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ever been evicted from a car showroom?


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I\'m writing this whilst still in a state of shock........

As we do most weekends, the wife and I were driving around various Auckalnd garages looking at cars.

Been around the shore, through New Lynn, Pt Chev and Western Springs and while talking to one of the sales guys I said I was looking at Impreza Wrx\'s & STi\'s. He hadn\'t got anything but reckoned one of the dealers on K Rd would have what we were after.

Went up, had a look. They\'d got a couple of \'02/03 WRxSTi\'s, a bit high on the K\'s but worth seeing anyway. Then one of their salesman suggest I look at the black one in the showroom " you\'ll really like it" he said.

At first glance it looked good, not great, but worth a 2nd look.

A different salesman came over to start a conversation about the car as I was walking around it. Then I mentioned to the wife that the paint work looked like it had had a bit of a hard life. Dont get me wrong, stone chips and car park dings are par for the course and initially this didnt look any worse than any other 10yr old car. ( now i\'m no expert on paint, but to the un-trained eye it almost looked as if it MAY have had some work )

Then, next minute, the old boy from the office out the back came out and told me to go to the local car supermarket & start picking their stock to pieces. Perhaps I should go back when I know what I\'m talking about. I told him I\'ve owned five of these, so I know exactly what i\'m talking about. He then tells me to get out of his show room, get off his site before calls the police and get me arrested for trespass? He also starts shouting at my wife and when she asked him if he was the owner he said he was, she replied that she felt sorry for his customers but left straight away.

2hrs later I\'m still shaking my head in disbelief

A couple of points.

1, I worked in the motor trade in the UK for 15yrs and never, ever would I ever speak to a potential customer like that.

2, I may only be one customer, but in the 3 1/2 years i\'ve been back in NZ i\'ve bought, or been involved in the buying process for family members on 19 vehicles.

3, If you want to advertise a vehicle as " in absolutely immaculate condition " MAKE SURE IT IS

4, Shout your customer down if you feel the need, but remember, he has a voice too ( and the internet is a powerful thing )

That all I have to say for now, just a rant,

thanks for listening.


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If you don\'t want this to escalate, why tell us? And why say your voice is loud via interweb?? Can\'t tell us all this and not elaborate on which car sales it is? Salesman sounds like a penis breath, but what can ya expect from used car salespeople...

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I don\'t know you, so can\'t comment. But if I was in the same situation, I\'d most likely make sure all my

negative observations were kept private... if I didn\'t like it, I wouldn\'t buy it... or perhaps I would formulate

and argument against paying the listed price, then use it to negotiate a lower price... but I wouldn\'t

walk around the car voicing all it\'s negatives out loud.

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When you want to buy a car and you haggle you say Ill give you 19k instead of 20k because of this and this. If youre a salesman and cant handle that then wtf are you a salesman for. Everythings got good and bad points. When I sell shit Im not like my stuffs the best nothing else touches it. If someone wants cheap shit I recommend somewhere to go rather than look like a douche later down the track when youve been ripping them off.

Its all about relationships. They might be a dickhead but its not about you they came to your shop have some respect, he mightve bought it.

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what ever happened to the customer is always right, i wouldn\'t be going there on this post alone

as the saleman/owner he should of just gritted his teeth and then talked about you behind you back like most other people do.

But in saying that i had a really rude customer a long time ago when i worked in a servo and i don\'t know something snapped and i just thought fark you buddy i\'m not going to serve you anymore to the point i shut down all the pumps and the cops had to come and take him off site after he lost the plot at me and started to throw swapper bottles at the doors.

but every coin as two sides i didn\'t have anything happen to me after i said i felt threatened.

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stupid thing is its not like youre having a go at *him* or his product - its a second hand car, its not different to a property investor or a pawn shop, they just take an item, mark up the cost and talk it up, and try to sell it for more and take the gamble they havent picked up a dud / try to hide it if they have

you just kinda caught him out, but yes trick is always keep the faults on the dlow until youre haggling, use them as ammo

stepdad once got asked to leave a bike shop, was shopping for a road bike - in his best going out stubbies & jandals - they said sir can you please leave if youre not buying, got real rude with him about it. his reply was well i was going to buy that busa there, with this cash here... he went down the road and has a new ducati at the moment. he literally had the cash on him since bike shops got so cagey on people test driving piloted missiles i guess haha

they may have regretted that statement

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I heard of one of my mates dads going to buy a Porsche and he said to the salesman that the gt3 looked like a kids car with fluro wheels. The snooty salesman told him that it didn\'t matter anyway as there was no way he could afford it any way. He told the salesman to get fucked and that he didn\'t have a clue and ended up buying a new maserati instead.

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Km aside , something is wrong lol

I mean y wud u have a fpr in an otherwise near stock car

I may be wrong but when I see fpr I immediately see either Ecu remapped and defenely ran alot more boost than stock

Or just ran a lot more boost than stock and up the fpr to cowboy tune

I have tuned a few v8 Sti and there is no need for a fpr even when runnin 23psi on the stock turbo and intercooler

Anyway my blind assumption is it\'s run a lot of boost and fpr to cowboy tune it

There is no mention of retune

Lol Damm caryard guy must have known u wud uncove something he didnt want

Good on u for letting all know

Thy deserve to be punished for treating u bad

Fully support what u did here

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