a road anywhere near you or any one else whose vehicles are not up to WOF standard at ALL times

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 Johnnynz said:

So are nice rims, spoilers (for most people) and a lot of car modification. Hell even power gains on street cars are wank factor. If I have 180KW or 480KW I can still only legally do 100KM.

I think people dismiss wank factor far to much in car modification when thats what it ALL is unless you have a dedicated and often used race car.

Good god

That\'s one of those 3a0.jpg moments

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 We are borg']

Apologies to the OP for the potential thread hijack. But does anyone know whats happening re bov? Is the rumour that you can\'t have them vent to atmo but can have them plumbed back?

i had to recirc mine to intake to pass cert this week

that sucks

You mean \'\'that blows\'\' :P

For the venting bov wof fails etc this seems to be a constant rumour in c.s. If its illegal to have a venting bov then it will be written in the virm before being applied, i haven\'t seen it mentioned in there yet. Maybe someone can enlighten us if its there as a \'\'rule\'\'?

Otherwise keep the rumours to yourself :P

They use the "emissions" rulings, And to some extent the "noise" parts.

so they can fail it if they are arse holes ( 90% of inspectors are OK some are just dicks)

[quote name='scoobygt said:

all you need to do is go to the $30 wof places that are run by indians, they dont give a s*** about stuff that requires a cert


Any "cheap" or "easy" Wof places are dangerous, I take my vehicles to a guy I can trust and I know if he fails it then it is something to look into, before i brought my Hilux the dealer took it to a known "easy" wof place ( not that the hilux had a known issue) and it passed the WOF clean sheet easily, BUT it had a number plate light and rear light out, which makes me think what else did the guy miss that MAY effect the safety of the vehicle.

If you take your vehicle to a "dodgy" WOF place becuase you know that it is well dodgy then you are a fool and I hope that your vehicle gets pinked BECAUSE i dont want to be on a road anywhere near you or any one else whose vehicles are not up to WOF standard at ALL times

+1 Well Stated re WOF inspection places being dodgy! :) :) :) :) ;D

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 Johnnynz said:

So are nice rims, spoilers (for most people) and a lot of car modification. Hell even power gains on street cars are wank factor. If I have 180KW or 480KW I can still only legally do 100KM.

I think people dismiss wank factor far to much in car modification when thats what it ALL is unless you have a dedicated and often used race car.

The Wank factor that i refer to is noise just for the sake of it. ;) Not mods that actually achieve something, or provide a bit of bling. :) :)

Noise is not required to go fast or look good >:( >:(>:(

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Although that said (just to argue on the internet for the sake of it since work is quiet) - half the appeal in a certain engine for a lot of people is the noise.

Why else would people run carbs and ITB\'s when there is so much better tech out these days - why use an RBXX when an LSX is lighter, smaller and can ultimately do/make more? Hell - why do you see so many people selling big $$ manifolds for subys to "get the rumble back" haha

This is also why we have rotary "people" - if they didn\'t sound like a chainsaw on acid I don\'t think they\'d have half the appeal

Apart from "emotional attachment" of a certain motor/whatever, the noise of a car plays a huge part. For me all the wooshy noises are a big part of enjoying a turbo car - hard to beat that anticipation of hearing a T51R spool up, or even just the minor LOL of seeing a kid go "whoa" when a skyrine goes chattering down the road with a blocked off BOV. No different to some loving the sound of a massive cammy V8, or hearing a vtack come on song, or getting a woody over a merlin V12 (or whatever it\'s called haha)

Take the noise away and it\'s just a bunch of numbers I guess

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 Marky said:

Although that said (just to argue on the internet for the sake of it since work is quiet) - half the appeal in a certain engine for a lot of people is the noise.

Why else would people run carbs and ITB\'s when there is so much better tech out these days - why use an RBXX when an LSX is lighter, smaller and can ultimately do/make more? Hell - why do you see so many people selling big $$ manifolds for subys to "get the rumble back" haha

This is also why we have rotary "people" - if they didn\'t sound like a chainsaw on acid I don\'t think they\'d have half the appeal

Apart from "emotional attachment" of a certain motor/whatever, the noise of a car plays a huge part. For me all the wooshy noises are a big part of enjoying a turbo car - hard to beat that anticipation of hearing a T51R spool up, or even just the minor LOL of seeing a kid go "whoa" when a skyrine goes chattering down the road with a blocked off BOV. No different to some loving the sound of a massive cammy V8, or hearing a vtack come on song, or getting a woody over a merlin V12 (or whatever it\'s called haha)

Take the noise away and it\'s just a bunch of numbers I guess

This! ^^^ Sound a a turbo spooling up is magic!! :)

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So if they fail them as part of the emission regulations i would assume that the reason being used is because measured air venting which causing leans etc then they couldn\'t really fail you if your car wasn\'t using a afm and was say using just the map sensor which only readings manifold pressure like a link ecu or similar?

Whats funny is not even the government cares about emissions in this country, we even won a award for not giving a shit lol


I think the right size bov is needed for the turbo and boost your running

I couldn\'t run a factory one with a modded holset hx40 running 30psi.. I would ruin the turbo in no time..

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[quote name='Marky said:

Although that said (just to argue on the internet for the sake of it since work is quiet) - half the appeal in a certain engine for a lot of people is the noise.

Why else would people run carbs and ITB\'s when there is so much better tech out these days - why use an RBXX when an LSX is lighter, smaller and can ultimately do/make more? Hell - why do you see so many people selling big $$ manifolds for subys to "get the rumble back" haha

This is also why we have rotary "people" - if they didn\'t sound like a chainsaw on acid I don\'t think they\'d have half the appeal

Apart from "emotional attachment" of a certain motor/whatever, the noise of a car plays a huge part. For me all the wooshy noises are a big part of enjoying a turbo car - hard to beat that anticipation of hearing a T51R spool up, or even just the minor LOL of seeing a kid go "whoa" when a skyrine goes chattering down the road with a blocked off BOV. No different to some loving the sound of a massive cammy V8, or hearing a vtack come on song, or getting a woody over a merlin V12 (or whatever it\'s called haha)

Take the noise away and it\'s just a bunch of numbers I guess


This! ^^^ Sound a a turbo spooling up is magic!! :)

To agree and re classify..... :) There is a difference is the best of motor/engine/ turbine sounds. As an engineer i adore most mechanical sounds esp engines. From the old single banger engines at shows to the roar of the maserati. Or distinct awesome sound of the well made/tuned/balanced/blueprinted SUBARU!

However there is a VOLUME of difference to Sound and Noise!

So to answer this thread The best BOV sound is one that can be heard yet does not scare the cats off the street! or is used as intimidation with total disregard of others.

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  • General Member

If you are intimidated by a BOV on a little Japa you probably shouldn\'t be on the road because you damn sure wont be able to handle a log truck or similar beside you or behind you at full noise or using engine brakes.

Don\'t get me wrong I\'m not trying to argue that there needed in most cases I just think the arguments for not having them are slightly weak. The thread outlining the issues they can cause with your car was much more convincing to me and the reason I will probably plumb mine back in in the next week or so.

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 Johnnynz said:

If you are intimidated by a BOV on a little Japa you probably shouldn\'t be on the road because you damn sure wont be able to handle a log truck or similar beside you or behind you at full noise or using engine brakes.

Don\'t get me wrong I\'m not trying to argue that there needed in most cases I just think the arguments for not having them are slightly weak. The thread outlining the issues they can cause with your car was much more convincing to me and the reason I will probably plumb mine back in in the next week or so.

Love It!! ;) ;)

Ahem! Second lesson besides f*#*inn noise is:- >:( If fitting one ask yourself. " Beside being obnoxious with the noise have I changed the balance" ???. "If so have I compensated correctly and matched as appropriate?"

so as to re balance and therefore actually get more! ;) ;) ;D

Or will it just go BANG!. :o>:(:o>:( >:( ...Entirely your choice....Its your money :D

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