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I used to go telling people that clubsub was a good club, but people used to tell me otherwise, now i see why your not very much liked amongst the majority of Subaru owners throughout the country.

Your motto should be WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. as everytime i have commented on something you guys have corrected all of my comments, regardless of weather they are correct or not.

I will be passing this on to other Subaru owners that I know that would have liked to join your club,

that they would be better spending their precious time smacking their heads into a Brick wall,

as they will get much more pleasure doing that than posting in here, and having, more "Senior" club members being obnoxious and ignorant of everyone else's opinion and statement of facts.

I actually feel sorry for some of you, especially those of you who are actually decent people, and not just wannabe know it alls.

I appreciate being ousted every time I post something, and it goes to show how immature most of the "senior" people are on here.

I was telling absolute truth in the above post, but apparently that's not good enough.

I will find a car club that's actually decent and go join that, as this was a complete waste of my time.

B4 I do that though I might go kill some kittens, with my Rex, at extremely high speeds along the road from my house in front of the primary school there when the kids get off of the bus in the morning, whilst masturbating the whole time and loving it in front of the childrens mothers.

Best Rant ever XXX losers... :-* :-* :-*


Loser town called and they want their area code back.

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Aww don't go!! :'(

But seriously, you're not listening. You were saying that you had a 4-plug 98 STI ECU which people said it didn't exist.

You also said that you can get a 3-plug harness adapter to use this 4-plug ECU in a 98 STI. This alone should be proof enough that it is not in-fact a 98 STI. Yes, it may be able to run a 98 STI (if the chipped is mapped for it) but it is not a 98 STI ECU otherwise it would plug straight in. Why would Subaru waste eleventy million dollars making a bunch of harness adapters when they could just specify the ECU to have the same plug as the wiring loom in the car........

Sometimes the facts get in the way of peoples enthusiasm for their cars and their clouded minds don't let them see when people are trying to stop a bunch of spurious information filling up the technical threads.

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 travel express said:

I used to go telling people that clubsub was a good club, but people used to tell me otherwise, now i see why your not very much liked amongst the majority of Subaru owners throughout the country.

Your motto should be WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. as everytime i have commented on something you guys have corrected all of my comments, regardless of weather they are correct or not.

I will be passing this on to other Subaru owners that I know that would have liked to join your club,

that they would be better spending their precious time smacking their heads into a Brick wall,

as they will get much more pleasure doing that than posting in here, and having, more "Senior" club members being obnoxious and ignorant of everyone else's opinion and statement of facts.

I actually feel sorry for some of you, especially those of you who are actually decent people, and not just wannabe know it alls.

I appreciate being ousted every time I post something, and it goes to show how immature most of the "senior" people are on here.

I was telling absolute truth in the above post, but apparently that's not good enough.

I will find a car club that's actually decent and go join that, as this was a complete waste of my time.

B4 I do that though I might go kill some kittens, with my Rex, at extremely high speeds along the road from my house in front of the primary school there when the kids get off of the bus in the morning, whilst masturbating the whole time and loving it in front of the childrens mothers.

Best Rant ever XXX losers... :-* :-* :-*


Loser town called and they want their area code back.

I'm going to have fun with you.

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I'll just do a copy paste job on the first result when I type in "subaru w9 ecu".

U8, W6, 2C - 1993/1994 WRX 11.47psi

W9 - 1994 WRX RA 11.47psi

V7, 7D, 6D - 1993 to 1996 UK/Euro 11.47psi

SA (STi chipped) - 1993/1994 STi 13.64psi

SB (STi chipped) - 1993/1994 STi RA 13.64psi

Z4 - 1995/1996 WRX 12.7psi

Z5 - 1995/1996 WRX RA 12.7psi

6K (STi mapped, but not Chipped) - 1995/1996 STi 13.64psi

7K (STi mapped, but not Chipped) - 1995/1996 STi RA13.64psi

Prodrive UK ECU (Prodrive Chipped) - 1994 to 1996 13.68psi

1C, 3B, V9, V5 - All WRX Wagons 10psi, dropping to 6.8psi

I've bolded the important part.

Just to add that firstly, I think that you sir are like a creationist. You solely believe only what you have been told, and only think what you have been told is the truth, and everyone else is wrong, regardless of whatever evidence has been brought forward.

Secondly I think that you are also a moron. For reasons similar to above. You sit there and tell us that we are all wrong, just because someone told you that ECU came from a 1998 Impreza. Your moronic logic is telling you that even though BC5RA, Koom, Kamineko and myself have had 1st hand experience with different ECU's with different plug setups, we are all wrong because you are so damn positive that what you have is a 1998 Impreza ECU.

Had you actually handled V3-4 3 plug ECU's you would know that what you have is NOT an ECU from any Subaru manfactured in 1998.

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this was a massive thread steal!

can you guys stop having a massive arguement over a couple questions i asked.

gravel express could be right or could not be, there is no need to say but narrr i searched this up.

EDIT: its getting pretty bad on running rich aye. blowing massive back fires now. left smoke last night.

gas drops like a B****.

also was it running 12 when you sold it>?

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 kingersman said:

this was a massive thread steal!

can you guys stop having a massive arguement over a couple questions i asked.

gravel express could be right or could not be, there is no need to say but narrr i searched this up.

What good is this site if you can't rely on the information?

We stated the facts.

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 kingersman said:

this was a massive thread steal!

can you guys stop having a massive arguement over a couple questions i asked.

gravel express could be right or could not be, there is no need to say but narrr i searched this up.

EDIT: its getting pretty bad on running rich aye. blowing massive back fires now. left smoke last night.

gas drops like a B****.

also was it running 12 when you sold it>?

To answer your original question on if a '98 will work in your car...it is flatly no.

There is nowhere good in Dunedin to get it tuned. Even then, you can't tune the early ECUs by throwing the car on rollers and letting some guy change random variables.

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 kingersman said:

this was a massive thread steal!

can you guys stop having a massive arguement over a couple questions i asked.

gravel express could be right or could not be, there is no need to say but narrr i searched this up.

EDIT: its getting pretty bad on running rich aye. blowing massive back fires now. left smoke last night.

gas drops like a B****.

also was it running 12 when you sold it>?

Yeah had it running on a boost tap with 12psi might creep up to 14-15 on a very cold day, use to do similar when I owned it. Remember it use to shoot flames at night once I got the resonator installed to lower the noise a little.

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[quote name='dubbedup said:

Somewhere in the chaos that is my shed I have a V1 ecu - which should be direct plug in, yours for a box of beers... ;D


Why don't you take this guy up on his offer?

Best not. 4 plug is a 1998 Singapore Spec ECU. Limited edition and all.

[in the interests of public safety and the sanity of the mods this message is full of sarcasm and falsehood]

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[quote name='dubbedup said:

Somewhere in the chaos that is my shed I have a V1 ecu - which should be direct plug in, yours for a box of beers... ;D


Why don't you take this guy up on his offer?

Best not. 4 plug is a 1998 Singapore Spec ECU. Limited edition and all.

[in the interests of public safety and the sanity of the mods this message is full of sarcasm and falsehood]

Hey, wtf do you think I'm doing, editing my fucking post. You have no fucking clue what you're going on about. EVERYONE WHO KNOWS SUBARUS KNOWS THAT A SINGAPORE SPEC ECU IS LIMITED EDITION AND INCREASES POWER OUTPUT BY 212%!!!!!!!!!

I'm sick of this shit, I'm going off to find a better forum that isn't full of knowitalls who clearly can't tell the difference between their arse and their elbow when it comes to Subarus!

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[quote name='travel express said:

I used to go telling people that clubsub was a good club, but people used to tell me otherwise, now i see why your not very much liked amongst the majority of Subaru owners throughout the country.

Your motto should be b]WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.[/b] as everytime i have commented on something you guys have corrected all of my comments, regardless of weather they are correct or not.

I will be passing this on to other Subaru owners that I know that would have liked to join your club,

that they would be better spending their precious time smacking their heads into a Brick wall,

as they will get much more pleasure doing that than posting in here, and having, more "Senior" club members being obnoxious and ignorant of everyone else's opinion and statement of facts.

I actually feel sorry for some of you, especially those of you who are actually decent people, and not just wannabe know it alls.

I appreciate being ousted every time I post something, and it goes to show how immature most of the "senior" people are on here.

I was telling absolute truth in the above post, but apparently that's not good enough.

I will find a car club that's actually decent and go join that, as this was a complete waste of my time.

B4 I do that though I might go kill some kittens, with my Rex, at extremely high speeds along the road from my house in front of the primary school there when the kids get off of the bus in the morning, whilst masturbating the whole time and loving it in front of the childrens mothers.

Best Rant ever XXX losers... :-* :-* :-*


Loser town called and they want their area code back.

I'm going to have fun with you.

I have just read this thread :o hahahah man I don't know what to say! what a douche!! Good for a laugh :D

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