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Hx20s conversion

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Hey guys

I have a sti v4 motor lying around, and my mate has this 1996 subaru hx20s hatchback, which is a 2l manual, very very tidy. he blew the motor and is going to sell to me for cheap so i can drop my sti motor in. Body has very low ks, and i was wondering if the hx20s can handle the engine?? i have heard the hx20s is very alike the wrx, but i know i will have to replace the clutch since the wrx is a pull style, and bigger brakes ect, (I heard this on another forum is this true: the HX20s is a mongrel made out of leftovers, including a Legacy SOHC 2.0L engine and the STi RA rally-lightened body. The rest aside from the brakes is all WRX) has anyone got any tips if it is a good idea? what are the main differences between the wrx and hx20s body ect,

Thanks guys

Any help is much appreciated

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i changed a 96 wrx sedan into a 93 impreza hatch which was sohc fwd... it all bolts in. even going from fwd to 4wd.. wiring isnt hard... no cutting just need to change whole entire loom..mine was cable clutch... hydro clutch alll bolts straight in

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Chassis is fine - it's a GC8/GF8, so it'll handle it.

Gearbox will probably assplode into a brazillion pieces (or at least shred a gear if you get grumpy at it). And yeah...clutch funtiems :P

Wiring...not the same. If you want a challenge...knock yourself out :D

Brakes...for the love of all things good and holy, CHANGE THEM.

Suspension...you will want some upgrades, but that's a duh if you're getting it ready for track.

Ultimately I'm NOT a proponent of modifying the sh!t out of an HX, as that's exactly what I'm doing and it's the hard road and then some. But if you intend it to be more than 'just' an STi - ie a track car, caged and everything - you've got a perfect starter shell. You'll ultimately change out anything that's HX, WRX, STi for track-worthy aftermarket stuff anyway, so better save the money and go for the chassis code, not the final trim.

But for the love of all things good and holy, don't try and make an STi out of an HX20s ;D

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wiring isnt as hard as everone makes it out to be...a wrx loom for the correct motor plugs straight up just labour changing it over..

non turbo box uses cable clutch.. you could use it but i bet you will fry clutch and gearbox wont last.. get wrx gearbox and matching final drive and axles etc.. and clutch and convert to hydro clutch.. change pedal box, cylinders and lines etc

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Definitely swap for a stronger gearbox, only took one grumpy shift to get one of the several HX gearboxes we have around in the group to detonate, with nothing but a Legacy EJ20G in front of it. ;D

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 Shale said:

Normally I'd agree, but if the aim is to use a shell as a race car, then an N/A is as legit a starting point as a turbo. If it's all about replicating an STi...HAYELL-NO.

it cost you more to turn a wrx into a STI then it does to just buy a STI... i would know LOL

and the value of sale isnt worth a STI but meh

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 ODB said:

with the amount of time and effort you would still have something that isnt as good as a STi and wont retain value anywhere like one.

Save yourself and your wallet and buy an STi bro.

I disagree, if you have a motor and a cheap tidy shell why not, if you dont like getting your hands dirty then sure buy an STI,

Honestly there isnt a great deal of difference between the shells and if you plan on modding it, your better starting with the cheapest option possible because nothing that came out in that era is up the task, if your looking at turning a profit on it i think you will struggle, but if you want a fun project car then this is it for sure!

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 Dubby458 said:

(I heard this on another forum is this true: the HX20s is a mongrel made out of leftovers, including a Legacy SOHC 2.0L engine and the STi RA rally-lightened body. The rest aside from the brakes is all WRX)

Cool story bro *cheesy thumbs up* nah j/j :P

there are many varying grades of each model. varying engine capacity/config, drivelines and level of trim. its all about catering to a wide market range

all the models share the same chassis in their given year. everything 'extra' is just tacked on.

the RA chassis is not as special as some make it out to be. its simply the basic bare-bones chassis, with no underbody seal and a roof vent hole cut out. everything else that makes the RA cool is tacked on (or omitted) just like any other model

regarding the SOHC engine, thats pretty common for most Imprezas. the DOHC 2.0L NA was the more expensive 'premium' option before going turbo.

umm and yeah, everything will fit. i only have experience with the Impreza 1.6L 4WD driveline, and thats defiantly not up to the task - everything was well under-spec for a turbo engine. the 2.0L driveline may be uprated, not sure. for a start, compare the diameter of your half shafts to a wrx.

err actually: bear in mind the differences in clutch assemblies as mentioned above and also get a turbo front sub-frame that has the indent to allow the turbo up-pipe. you might need a turbo gearbox mount to allow the downpipe to pass as well.

wiring: you'll have to look at the 2.0L ecu/loom and see what setup it is to begin with. people who say its an easy task do not understand the problems when retrofitting a loom, or have never actually done it. it can be a hell of a thing to get right.

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Has anyone seen the hx impreza converted to a wrx in the performance car mag, issue 164, featuring the joker ute, And that phat chocolate AE85 wat go NZPC of the year award. It has the plates BLAZD and is fully shaven and looks phat, That the car what inspires me,

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