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Witness says "take the turbo charged cars away from young drivers"

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thinking out loud, and not reading all the previous posts. why not use a rallying equation that says turbo car = +1.4 (or 6)L.... then say work out a age / literage equation for whats "allowable? same for super chargers and the like. Try not to complicate it with diesel / petrol etc.

something like.. maximum of

2L at 16-18,

2.5L to age 20

3.0L at 22

3.5L at 24

to unrestricted at 25?

and using the turbo multiplier in the equation? im sure there are a few extra variables in the equation - but idea is just a concept and should be simple.

edit: the rota is often considered x2 in terms of literage .

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the guy was a criminal, yip.. lucky he didnt kill anyone else... yip parents lost a son ( i bet they were real updstanding citizens too and oh so proud of their up and coming young man... NOT)

F@ck em, good riddance!

You can bet that crap parenting skills played a major part in what he was like as a person

A new law: idiots are not allowed to breed.

At least now he can not breed more idiots... that cycle is broken thnk Fuk

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Now, can anyone see in any photo of the crash any evidence that it was ACTUALLY a wrx? To me it just looks like an SRX which if I'm not mistaken isn't turbo. (As an SRX is afaik an HX20 with a WRX bodykit). All I can see in the photo is a front kit and a bonnet that appears to be devoid of scoops/vents etc.

The only person's word we have for it being a 'wrx' is the guy who was there who is saying KIDS [22 year olds] SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED [disqualified from driving] TO DRIVE [non] TURBO [stolen] CARS if this is the case. I'm not entirely certain Joe Public 50 year old guy can tell the difference between a WRX and an SRX with a big bore, for example.

Brackets inserted to show how stupid his argument looks even if the car WAS a wrx.

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 MercuryFree said:

Now, can anyone see in any photo of the crash any evidence that it was ACTUALLY a wrx? To me it just looks like an SRX which if I'm not mistaken isn't turbo. (As an SRX is afaik an HX20 with a WRX bodykit). All I can see in the photo is a front kit and a bonnet that appears to be devoid of scoops/vents etc.

The only person's word we have for it being a 'wrx' is the guy who was there who is saying KIDS [22 year olds] SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED [disqualified from driving] TO DRIVE [non] TURBO [stolen] CARS if this is the case. I'm not entirely certain Joe Public 50 year old guy can tell the difference between a WRX and an SRX with a big bore, for example.

Brackets inserted to show how stupid his argument looks even if the car WAS a wrx.

Good point.

Again tho...funnky has some sorta idea about it. I had worked it out age vs cc's along with turbos etc. Ill find it somwhere. It would actually work though!

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 funkytown said:

then say work out a age / literage equation for whats "allowable? same for super chargers and the like.

i'd rather let the idiots kill themselves, personally. i have no problem with that. i do have a problem with them injuring/killing others at the same time, which thankfully did not happen in this case.

if we were to put a limit, i'd think it would be more effective to use the power to weight ratio, or 0-100 time, or some other performance measurement than simply engine size. a standard B4 is more powerful than my first car was (4.6L V8 over in the states), much quicker, etc. the diesel/petrol issue complicates things as well: at 21 I was told a 3.0L TD hilux surf was "too big" for me for insurance purposes. didn't matter that it was diesel, it was just too much. kind of retarded, when most 2.0L NA cars are as quick as a diesel surf...

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oh and i was glad to see this:

Police Minister Judith Collins backed police and encouraged them to continuing doing their job.

"Police are not going to stand by and let dangerous drivers take over the road and put innocent lives at risk."

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[quote name='funkytown said:

then say work out a age / literage equation for whats "allowable? same for super chargers and the like.


i'd rather let the idiots kill themselves, personally. i have no problem with that. i do have a problem with them injuring/killing others at the same time, which thankfully did not happen in this case.

if we were to put a limit, i'd think it would be more effective to use the power to weight ratio, or 0-100 time, or some other performance measurement than simply engine size. a standard B4 is more powerful than my first car was (4.6L V8 over in the states), much quicker, etc. the diesel/petrol issue complicates things as well: at 21 I was told a 3.0L TD hilux surf was "too big" for me for insurance purposes. didn't matter that it was diesel, it was just too much. kind of retarded, when most 2.0L NA cars are as quick as a diesel surf...

i wanted to simply get away from power / weight as its sooo easy to mod a car to make more power - you cant determine on the sidewalk when po po pulls you over your making xxxx yottawatts. and weigh xxx kgs.

If one simply said deisel was a multiplier of 0.7 or something you get the picture... thats fairly simple i think. Thinking ahead the same crude measure is going to hvae to be applied to electic cars right :)

Its a simple crude measure and no matter what you do everyone is going to work out what the fastest thing was in "my little scenario" - would happen regardless of what you prescribe.

I fully agree on Darwin theory for those f wits.. however time and time again they end up killing / hurting others and its without predudice that it happens.. You cant control it - hence the whole argument in the first place right?

edit: using your example you have one 4.6L and one 2.0T (2.0 x 1.6((turbo multiplier)) = 3.2L

Thus would take said driver the age of 24 to drive either ..

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small addition.. i know it doesnt take into consideration twin turbo blah blah.. nor lets say td04 vs VF22 type argument..

broad brush easy to work out system for Mr po po when he pulls you over no? and would cut out a stack of the boyracer, thick as pig shit that insist of killing others (read darwin approach above) on the road.

Im sure a small working group could mess with the age brakets and the numbers i proposed and make it work simply/well.

Apart from an RB20 (skidline) that boyracers adore.. what other cars escape my logic?

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 funkytown said:

edit: using your example you have one 4.6L and one 2.0T (2.0 x 1.6((turbo multiplier)) = 3.2L

Thus would take said driver the age of 24 to drive either ..

i suppose if you consider that to be a good thing, then your system works. but V8 wasn't fast, it was just a big car. although it was quicker than a honda civic, the civic would beat it at top speed.

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But you still have to draw the line.

SO stipulate. No vtec. No vvti. No enhancements or factory performace upgrades...ie at this age you can have a 2.0t but not an sti etc. I know it wont cure the situation but itll make it hard for people, and people dont like that.

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i just think just make it so you cant drive a performance vehicle until on full licence.

make it tougher to get a full licence. ie need a defensive driving course and 10 hrs logged with a qualified instructor or whatever.


Get a nationalised system where cars get rated on a scale of 1-20 or whatever like in the UK. Learners/restricted cant solo pilot any car from groups 12+ or whatever.

As for the FTP issue...im fully down with my homies the NWA but if you arent a rap singer and you go around saying FTP you are just a plain retard and deserve this:


Rodney King dont yell "FTP" no more!

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 loren said:

Young car thieves should not be allowed to steal turbo cars. Older car thieves in theory can steal turbos, but it

would be appreciated if they didn't drive recklessly while trying to escape from the Police. All teenagers should

be punished. Everybody sucks.


Oh that made my day... Lol...

Also, File Transfer Protocol.

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 Swindog said:

But you still have to draw the line.

SO stipulate. No vtec. No vvti. No enhancements or factory performace upgrades...ie at this age you can have a 2.0t but not an sti etc. I know it wont cure the situation but itll make it hard for people, and people dont like that.

lol almost every new car from the last almost 10 years now has some form of vtec/vvti. You're saying that a youngin with a decent full time job shouldn't be able to drive a nice car?

According to this thread all you old farts :D think I should have my wrx taken away from me, when I haven't done anything wrong.

Linking it to licence type (ie. no turbos until you get your full) is far more fair than "no turbos til you're ancient"

Just because there are a small % of retards out there doesn't mean that the rest of us should have to suffer for their crimes.

I bet you guys can guess who I vote for by now.

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thanks loren. anywho.

mercury, so agree its going to take away the option for some more sensible drivers.. such is life, however.

how about adding some things like, full license reduces the age restrictions by a couple of years, extra advanced driver training also reduces the age restrictions. Thus aim to upskill and encourage the right behaviour to the younger audience?

I would have it that full comprehensive insurance a must.

 dacerx said:

just to add does that mean that i cant drive my toyota starlet GT?

under my proposal? what is its spec? 1.3T? (1.3*1.6 = 2.08) thus you'd need to be about 20 to own / drive one..

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