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Wagon vs sedan power differece


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 smokn4 said:

stock gc8 have more power than a stock gf8 of the same year right!

, well does anyone know exactly what subaru done when they detuned the wagons upon release in the gc/gf series,

i think its just turbo and ecu in our v2's, everything else should be the same.

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a tdo4 and grey injectors is a wrx pacakge setup

were as vf22 and yellows, orange afm is a sti pacakage

so essentially the sedan version of wrx of the year iw as talking about above is sti power...

Youl notice a huge differnence driving the 2

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i mean if you get a stock 94 gc8 wrx and a stock 94 gf8 wrx for example,

besides the looks ( wagon/sedan) is there much diff in the way of power??

[quote name='nt_a_foz said:


a tdo4 and grey injectors is a wrx pacakge setup

were as vf22 and yellows, orange afm is a sti pacakage

so essentially the sedan version of wrx of the year iw as talking about above is sti power...

Youl notice a huge differnence driving the 2

I answered that above..

Im unsure about 94 asthatl be what v2 i dont know the differences in those.

But as i said above you WILL notice the diffrecne in the late 96/77 model

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Guest itsgotgo

i mean if you get a stock 94 gc8 wrx and a stock 94 gf8 wrx for example,

besides the looks ( wagon/sedan) is there much diff in the way of power??

[quote name='nt_a_foz said:


a tdo4 and grey injectors is a wrx pacakge setup

were as vf22 and yellows, orange afm is a sti pacakage

so essentially the sedan version of wrx of the year iw as talking about above is sti power...

Youl notice a huge differnence driving the 2


I answered that above..

Im unsure about 94 asthatl be what v2 i dont know the differences in those.

But as i said above you WILL notice the diffrecne in the late 96/77 model

Tue that. :)
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Wikipedia seems to indicate that GC8D / GF8D onwards had the same power, but the wagon had slightly more torque (to make up for slightly higher weight I assume?).

I know wikipedia is to be taken with a huge grain of salt, but I assume people haven't just made up power and torque figures out of mid air without anyone calling them on it

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Wikipedia is pretty meh, I dont pay much attention to it in regards to car tech.

V2 I can definitely answer this one as my previous wrx was a stock v2 and I drove both when I looking at buying my first wrx 8 yrs ago. A v2 wrx sedan comes with the td05h whilst the v2 hatch had the td04. Far less puff in the top end I found, whilst the td05h was real good, little laggy but once u hit 4500rpm had a real punch to it I quite enjoyed....... That was til I got my current wrx haha and found the power quite lacking when I went back to my old wrx haha.

Definitely would rate the sedan over the hatch power wise, the td05h just has so much more room to move at the top end over the td04.

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i definately noticed going from a td04 and wrx ecu to a tdo5 and sti ecu in the same car, like said above more top end, full 15psi boost at 4000rpm all the way to red line. td04 ran out of puff to early.

really its not hard to upgrade a wagon to sedan spec or better like i did anyway.

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 webup said:

Why? Are you eyeing up that dirt cheap v7 Sti wagon on trademe?

nah just trying to settle a argument despute over factory power from the gc8 and the gf8

(a 92 gc8 wrx vs a 93 gf8 wrx in paticular)

i know the sti's have the yellows and orange sticker in the gc series but what about the gf's

(and if they are the same which is faster??)

same goes for the wrx i know they have greys with the green sticker in the gc's and the gf's but again

which is faster??

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[quote name='webup said:

Why? Are you eyeing up that dirt cheap v7 Sti wagon on trademe?


nah just trying to settle a argument despute over factory power from the gc8 and the gf8

(a 92 gc8 wrx vs a 93 gf8 wrx in paticular)

i know the sti's have the yellows and orange sticker in the gc series but what about the gf's

(and if they are the same which is faster??)

same goes for the wrx i know they have greys with the green sticker in the gc's and the gf's but again

which is faster??

since we are talking about version 1/2 in particular then they only ever had grey injectors and green afm, that includes sti's and ra's. there were no yellows til v3.

so short answer is yes a sedan will be slightly quicker if both cars are stock standard as it has the td05 and slightly different ecu. however if you put a td05 on a wagon that has a td04 from factory and you end up with basically the same power.

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[quote name='webup said:

Why? Are you eyeing up that dirt cheap v7 Sti wagon on trademe?


nah just trying to settle a argument despute over factory power from the gc8 and the gf8

(a 92 gc8 wrx vs a 93 gf8 wrx in paticular)

i know the sti's have the yellows and orange sticker in the gc series but what about the gf's

(and if they are the same which is faster??)

same goes for the wrx i know they have greys with the green sticker in the gc's and the gf's but again

which is faster??

since we are talking about version 1/2 in particular then they only ever had grey injectors and green afm, that includes sti's and ra's. there were no yellows til v3.

so short answer is yes a sedan will be slightly quicker if both cars are stock standard as it has the td05 and slightly different ecu. however if you put a td05 on a wagon that has a td04 from factory and you end up with basically the same power.

so ALL sedans come with the td05 standard then?

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They should in essence, Im not saying that every single one out there hasn't had a turbo swapped or maybe something different etc. But all the v2's I have personally seen have always had td05h's in them unless the owner has swapped it for a vf22/23/24 or something as they never realised the potential of the good ol td05h is more then a match. And all the version 2 sedans I looked at upon purchasing as my first wrx all had td05h's many a year ago.

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I agree,

My mate used to own a v2 wrx wagon, it had a tdo4 and it was honda beating material lol. But as soon as he put a td05, front mount, and sti gearbox with quicker ratio's it went pretty bloody well. Does anyone know if non sti wrx sedans have long gear ratio's aswell ?

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