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More ACC levies on rego

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my brother drives a diesel van, thats an extra $185. were as the normal car drivers is hit with $35. complete BS


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 D-Style said:

Whats the rice now for a years rego??

NZ is still cheaper than Aussie.

yea, but aussie can be alot cheaper with everything else, and i would get paid much more if i was there :(


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Feel sorry for us bikers! up to a 40% increase or something for bikes over 600cc! Their excuse that car owners are picking up the slack is complete BS too. They obviously ignore the fact that 90% of bikers also own a car and pay their ACC levies for that ALSO.

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 ODB said:

per person riding vs per person driving a car i bet the hospital/accident cost is a lot higher.

Yes but the point I'm trying to make is that most of us are already paying twice as much as the average road user (who may only have 1 car), now we have to pay acc levies which are so high it costs a lot more to register our bikes than our cars. (6months Foz was $74 CHEAPER to reg than my little 250cc Hyosung). We may cost more to fix up but the majority of us are paying our fair share in fees already...

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and what about the people that own multiple bikes, but can only ride one at a time, and even then they may only go out once a month if that, i reckon that sucks, will be a massive expense for those people.

what you will find happening is people on bikes wont bother paying their rego, have the rego on hold and just risk it for the handful of rides they might go on per year, and basically they just wont stop for a cop.

have heard many people tell me this is what they will do and these are responsible people that wouldnt normally do that kind of thing. thats how pissed off they are.

i signed a petition a good 6months or so ago against this, as i too have a bike license, just dont currently have a bike.

fact is bikers dont kill bikers, cars kill bikers.

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The levie increase for bikes was based on the amount of claims involving bikes made which is pretty bloody high.

The thing about that though is that 90% (estimate) of those claims are involving offroad bikes or farmbikes which

either dont have rego or dont need rego.

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from the link above.

Mike J

29 JUN 2010 8:29P.M.

John, I drive a Nissan Terrano 2.7ltr diesel vehicle, why should I have to pay more than someone who has a Nissan Terrano 3ltr petrol vehicle?? Identical size family motorcar - just a different motor.???? (and yes - I do use it 'off-road' to get to my fishing spots) Why does ACC charge levies on the vehicles when they should be charging per licence holder. I own two private diesel vehicles but I can only drive one at a time. Why should I pay double the ACC levy?? Its just another rip off!!! Even fleet vehicles can only be driven by one person at a time and each of these drivers would be licenced - that is where the target point should be and rated by the type of licence(s) held. Charge all DIC and drugged drivers for their own hospital and specialist costs as well as a portion (or all) of the medical expenses of the people which they injured. This way innocent drivers ate not subsidising the idiots on the road. This would also provide an incentive for all drivers to drive a lot more safely than they currently do. Simple logic. eh?

this idea is one i very much like.


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 smurff said:

from the link above.

Mike J

29 JUN 2010 8:29P.M.

John, I drive a Nissan Terrano 2.7ltr diesel vehicle, why should I have to pay more than someone who has a Nissan Terrano 3ltr petrol vehicle?? Identical size family motorcar - just a different motor.???? (and yes - I do use it 'off-road' to get to my fishing spots) Why does ACC charge levies on the vehicles when they should be charging per licence holder. I own two private diesel vehicles but I can only drive one at a time. Why should I pay double the ACC levy?? Its just another rip off!!! Even fleet vehicles can only be driven by one person at a time and each of these drivers would be licenced - that is where the target point should be and rated by the type of licence(s) held. Charge all DIC and drugged drivers for their own hospital and specialist costs as well as a portion (or all) of the medical expenses of the people which they injured. This way innocent drivers ate not subsidising the idiots on the road. This would also provide an incentive for all drivers to drive a lot more safely than they currently do. Simple logic. eh?

this idea is one i very much like.



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 wrx_lou said:

Petrols projected to be going pass $2 by the end of the year too. GST rises and all that crap.

I remember before I got my subaru it was $2.20 for 98 lol if people could afford it then...

ACC should be levied on people who have had accidents. End.

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i dont mind paying it, one day i may need it, but what there doing is just OTT, maby, if when i stop driving they pay back wht i have givin them minis wht i have needed.


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[quote name='MercuryFree said:

b]ACC should be levied on people who have had accidents. End.[/b]

Privatisation. Cut ACC out of everything. Everyone pays health insurance. People who have accidents have higher premiums.

The problem with that though is that they'll charge you health insurance based on what car you drive, as opposed to whether or not you've been involved in a crash/claimed in the past.

"Boyracers" will then of course get charged extra even if they have a perfect driving history just because it's a "high risk" group.

If that were guaranteed to not happen, I agree with you more :)

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 wrx_lou said:

How is that any worse than what they do now? I doubt you would see a 40% increase on your premium due to other people crashing.

I was about to say. Even though I have had wrxs etc all my life and had not one crash or claim, I still pay more in premiums than "average consumers" due to the risk group.

Its how they even the averages and lump more on risk groups. I dont understand how they can put up utes and that like that...vans yes or light trucks...but not utes.

It is getting rediculous though. Because the government didnt follow their own protocol the taxpayer has to pay to fix it.

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