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V8 gearbox and diff oil


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Just a random question, I noticed on a subaru servicing site it recommends a certain product as oil for the gearbox which specifies that the oil is NOT designed for LSD applications. The site then goes on to recommend a different fluid for the diff that is designed with LSD additives added.

So what I want to know is this

Are the LSD\'s in the v7,8,9,10 located in a seperatly sealed diff? if so is that fluid for the DIFF kept seperate from the gearbox fluid? IE one type of fluid designed for Gbox and one designed for diff (LSD)

Also some sti\'s have front LSD\'s, how are those lubricated then?

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Short answer is in almost every 4wd or fwd I can think of the front and often centre diffs just use the gearbox fluid

Centre not always as sometimes they are seperate units to the gbox

Rear diff as it is obviously quite far away from the gbox just gets the most suitable lsd oil as the opportunity is there to do so not having to compromise as per front

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 Marky said:

Short answer is in almost every 4wd or fwd I can think of the front and often centre diffs just use the gearbox fluid

Centre not always as sometimes they are seperate units to the gbox

Rear diff as it is obviously quite far away from the gbox just gets the most suitable lsd oil as the opportunity is there to do so not having to compromise as per front

ah okay, so the front LSD in sti\'s will just end up using whatever stuff you put in the gearbox? reason I asked is that most of the really good gearbox fluids are absent any LSD additives. I guess it can\'t be helped?

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[quote name='Marky said:

Short answer is in almost every 4wd or fwd I can think of the front and often centre diffs just use the gearbox fluid

Centre not always as sometimes they are seperate units to the gbox

Rear diff as it is obviously quite far away from the gbox just gets the most suitable lsd oil as the opportunity is there to do so not having to compromise as per front


ah okay, so the front LSD in sti\'s will just end up using whatever stuff you put in the gearbox? reason I asked is that most of the really good gearbox fluids are absent any LSD additives. I guess it can\'t be helped?

Where do you get that from?

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 lunchie said:

For a gearbox with a plated lsd, use the second one... that\'s what a lot of people in Wellington use as that\'s what macbilt recommend and sell at a good price. The third one is for a plated rear diff... I have used that, but went to redline shockproof because it is higher friction.

For the FF LSD, there is a type 1 and type 2, for low or high friction.

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ENI/Agip do an option as do everyone I would say, just a matter of getting a LSD GL-5 full syn. ENI are massive in the Europe racing scene used be huge in F1 too.



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[quote name='lunchie said:

For a gearbox with a plated lsd, use the second one... that\'s what a lot of people in Wellington use as that\'s what macbilt recommend and sell at a good price. The third one is for a plated rear diff... I have used that, but went to redline shockproof because it is higher friction.

For the FF LSD, there is a type 1 and type 2, for low or high friction.

Ah okay so what sort ot LSD is there in a V7 jdm sti and a V9 jdm sti?

I imagine all of those 3 oils would work well on all the lsds really though? or would you really be risking damage between the 3 different oils

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[quote name='lunchie said:

For a gearbox with a plated lsd, use the second one... that\'s what a lot of people in Wellington use as that\'s what macbilt recommend and sell at a good price. The third one is for a plated rear diff... I have used that, but went to redline shockproof because it is higher friction.

For the FF LSD, there is a type 1 and type 2, for low or high friction.

Ah okay so what sort ot LSD is there in a V7 jdm sti and a V9 jdm sti?

I imagine all of those 3 oils would work well on all the lsds really though? or would you really be risking damage between the 3 different oils

I don\'t know what sort of diffs you have... I do know that the 90 PA is not a gearbox oil... use that in the rear

diff only.

I don\'t know what the difference between Gear 300 LS and FF LSD is unfortunately... if I was to guess though,

I would say the FF LSD oil is designed to get better performance from the LSD... I say that because you can

get it in high friction or low friction... which I believe targets the LSD operation.

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 loner said:

I don\'t know what the difference between Gear 300 LS and FF LSD is unfortunately... if I was to guess though,

I would say the FF LSD oil is designed to get better performance from the LSD... I say that because you can

get it in high friction or low friction... which I believe targets the LSD operation.

Gear 300 LS is very similar to the FF LSD oil so Mr. Motul told me. It was a recent addition to the Gear 300 range made to suit boxes with LSDs. I am currently using that on their recommendation and all seems good - cant say I can tell the difference between the 2 types at all though!

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