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Impreza STI the automatic choice

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Subaru's 2011 Impreza WRX STI will be available with a five speed automatic gearbox when it arrives here in September.

It is the first time Subaru's performance flagship model has been available in New Zealand with an automatic, which will have steering column mounted paddle shifts. Until now the STI has only had a manual change transmission, which will continue in six speed form.

The introduction of an automatic transmission will generate wider appeal for those in search of high performance and profound stability without compromising everyday driving comfort, said Graeme Woodlands, the Managing Director of Subaru of New Zealand. These people spend a lot of time in city traffic during the week and appreciate the auto's ease of operation.

And for 2011 the STI will see the return of a sedan model with a large rear wing. For the last three years it has only been available as a hatchback.

In other changes the STI will come with a new stiffer wide track suspension and front bumper which integrates into the front wheel arches. The latest STI will sit on new design alloy wheels.

In the cabin Bluetooth hands free calling and Bluetooth audio streaming will be standard and there will be USB and auxiliary connection for iPod and MP3 players.

There will also be changes to the Impreza WRX for 2011, although it will still only be available with a manual gearbox.

It will have a wider body more akin to the STI to set it apart from the standard Impreza models. Like the STI it will come with Bluetooth capability and USB and auxiliary ports.

Performance of both cars 2.5 litre turbocharged engines will be similar to the current WRX and STI models. Full technical details, specification and pricing will be announced at the time of the launch.

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In the tech war in the car world 5 speed auto doesn't cut it, especially on your flagship model the STi.

But subaru has been dumbing down that brand for a while.

Traffic ? don't you live in chch ?

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 newsuba said:

Which in turn is a poor imitation of the VAG DSG twin-clutcher...


I think you will find you are wrong, it is the same base unit, mitsi dont make it, the germans do, its just adapted to the lancer. Ive been on training on it, it cost mitsi about 18k at warrenty price, hence the training to make sure you diagnos it properly ;)

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 Qwerty said:

In the tech war in the car world 5 speed auto doesn't cut it, especially on your flagship model the STi.

But subaru has been dumbing down that brand for a while.

Traffic ? don't you live in chch ?

Hey it takes 30 mins to get to the other side of town, thats a long time in chch ;D

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[quote name='newsuba said:

Which in turn is a poor imitation of the VAG DSG twin-clutcher...



I think you will find you are wrong, it is the same base unit, mitsi dont make it, the germans do, its just adapted to the lancer. Ive been on training on it, it cost mitsi about 18k at warrenty price, hence the training to make sure you diagnos it properly ;)

A Golf DSG gearbox is ~$20k too.

The units share technical similarities but are different.

The VAG DSG unit was designed by Borg-Warner.

Mistsubishi's SST is designed by Getrag and is also used in various Ford and Volvo cars.

The VAG is more efficient; DSG cars accelerate faster than their manual equivalents whereas the first batch of JDM Evo SSTs were slower than the manual Evo.

Not sure about the latest AusDM Evos.

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[quote name='newsuba said:

Which in turn is a poor imitation of the VAG DSG twin-clutcher...



I think you will find you are wrong, it is the same base unit, mitsi dont make it, the germans do, its just adapted to the lancer. Ive been on training on it, it cost mitsi about 18k at warrenty price, hence the training to make sure you diagnos it properly ;)

A Golf DSG gearbox is ~$20k too.

The units share technical similarities but are different.

The VAG DSG unit was designed by Borg-Warner.

Mistsubishi's SST is designed by Getrag and is also used in various Ford and Volvo cars.

The VAG is more efficient; DSG cars accelerate faster than their manual equivalents whereas the first batch of JDM Evo SSTs were slower than the manual Evo.

Not sure about the latest AusDM Evos.

yes true they are getrag units, they actually share a number of components, the evo isnt as fast in SST form because they are A heavier, B without playing tricks only launch at 5k in a soft manner, no redline launches that the 5MT does C the shifting is smooth and fast, you see many of those BMI boys flat shifting, a very rough thing to do but faster untill you explode something.

I read people bitching about the AUSDM sst evos shift patterns, but its just a lack of softwere refinement that makes it like that, JDM models are fine. I play with a now 400hp atws SST X, i wouldnt have it with a 5MT in a million years

i bet VWs cars are faster with the dsg because most of them are front drive and sync with traction control system for launching

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 EJ20T said:

I read people bitching about the AUSDM sst evos shift patterns, but its just a lack of softwere refinement that makes it like that, JDM models are fine. I play with a now 400hp atws SST X, i wouldnt have it with a 5MT in a million years

i bet VWs cars are faster with the dsg because most of them are front drive and sync with traction control system for launching

When you say AusDM shift pattern do you mean how the the gearbox works or the actual physical arrangement of the gear shift ?

I wouldn't have a 5-speed Evo either, but if Mitsi sold an Evo X with the IX's 6-speed manual I doubt many SSTs would leave the showroom floor.

SST isn't totally without merit;

1. They have used the CORRECT shift pattern, pull back to go up a gear, push forward to change down unlike the dopey backwards patterns used by VW, Porsche et al.

2. The manual paddles are sizable affairs, mounted on the steering column, again unlike the stupid things the Germans call paddles.

3. SST will hold a gear to redline unlike the DSG which always shifts up.

4. SST will allow left foot braking without cutting power.

VW's can launch fast using the undocumented launch control feature but it only works with TC off.

DSGs are also heavier but they don't carry higher final drives like the Mitsis.

Do tell more about your 400hp Evo


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[quote name='EJ20T said:

I read people bitching about the AUSDM sst evos shift patterns, but its just a lack of softwere refinement that makes it like that, JDM models are fine. I play with a now 400hp atws SST X, i wouldnt have it with a 5MT in a million years

i bet VWs cars are faster with the dsg because most of them are front drive and sync with traction control system for launching


When you say AusDM shift pattern do you mean how the the gearbox works or the actual physical arrangement of the gear shift ?

I wouldn't have a 5-speed Evo either, but if Mitsi sold an Evo X with the IX's 6-speed manual I doubt many SSTs would leave the showroom floor.

SST isn't totally without merit;

1. They have used the CORRECT shift pattern, pull back to go up a gear, push forward to change down unlike the dopey backwards patterns used by VW, Porsche et al.

2. The manual paddles are sizable affairs, mounted on the steering column, again unlike the stupid things the Germans call paddles.

3. SST will hold a gear to redline unlike the DSG which always shifts up.

4. SST will allow left foot braking without cutting power.

VW's can launch fast using the undocumented launch control feature but it only works with TC off.

DSGs are also heavier but they don't carry higher final drives like the Mitsis.

Do tell more about your 400hp Evo


the aus models mechatronic ecu (trans ecu) are mapped differnt to the JDM for the differnt mapping of the engine, but it is far from perfect in full auto mode

The evo has not alot done to get the numbers, IC piping, exhaust, IC upgrade, injectors, bolt on turbo and tuning thru openecu softwere, the owner is a huge evo fan. its rather exciting to drive to say the least, havnt had a turn in its latest power level.

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