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Why lighten your flywheel when you can buy new rims?

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[quote name='aim said:

there's no such thing as a derivation of inertia in first grade maths :P

But basically it's the derivation of the equation to calculate how much force it takes to make something rotate.


I calculated you need 500hp.

Everyone needs 500hp.
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[quote name='aim said:

there's no such thing as a derivation of inertia in first grade maths :P

But basically it's the derivation of the equation to calculate how much force it takes to make something rotate.


I calculated you need 500hp.

That's in units of power, not force :P But right idea.

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There are some people out there that have a school of thought that a heavy flywheel has some advantages? or that super light flywheels give you less go up hills? this seems totally nuts to me... can someone explain this?

I will confess that as a younger lad I did my PHD in backyard physics with my dad in his shed. So I just cant see how having a lighter flywheel could possibly adversely effect your cars performance. and this uphill stuff seems totally ridiculous to me. But then again my PHD may not have given me all the answers ;-)

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For drag racing some find a stock flywheel better for starting off the line.

Thus the car is quicker.

A lighter flywheel will accelerate and decelerate faster.

Thus up a hill you have less stored energy to use so you would have to use more "engine" power.

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 JoKer said:

haha not many but keep an eye on the crimes thread for Spec C's on chromies...

(or the unfortunate here who buy a car with them on)

Haha I fall into the unfortunate category above, brought a C with 20 inch chromies. Good looking light weight forged rims are hard to come by at a decent price. For me, the cars appearance is just as important as performance, not so for every one. And not every one thinks 20 inch chromes look good, but thats difference in personal taste. I dont mind sacrificing a bit of performance for daily driving to have a car that "I" think looks good. The car has adequate performance on the street even with the big rims. When the car goes on the track or to the strip and performance has a higher priority than looks I use the 16 inch standard rims. Light weight pullies and flywheels are a far cheaper upgrade than a set of high grade light weight forged wheels, and they are going to have an effect regardless of the wheels you have on. I agree tho that if it came down to a choice of lighter wheels or a flywheel, id choose the wheels. Quite funny tho the response I get for having a spec C with big chromes, people cant understand it. Even tho I tell them I have smaller, lighter wheels for racing, people see it as wrong. Its like they think the car should always be race spec even for daily driving to work and back. Ive always liked the look of cars slammed on big rims, thats just my taste in cars. First choice would be TE37's, but they dont come cheap so for now the chromes will have to do. Others might have different taste, thats why I never bag them for what they're in to. I assume we buy and modify cars to suit our own personal taste, not some one elses.

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[quote name='JoKer said:

haha not many but keep an eye on the crimes thread for Spec C's on chromies...

(or the unfortunate here who buy a car with them on)


Haha I fall into the unfortunate category above, brought a C with 20 inch chromies. Good looking light weight forged rims are hard to come by at a decent price. For me, the cars appearance is just as important as performance, not so for every one. And not every one thinks 20 inch chromes look good, but thats difference in personal taste. I dont mind sacrificing a bit of performance for daily driving to have a car that "I" think looks good. The car has adequate performance on the street even with the big rims. When the car goes on the track or to the strip and performance has a higher priority than looks I use the 16 inch standard rims. Light weight pullies and flywheels are a far cheaper upgrade than a set of high grade light weight forged wheels, and they are going to have an effect regardless of the wheels you have on. I agree tho that if it came down to a choice of lighter wheels or a flywheel, id choose the wheels. Quite funny tho the response I get for having a spec C with big chromes, people cant understand it. Even tho I tell them I have smaller, lighter wheels for racing, people see it as wrong. Its like they think the car should always be race spec even for daily driving to work and back. Ive always liked the look of cars slammed on big rims, thats just my taste in cars. First choice would be TE37's, but they dont come cheap so for now the chromes will have to do. Others might have different taste, thats why I never bag them for what they're in to. I assume we buy and modify cars to suit our own personal taste, not some one elses.

This is the best point so far,

end of the day, you can only go so fast on the street, so why stress about big heavy rims on car, end of the day if you're happy with your car then thats all that matters, everyone else can go jump,

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 GravelBen said:

There is an improvement in throttle response (which can apparently help with turbo lag as well)... on the downside they can be a bit of a pain in the ass to drive around town - ie when was the last time you had to blip the revs to smooth out an UPshift?

haha awesome, welcome to my life :D

mint on the track, PITA in town. tis the reason why i'm building a legacy

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 Rex_in said:

end of the day, you can only go so fast on the street, so why stress about big heavy rims on car, end of the day if you're happy with your car then thats all that matters,

Its not just about speed/acceleration, overly heavy wheels also tend to screw up handling and ride quality - ie the rock solid thump over manholes (also made worse by the incredibly low profile rubber on the oversized wheels ;) ), or the suspension struggling to keep wheels planted on bumpy roads at speed. Basically the more unsprung weight the harder the suspension has to work to do its thing.

Its much more apparent on a lighter car, ratio of sprung vs unsprung weight is probably more relevant than the absolute weight.

Agreed that its up to the owner to choose how they want their car though.

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 kamineko said:

haha awesome, welcome to my life :D

mint on the track, PITA in town. tis the reason why i'm building a legacy


Light flywheel, race clutch, lumpy cam, noisy car... everyone thinks you're a knob trying to attract attention when really you're just trying to drive the thing slowly without stalling or doing a kangaroo impression!

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[quote name='JoKer said:

haha not many but keep an eye on the crimes thread for Spec C's on chromies...

(or the unfortunate here who buy a car with them on)


Haha I fall into the unfortunate category above, brought a C with 20 inch chromies. Good looking light weight forged rims are hard to come by at a decent price. For me, the cars appearance is just as important as performance, not so for every one. And not every one thinks 20 inch chromes look good, but thats difference in personal taste. I dont mind sacrificing a bit of performance for daily driving to have a car that "I" think looks good. The car has adequate performance on the street even with the big rims. When the car goes on the track or to the strip and performance has a higher priority than looks I use the 16 inch standard rims. Light weight pullies and flywheels are a far cheaper upgrade than a set of high grade light weight forged wheels, and they are going to have an effect regardless of the wheels you have on. I agree tho that if it came down to a choice of lighter wheels or a flywheel, id choose the wheels. Quite funny tho the response I get for having a spec C with big chromes, people cant understand it. Even tho I tell them I have smaller, lighter wheels for racing, people see it as wrong. Its like they think the car should always be race spec even for daily driving to work and back. Ive always liked the look of cars slammed on big rims, thats just my taste in cars. First choice would be TE37's, but they dont come cheap so for now the chromes will have to do. Others might have different taste, thats why I never bag them for what they're in to. I assume we buy and modify cars to suit our own personal taste, not some one elses.

This is the best point so far,

end of the day, you can only go so fast on the street, so why stress about big heavy rims on car, end of the day if you're happy with your car then thats all that matters, everyone else can go jump,

Na it's all about what I want, clearly... Of course EVERYONE agrees when it comes to personal taste. I do believe you can find lighter rims for quite cheap second hand although... Far cheaper than light flywheel/pulley combo for sure.

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speaking of 20 inch rims, saw a couple GTRs up close at the targa the other week, and 20 inch rims look

very normal on those massive things.

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[quote name='Koom said:

Surely you could have answered it with something more like this;


oh dear. that be the proof (derivation) for the rotational inertia of a hollow sphere :D and wheels, dear boy, are definitely not spherical..... ;D ;D ;D

haha at least I didn't prove myself to be the biggest nerd in the thread :P

It was just an image of a derivation.........wasn't supposed to be taken seriously haha.

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[quote name='Rex_in said:

end of the day, you can only go so fast on the street, so why stress about big heavy rims on car, end of the day if you're happy with your car then thats all that matters, /quote]

Its not just about speed/acceleration, overly heavy wheels also tend to screw up handling and ride quality - ie the rock solid thump over manholes (also made worse by the incredibly low profile rubber on the oversized wheels ;) ), or the suspension struggling to keep wheels planted on bumpy roads at speed. Basically the more unsprung weight the harder the suspension has to work to do its thing.

Mate if your concerened about a hard ride, or worried about having to avoid potholes then go buy a nana spec corolla or something lol

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 Rex_in said:

Mate if your concerened about a hard ride, or worried about having to avoid potholes then go buy a nana spec corolla or something lol

Meh... if you want to make a cars handling and performance worse for the sake of a look you prefer then be my guest, but don't expect me to like it. Personally I quite like the way Subaru have learnt from 3 decades of rallying.

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