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must not exceed posted speed limit nor be unsafe? ie visibility? (1st part is fact : not sure on the rest)

what specificly was infringement for? suspect it will only say "unsafe passing manuvour"

what did the officer say the? suspect he gave a good reason

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Yea i got pinged for that just recently. Overtook 2 dwadling retards doing 70k in a 100k area, along the gibston straights, and f'n piggy got me doin 131. Said theres NO excuse to be travelling that fast!

I said i wasn't exactly looking at the speedo, i was watching the road so i could execute my passing maneuver as swiftly and safely as possible. You know. WATCHING the road and surrounding environment, not a needle on my dash board.

God our ancient traffic laws, and idiotic cops who have no understanding of the term 'commons sense' really grinds my gears...

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 collaboration said:

yeah it's quite silly that the overtaking has to be done within 110km/hr... those slow drivers usually go hard on straight and really slow in corners.....

Ah man i remember driving to chch form nelson about a year ago, this old *#(@&(@#(@#(*@#*(#$$$!!!!!! (yes he was that bad) in a brand new maxima, was doin 140-180 along the straights and FULLY slowing down to like 70 around corners! He would boost off on the straights and id always catch him up on the twisties but he was adament to not let me pass.

Ended up just so sick of it i managed to pass him doin around 240, was in my gtst at the time. Bet he went home and complained about boyracers haha.

But seriously it shows the average human being has little to no understanding on the physics of being able to handle a 1tonne+ piece of metal. Our license tests really need to get serious. You SHOULDN'T be driving unless you are specifically qualified to handle your vehicle and able to prove the fact.

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Yea i got pinged for that just recently. Overtook 2 dwadling retards doing 70k in a 100k area, along the gibston straights, and f'n piggy got me doin 131. Said theres NO excuse to be travelling that fast!

I said i wasn't exactly looking at the speedo, i was watching the road so i could execute my passing maneuver as swiftly and safely as possible. You know. WATCHING the road and surrounding environment, not a needle on my dash board.

God our ancient traffic laws, and idiotic cops who have no understanding of the term 'commons sense' really grinds my gears...

how did you miss the cop, if you were watching your surrounding environment? i constantly scan the road ahead, behind & around me, ive never been pulled over for speeding, have had 1 camera ticket coming down ngauranga gorge for 91 in 80k zone.

i guess it all depends on what you do once you've passed & the cop on the day, some cops will let you off for going a little over the speed limit if you execute a safe passing maneuver and back off the throttle straight back down to speed limit, if you chop down to 3rd and keep boosting then chances are your going get a ticket, no point in bitching about it here, your not going to get praised for breaking the law and having rant about getting a ticket for it on here

[quote name='collaboration said:

yeah it's quite silly that the overtaking has to be done within 110km/hr... those slow drivers usually go hard on straight and really slow in corners.....


Ah man i remember driving to chch form nelson about a year ago, this old *#(@&(@#(@#(*@#*(#$$$!!!!!! (yes he was that bad) in a brand new maxima, was doin 140-180 along the straights and FULLY slowing down to like 70 around corners! He would boost off on the straights and id always catch him up on the twisties but he was adament to not let me pass.

Ended up just so sick of it i managed to pass him doin around 240, was in my gtst at the time. Bet he went home and complained about boyracers haha.

But seriously it shows the average human being has little to no understanding on the physics of being able to handle a 1tonne+ piece of metal. Our license tests really need to get serious. You SHOULDN'T be driving unless you are specifically qualified to handle your vehicle and able to prove the fact.

thats utter stupidity, i hope you have your license taken off you, people like you are why there are speed limits, YOU SHOULDN'T be driving

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[quote name='collaboration said:

yeah it's quite silly that the overtaking has to be done within 110km/hr... those slow drivers usually go hard on straight and really slow in corners.....


Ah man i remember driving to chch form nelson about a year ago, this old *#(@&(@#(@#(*@#*(#$$$!!!!!! (yes he was that bad) in a brand new maxima, was doin 140-180 along the straights and FULLY slowing down to like 70 around corners! He would boost off on the straights and id always catch him up on the twisties but he was adament to not let me pass.

Ended up just so sick of it i managed to pass him doin around 240, was in my gtst at the time. Bet he went home and complained about boyracers haha.

But seriously it shows the average human being has little to no understanding on the physics of being able to handle a 1tonne+ piece of metal. Our license tests really need to get serious. You SHOULDN'T be driving unless you are specifically qualified to handle your vehicle and able to prove the fact.

OK dude thats just not a very good thing to post on an open forum with members of the Police on here too..

That kinda speeds require you to hand in your licence and go to jail...

Christ 240Km/h on NZ open roads??? and WTF were you doing trying to pass some retard doing 140 - 180 KM/h on the open road???

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Yea i got pinged for that just recently. Overtook 2 dwadling retards doing 70k in a 100k area, along the gibston straights, and f'n piggy got me doin 131. Said theres NO excuse to be travelling that fast!

I said i wasn't exactly looking at the speedo, i was watching the road so i could execute my passing maneuver as swiftly and safely as possible. You know. WATCHING the road and surrounding environment, not a needle on my dash board.

God our ancient traffic laws, and idiotic cops who have no understanding of the term 'commons sense' really grinds my gears...

how did you miss the cop, if you were watching your surrounding environment? i constantly scan the road ahead, behind & around me, ive never been pulled over for speeding, have had 1 camera ticket coming down ngauranga gorge for 91 in 80k zone.

i guess it all depends on what you do once you've passed & the cop on the day, some cops will let you off for going a little over the speed limit if you execute a safe passing maneuver and back off the throttle straight back down to speed limit, if you chop down to 3rd and keep boosting then chances are your going get a ticket, no point in bitching about it here, your not going to get praised for breaking the law and having rant about getting a ticket for it on here

[quote name='collaboration said:

yeah it's quite silly that the overtaking has to be done within 110km/hr... those slow drivers usually go hard on straight and really slow in corners.....


Ah man i remember driving to chch form nelson about a year ago, this old *#(@&(@#(@#(*@#*(#$$$!!!!!! (yes he was that bad) in a brand new maxima, was doin 140-180 along the straights and FULLY slowing down to like 70 around corners! He would boost off on the straights and id always catch him up on the twisties but he was adament to not let me pass.

Ended up just so sick of it i managed to pass him doin around 240, was in my gtst at the time. Bet he went home and complained about boyracers haha.

But seriously it shows the average human being has little to no understanding on the physics of being able to handle a 1tonne+ piece of metal. Our license tests really need to get serious. You SHOULDN'T be driving unless you are specifically qualified to handle your vehicle and able to prove the fact.

thats utter stupidity, i hope you have your license taken off you, people like you are why there are speed limits, YOU SHOULDN'T be driving

Agreed on both points...

I have had speeding tickets too, mostly for being 10/11Km/h over limit so no angel here

But as I like to say Crazy not Stupid

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im no angel either, dont get me wrong ::) , i think just about everyone on this forum is guilty of it now and then

Boy Racers though huh, 240k is just idiotic passing speed not something to boast about, what would you have done had one of your tires blown out while passing & slammed straight into the car your passing, easily killing yourself and the people in the car you hit?

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 Nick_96_RSB said:

im no angel either, dont get me wrong ::) , i think just about everyone on this forum is guilty of it now and then

Boy Racers though huh, 240k is just idiotic passing speed not something to boast about, what would you have done had one of your tires blown out while passing & slammed straight into the car your passing, easily killing yourself and the people in the car you hit?

he wouldn't have done much really as he would be dead! at that seed there is no time for reaction when it comes to oncoming traffic .

i agree dumb thing to say and if its true he shouldn't have a license.

i somehow think its a bit of a tall tail .

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 Nick_96_RSB said:

Never seen high octance before, laughed so f*cking hard at those idians, funny sh*t. +1

As for overtaking. About 2 years ago me and a mate were heading from Napier-Taupo, we were behind 2 logging trucks and another car, a passing bay came up and we overtook them doing about 135, a undercover cop was behind us at the time and we didnt know, i passed and slowed down to roughly 100-105. The cop ticketed me for doing 135, i tryed explaining i was just speeding up to get passed the trucks but he didnt seem to care.

So im guessing you must still be within the limit while passing. I dunno

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Joker V This prob wasn't quite 240 but getting there i'd say. This was done on a private closed off section of road, so dont panic...

This is my old skyline, the standard manual r32 gtst are geared for 252kmh i think of the top of my head. I got pinged at 131kmh and didnt see the cop, because there were a line of cars coming the other way and the cop was in the middle of it. Im not bitchin about it, it was my own stupid fault i didnt look as carefully as i normally do, one of those things.

Realistically, good luck taking me to court over a internet admission on a public forum. Yea its really gonna stick. Im not the kind of person who speeds everywhere doing stupid stuff, but i have been driving and owning performance cars for almost my entire 12 year driving period, there is a time and a place for exploring your cars performance potential. Driving way out the country between two cities on a straight road no other cars on the road except for the retard in front of me, i'd rather him behind me than in front.

Sure accidents do happen, and the faster you go the higher the stresses on components in the car are, which makes the chances of something happeing higher than if you were going slower. Thats why you never drive at those speeds for extended periods of time. Generally it's just a boost up to that speed then pretty much slowing back to 'normal' speeds as soon as you have reached said speed. Nick_96_RSB i definately wasn't 'boasting' about it, it's not that impressive. Just saying what happened (or not. legal disclaimer). And your saying you have a 'performance' car 96 RSB i presume? Not important. But you have never floored your car to the top of third and fourth on a public road? You probably shouldn't answer that. And if you honestly never have then that's fine and your opinions on the subject bare no importance to me in the slightest, because you aren't the type of person i would associate with in reality (no offence). So i really dont care what you have to say on the topic.

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 rex-leggy said:

240kph on a private closed off road from chch to nelson . where is this road lol .

i wana go there

Just for interests sake, and what my rocket scientist friend said could be possible, there are a few nice straights goin down that way that could theoretically harbour some speeds that the government say actually dont exist...

Have done that drive and nelson to queenstown so many times now. Actually a really good drive :)

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