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What do the people want this year? (2015~2016)


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What did you sign up for?

I became keen on Subarus when I bought my first one years ago, and have never let the bug go haha. They are almost a part of me now!

Where did you hear about clubsub?

At an AutoSalon event in 2003 or 2004, sometime around then

What would you like to see more of?

I'd like to say local events, but I've come from the days when we used to have something happen almost every week, informal meets at the 'drags', car shows in different places all the time, 2 or 3 track days a year. I know it will never get back to those heady days again, but getting involved, and getting others involved in the local scene, is paramount in getting things going again.

If you often visit but never post is there a reason or do you feel you get what you need without asking?

I often visit and often post (my post count is probably testament to this, and possibly a sign to how long I've been around haha). I think I add some value to what I post about, seeing as I've had a few different types of Subaru, modified all of them to some point, and have a fair bit of experience in doing so.

Is there anything that you don't like?

Can't think of anything to speak of

What would persuade you to become a paid member?

I am a paid member, and have been for quite some time. I don't care too much about a physical $ value as to what I get for my money, $30 out of my yearly earnings is basically nothing... I won't exactly miss it! And if nothing else, it keeps my low-low membership number active hahaha... internet points or bragging rights anyone?

Are the forums/stickys easy enough to follow?

Yes they are and I often use the search function when I'm trying to find something. I sometimes find that something I'm thinking of that's been on the forum doesn't exist any more, probably due to database losses over time. The 'view new posts' is very important to me. That way I can easily see what I have / haven't read. Also the auto-subscription to threads you've posted in is great. If you find the email reminders annoying, it's easy to either un-subscribe, or turn them off.

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  • 1 month later...

What did you sign up for?

I've been to enough ClubSub events that I thought I should join properly. I was getting bored of not having anybody to talk to about cars anyway, and it was either here or NZHondas (I have a healthy respect for Hondas but I'm too embarrassed by the stereotypical ratty, noisy "boy racer" Hondas to admit it to most people).

I do drive a Subaru, yes. I tend to prefer the "naturally aspirated with a CVT" flavor of Subaru, but I'd like to own that new Levorg.

Where did you hear about clubsub?

The stickers all over Dairusire's Type RA, which I've helped fix on several occasions. Might need more ClubSub stickers.

What would you like to see more of?

Admittedly I have a thing for clean, tidy, and stock (or stock-like) cars, but I consider myself open minded about most things car-related. Except turbo flutter. I despise turbo flutter.

If you often visit but never post is there a reason or do you feel you get what you need without asking?

I post quite frequently, I think.

Is there anything that you don't like?

IMO, Auckland region may need to be split up administratively into North/South due to the sheer size. There's already two sets of meets, which coincidentally happen on those two sides.

What would persuade you to become a paid member?

Hmm... something that isn't stickers? Maybe a ClubSub keyring that isn't a beer bottle opener (I don't drink).

On a more serious note, I'll become one of my own accord if I feel that I've become sufficiently invested in the community here.

Are the forums/stickys easy enough to follow?


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What did you sign up for?

Have always been active on Aus forums. So, when I moved over to the land of the long white cloud, I searched for a Kiwi/suby forum.

Where did you hear about clubsub?


What would you like to see more of?

Meets/cruises/general chin wags

If you often visit but never post is there a reason or do you feel you get what you need without asking?

Usually find what I need by searching, otherwise I just ask. Is there a tutorial for searching, because I'm still very useless at it.

Is there anything that you don't like?

When I click new posts, any threads I have just posted in, do not show up - is petty, but ****s me.

What would persuade you to become a paid member?

A BG5 GTB wagon, otherwise nothing.

Are the forums/stickys easy enough to follow?

*runs off to have a quick drive of the forum*

Yes, as easy or if not, easier to use than most other forums I lurk on.

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  • 5 months later...

What did you sign up for?

To find people that have already made the mistakes I am about to make and then show me how to do it right.

Where did you hear about clubsub?

Umm, Don't even remember

What would you like to see more of?

It's actually pretty good as it is. Well done.

If you often visit but never post is there a reason or do you feel you get what you need without asking?

I'm a bit of prolific poster these days. Love to give advice even when it's not wanted.

Is there anything that you don't like?

Search is a bit shait. It returns entire threads as results which is great for finding what you want. Especially when there are 1700 pages of a thread.

What would persuade you to become a paid member?

Done and dusted. Happy to support the club

Are the forums/stickys easy enough to follow?


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      Afternoon team,
      im new to the group first time posting. Im hoping some body can help me get my launch control all dialled in on my link g4x. Ive had the computer and car all tuned from chris at prestige awesome knowlegable guy super happy with the results but now im wanting to get my launch/anti lag all dialled in. Ive been reading multiple different forums etc all with different conflicking information which has made me nervious with what do i listen to this or that if you get what i mean. Now ive started to make myself familiar with my PClink software etc the past few weeks and im eager to learn how to do minor setups or tweaks etc so im not relieing on my tuner so much and obviously saving myself abit hurt in the back pocket. 
      Now back to the question at hand.... Im wondering if theres and one who could please share there knowledge and wisdom with setting all my values, timing, fuel etc when i have launch control armed and engaged, or even a launch tune file they can possibly send me to load onto my tune. Ive figured out the setup of my digital inputs turning launch control on etc and its obvisously on its pre set factory settings. It engages but doesnt sound the greatest or as angry as it should i feel. Hence reaching out to you good buggers. 
      Cheers in advance for any info and help yous maybe able to give me.
      Cheers Shaun
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      updated your DP's too : hope that's ok!
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