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Must suck to live where theres no 98

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 ReubenH said:

I live where there's no 98. Nearest stations 75k's away. So far i've been up here a few months, and have only put $10 of 95 in once. The rest of the time i have 98. It's all about planning.

as you say good planning, I couldnt do your route on a quarter, sheesh

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Here's a question.. back in the day of 91 and 96 the price difference was around 5-6 cents. When they brought 95 they dropped the price so the difference was only 4-5 cents. Within weeks it was back up at 5-6 cents. Just on my way past the stations today I notice that the difference is now 9 cents.. what gives?

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 Durty-Sanchez said:

Here's a question.. back in the day of 91 and 96 the price difference was around 5-6 cents. When they brought 95 they dropped the price so the difference was only 4-5 cents. Within weeks it was back up at 5-6 cents. Just on my way past the stations today I notice that the difference is now 9 cents.. what gives?

who else is gonna pay for john keys lunch ;D

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They always use the 'supply' excuse when they hack around with the price difference. That's certainly the bullsh!t excuse they used when the difference between 91 and 98 went from 11c to 14c. Think it is even more at BP from memory.

The 91-95 difference is ridiculous though; as I found out last night, 95 is refined locally but 98 is imported. So they are blatantly taking the piss by fiddling the prices of their 'premium' fuels as if they are the same thing ::)

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When I was in Whangamata over new years I drove down with a full tank of BP 98, drove like a nana as you do in new years traffic (which I mostly missed due to going down on boxing day) only boosted a couple of times to overtake the enemy and used about a 3rd of a tank of gas getting there, drove around through the forestry a bit and then drove up to Matarangi and back. 460kms + (fuel light didnt come on).

Then seeing the only gas station in Whanga is Shell I filled the car up with V-Power for the trip home, drove about the same and used just shy of a quarter tank of gas. STOKED! Car drove the same but used less fuel. Standard engine + manual Gbox = Win ;D

Nothing wrong with Shell's 95/96 (whatever it is) if you're not running higher than standard boost and don't drive like a maniac all the time ::)

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 Shale said:

They always use the 'supply' excuse when they hack around with the price difference. That's certainly the bullsh!t excuse they used when the difference between 91 and 98 went from 11c to 14c. Think it is even more at BP from memory.

The 91-95 difference is ridiculous though; as I found out last night, 95 is refined locally but 98 is imported. So they are blatantly taking the piss by fiddling the prices of their 'premium' fuels as if they are the same thing ::)

the difference in 91 and 98 at BP is between 14c to 20c >:( >:(

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Same here lol, i filled with 98 in auckland and then had to refill with Shell V down there, i had forgotten it was only the shell down there.

The car looks as if it might turn over the same mileage as if it were Mobil 98, its showing 220km to just a slight tad under half tank but at the same time im not lugging the ski around. It's also running the same boost......12psi lol that heaps enough from a vf22 on the street.

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 sharktale said:

Same here lol, i filled with 98 in auckland and then had to refill with Shell V down there, i had forgotten it was only the shell down there.

The car looks as if it might turn over the same mileage as if it were Mobil 98, its showing 220km to just a slight tad under half tank but at the same time im not lugging the ski around. It's also running the same boost......12psi lol that heaps enough from a vf22 on the street.

Dammit, so i shouldnt have run 18psi on mine !


Na that was race day. computer was tuned to 17psi and if i run 12psi it back fires like a demon. 15psi around town was ok. I run 16psi on this turbo and i seem to get ok mileage around town but be effed if i could get 450km to a tank on the open road...and thats being nice. I only use v-power. It doesnt seem to chuck as much black stuff out the back with it. I find it starts abit easier with it too.

I spoke with the guys at Shell one day about fuel pricing. As the price had just gone up i said what did you buy the fuel in the underground tank for? I said its abit unfair that you put the prices up per litre of fuel that you paid less for and is still in the tank. This was before the tanks were refilled with the higher priced fuel.

The next question was, in Bluff they have HUGE hholding tanks of fuel that takes about 3 1/2 wks to empty, why when you bought that fuel at a lower price are we paying the higher price for older fuel? He was only a pumpy but said oh thats something youll need to speak to the manager about. Its abit shit really that the fuel industry and the upheaval its gone through is still unregulated and the government are taking a skim off the top too.

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 Swindog said:

I spoke with the guys at Shell one day about fuel pricing. As the price had just gone up i said what did you buy the fuel in the underground tank for? I said its abit unfair that you put the prices up per litre of fuel that you paid less for and is still in the tank. This was before the tanks were refilled with the higher priced fuel.

The next question was, in Bluff they have HUGE hholding tanks of fuel that takes about 3 1/2 wks to empty, why when you bought that fuel at a lower price are we paying the higher price for older fuel? He was only a pumpy but said oh thats something youll need to speak to the manager about. Its abit **** really that the fuel industry and the upheaval its gone through is still unregulated and the government are taking a skim off the top too.

not that i think the current system is perfect, but conversely when (or is it if?) the price goes down, they don't wait for the tanks to be emptied to change the price down either. So in that case, they paid more for that specific batch of petrol but the price is lower anyways.

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How often has it gone down compared to it going up and how much margin do you think they make when they put it up 5c a litre and drop it 3c a litre. Why when it was at $1.30/ltire were they making record profits and look at the price now $1.73 or whatever. You think they struggle or loose money when they drop it?

BP Nz's own CEO said in an interview last year he wished it was $5 a litre. Ok for him as hell get free gas and they blame it on production and no oil. Theres oil for africa in the middle east, ive seen it myself. Just lakes and lakes of the shit bubbling up out of the ground.

You cant tell me they cant keep up with productions. BP own there own plants and they reduce the amount of barrels they can push out each day, when that happens, the price goes up. Who regulates the price of oil? The people who make it do and those are the people who sell it or have vested interests in the companies making the refined product. Its a negative cycle to make money from the petrol companies.

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HEY! like I said, I agree it's not a perfect system! I'm just pointing out that the immediate change works both ways, so that isn't really the issue. the issue is the control over the pricing, specifically via production (and therefore supply) control, yes?

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Actually I like living where there is no 98 :)

also means no traffic jams nor a high police presence nor car crime nor people and we run to our own time

so if the choice was 98 and all of the above or 95 and what I have then i will take what I have every time :)

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