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Stop a TradeMe scammer! - 29/11/09 Car inspected in person!

Simon C

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But hot chicks are like highly modified cars. There more risk of something blowing up rather than not. The reason being they know their hot and can get anyone. I moulded my ex into the hottie she is and it caused us to split as i failed to recognise someone else willing to buy it....er i mean her. So she chnaged her plates and was on sold.

A not so hot, say.....unhottie, you have less problems with, like a standard car, as the "maintence" schedule list isnt as long as said hottie (highly modified).

Of course, you can control the risk but servicing regularly and often and maintain the clean standards you would associate with a "modified show car".

Fortuneately these days you can hire a mechanic for these birds called psychotherapists who do wonders with the "ecu" and enable the driver to maintain control. By doing this you've more chance to avoid a warranty claim (seperation costs)

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 Swindog said:

But hot chicks are like highly modified cars. There more risk of something blowing up rather than not. The reason being they know their hot and can get anyone. I moulded my ex into the hottie she is and it caused us to split as i failed to recognise someone else willing to buy it....er i mean her. So she chnaged her plates and was on sold.

A not so hot, say.....unhottie, you have less problems with, like a standard car, as the "maintence" schedule list isnt as long as said hottie (highly modified).

Of course, you can control the risk but servicing regularly and often and maintain the clean standards you would associate with a "modified show car".

Fortuneately these days you can hire a mechanic for these birds called psychotherapists who do wonders with the "ecu" and enable the driver to maintain control. By doing this you've more chance to avoid a warranty claim (seperation costs)

The trouble with the mechanic/psychotherapists as you describe them is that they cost alot of money :(

Otherwise I agree, the hotter they are the higher the maintenance costs and the increased likelyhood of failure of some sort.

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[quote name='Swindog said:

But hot chicks are like highly modified cars. There more risk of something blowing up rather than not. The reason being they know their hot and can get anyone. I moulded my ex into the hottie she is and it caused us to split as i failed to recognise someone else willing to buy it....er i mean her. So she chnaged her plates and was on sold.

A not so hot, say.....unhottie, you have less problems with, like a standard car, as the "maintence" schedule list isnt as long as said hottie (highly modified).

Of course, you can control the risk but servicing regularly and often and maintain the clean standards you would associate with a "modified show car".

Fortuneately these days you can hire a mechanic for these birds called psychotherapists who do wonders with the "ecu" and enable the driver to maintain control. By doing this you've more chance to avoid a warranty claim (seperation costs)


The trouble with the mechanic/psychotherapists as you describe them is that they cost alot of money :(

Otherwise I agree, the hotter they are the higher the maintenance costs and the increased likelyhood of failure of some sort.

Note this scale; the closer you get to the ends the worse they are mentally (theres gotta be a reason the uggers are ugly), the key is striking it somewhere in the middle, something I have FAILED at quite bad all my life...


Notness |----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| Hotness

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i subscribe to the theory "look at the mother, to see what you will have in 20 years".

Tried and tested.

i have seen plenty of hot ass at 18 balloon out into fat pigs by late 20s.

IMO just find a good looking but not mega hot chick that you are compatible with personality wise and you have struck the jackpot.

In saying that there are some little minters out there that dont realise how smoking hot they are. One of these at my work, but she is taken and so am I.

i can still look though eh???

However these are as rare as the proverbial rockinghorse shit!

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luckily this one is a personal trainer and likes to work out so i should be ok, she loves to cook and clean so to quote the song 'put a ring on it' or was that put it in the ring?

And i dont have issues, ive just spent along time thinking about it.

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 ODB said:

i subscribe to the theory "look at the mother, to see what you will have in 20 years".

That is true, the other thing is look at their father. Psychologically speaking, when I studied at uni it turns out generally the father has the greatest affect on how a women will be in their future. Case point my best mate she was absolutely shocking when it came to one night stands... Couple drinks and she is anyones, even when she was sober lol. Things got a little ****ed up after a while and I recommended counciling, which turned out her fathers man-whore ways since she was a youngin had greatly affected her hence why she was doing exactly the same.

And for those wondering, no I did not sleep with her... I had an epic fail with a brain explosion on one occasion which bunched me on the mate list. When a chick says "u realise we cant be best mates after this" I gave the most shocking response lol turns out I can't multi task when I have other things on the mind. Ah to be young again lol, thats a mistake I never repeated haha

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 WRXER']And for those wondering, no I did not sleep with her... I had an epic fail with a brain explosion on one occasion which bunched me on the mate list.

[quote name='George Carlin said:

I should've never played the game, I should've fucked oh what's her name


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[quote name='ODB said:

i subscribe to the theory "look at the mother, to see what you will have in 20 years".


And for those wondering, no I did not sleep with her... I had an epic fail with a brain explosion on one occasion which bunched me on the mate list.

Story of my life. Got lots of *MINT* girl mates from uni (Oh AUT communications you are a choice degree :D) but I always have the said brain explosion and get relegated to the mates list or just get automatically put there because I'm too much of a nice guy >:( Seriously hot chicks like assholes for partners! It makes them feel better or something

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Haha yup +1 know whats thats all about. I'd say only a couple of my hot chick mates are going out with decent guys, the majority are with assholes that I'm like WTF lol Best one was my good mate, her bf was a complete asshole. He absolutely hated me, the really funny thing was I was the only one who wasn't fucking her haha even his mates were lol yet he hated and was jealous of me lol now that was funny.

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i went out with a chick who was a model, very attractive girl but furkin no personality. She had no substance about her at all, just surface bullsh!t

I put it down to the fact that hot chicks (not all hot chicks obviously) dont have to work very hard at ANY thing because everything falls at their feet because of their looks.

We had drunk guys coming up to us at clubs saying "excuse me, but i just had to say it, you are the most beutiful girl i have ever seen". She said that eggs come up and say that all the time.

I hate that sort of attention and she offered nothing personality-wise and was sooo boring that i ditched her anyways.

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My best mate she is absolutely freaking hot and has tits for africa, was great fun though we always "were" hitting the clubs, concert missions to aux/dunners and the lot, roadtrips etc etc... But this latest guy she is a real dick head, I've known him for years as he has hit on alot my chick mates he is a big player and has already cheated on her a few times yet she sticks with him. Couldn't believe it the last time round when I saved her ass in town, balling her eyes out to which I helped her get all her **** from her place. She would put him on speakerphone and he was absolutely ****ing psycho lol, then couple days later she said she was going back to him as she was sure she could change his ways, that was when I had enough of that crap and pretty much dumped her as a mate. Couldn't be bothered having to pick up the pieces again and again.

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[quote name='Swindog said:

But hot chicks are like highly modified cars. There more risk of something blowing up rather than not. The reason being they know their hot and can get anyone. I moulded my ex into the hottie she is and it caused us to split as i failed to recognise someone else willing to buy it....er i mean her. So she chnaged her plates and was on sold.

A not so hot, say.....unhottie, you have less problems with, like a standard car, as the "maintence" schedule list isnt as long as said hottie (highly modified).

Of course, you can control the risk but servicing regularly and often and maintain the clean standards you would associate with a "modified show car".

Fortuneately these days you can hire a mechanic for these birds called psychotherapists who do wonders with the "ecu" and enable the driver to maintain control. By doing this you've more chance to avoid a warranty claim (seperation costs)


The trouble with the mechanic/psychotherapists as you describe them is that they cost alot of money :(

Otherwise I agree, the hotter they are the higher the maintenance costs and the increased likelyhood of failure of some sort.

Look at it in terms of cars...to reflash the ecu is cheaper than buying a new ecu but at a risk also. The likely hood of a replacment ecu in a female is slim to none due to the volatile nature of the design. A reflash although looks expensive can reduce the risk and the cost if spread over the entire maintence period is ecomonic. Lol...

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 WRXER said:

My best mate she is absolutely freaking hot and has tits for africa, was great fun though we always "were" hitting the clubs, concert missions to aux/dunners and the lot, roadtrips etc etc... But this latest guy she is a real dick head, I've known him for years as he has hit on alot my chick mates he is a big player and has already cheated on her a few times yet she sticks with him. Couldn't believe it the last time round when I saved her ass in town, balling her eyes out to which I helped her get all her **** from her place. She would put him on speakerphone and he was absolutely ****ing psycho lol, then couple days later she said she was going back to him as she was sure she could change his ways, that was when I had enough of that crap and pretty much dumped her as a mate. Couldn't be bothered having to pick up the pieces again and again.

Not Summer is it?

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