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STI power upgrage


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 dubbedup said:

mod the wrx... if you pop the motor put a sti one in, if you need new disc and rotors - upgrade to 4pots etc etc,

soon you will be up with the big boys, and i love ripping stis a new one in my V1 HX20 replica!

and have a lot more fun along the way (in legal ways of course lol)

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That's the thing, fun factor.


Point 1) Doing insane things to a WRX... bring it on. Slice it open and stick a FMIC in it if you want. Do it to an STi, and face the ire of the purists who believe you just ripped down your pants and shat on an otherwise untouched, unmolested example. WRX...no one cares. They're a dime a dozen. It's your canvas.

Point 2) You can and will do such things to, say, a Legacy. A BC5. You can't just go and 'buy an STi' with a GT or RS, but you sure as heck can make one. If it's good for the BC5, it's good for the GC8.

Start slow and expect a long, painful project......and you are SWEET AS! If you're not up for the PAIN and the LEARNIN'...don't bother.

I'd totally do it.

Oh wait...

*glances at 3 cars lying around in various states of mod/repair*.... ;D

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 CUDDAS said:

There seems to be quite alot of animosity between the Wrx & sti goin on,


It's not like he's goin to sell it as a STI "like MR SINGAPORE SPEC" & if everyone went out & only modded sti's wouldn't that be a greater atrocity, I see nothing wrong with some mods- Hell mine's a GT legacy & it's along way off what it rolled ouy of the factory. just my 2 cent's :)

I like the wrx and the legacy. But i wouldn't bother going crazy with the mods. Just keep it cheap, practical and reliable.




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Id say STis are as common as WRXs on the roads to be honest.

Id suggest saving a bit of extra coin and buying an STi also, to be honest.

Fair point about possibly needing an engine toughen up at some point, but there is so much more than just the forged engine that differentiates a STi from a WRX.

For like a couple of grand more its well worth it.

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i wouldn't bother going crazy with the mods. Just keep it cheap, practical and reliable.




and this..

[quote name='CUDDAS said:

There seems to be quite alot of animosity between the Wrx & sti goin on,

It's not like he's goin to sell it as a STI "like MR SINGAPORE SPEC" & if everyone went out & only modded sti's wouldn't that be a greater atrocity, I see nothing wrong with some mods- Hell mine's a GT legacy & it's along way off what it rolled ouy of the factory. just my 2 cent's :)

trent has the idea.. to make his WRX just feel a bit more zippy. I think he gets the "it wont be an STI" but hes more than aware of that so honestly no harm done.

Why buy an STI and make 250kw? when i should just buy and FQ400? or a spec C.. modding would never exist otherwise..

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It comes down to bang for buck...

Usually, the higher spec factory car will give cheaper HP than the lower spec one you poured shit loads into...

I guarantee the factory gets a better deal on it's turbos, bigger injectors, forged pistons etc than you can...

NOTHING wrong with modding a WRX. But, if it costs more to get it to STI level than an STI, then why not get the STI and you'll have a higher starting point when you mod that...

I owned a mint V2 STI, nice and quick, handled like a dream, all round great car. Cost $16,000.

Also had a V3 WRX hatch which i got for $12,000 (both of these were years ago). I fitted a better exhaust to the wagon, a VF22 and Tein coilovers...

End result, very similar acceleration and power, very similar handling, almost exact money...

But i'd rather be in the STI, cause it's an STI and has much better appeal and resale value...

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you keep missing the point imo..

he just wants what he has got.. a WRX to go like a better WRX. not an STI

for close to $500 he can do it.. quite simply with out going nuts on kw and breaking stuff.

selling his car and buying an STI would probably cost him a lot more, and would most likely go faster - but refer to the first two lines.

modifcation is rarely about weighing up the ecomonic returns on your inverstment regardless of what you do and where you start - lets face it.

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 funkytown said:

you keep missing the point imo..

he just wants what he has got.. a WRX to go like a better WRX. not an STI

for close to $500 he can do it.. quite simply with out going nuts on kw and breaking stuff.

selling his car and buying an STI would probably cost him a lot more, and would most likely go faster - but refer to the first two lines.

modifcation is rarely about weighing up the ecomonic returns on your inverstment regardless of what you do and where you start - lets face it.

yea i think you and i are on the same page funky.

this guy never said he wanted to make his wrx into an sti, he just wants a little more power, im not sure why you guys keep comparing a slightly modified wrx to a standard sti.

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you keep missing the point imo..

he just wants what he has got.. a WRX to go like a better WRX. not an STI

for close to $500 he can do it.. quite simply with out going nuts on kw and breaking stuff.

selling his car and buying an STI would probably cost him a lot more, and would most likely go faster - but refer to the first two lines.

modifcation is rarely about weighing up the ecomonic returns on your inverstment regardless of what you do and where you start - lets face it.

yea i think you and i are on the same page funky.

this guy never said he wanted to make his wrx into an sti, he just wants a little more power, im not sure why you guys keep comparing a slightly modified wrx to a standard sti.

No, your missing the point:

[quote name='WRXTAC said:

Hey guys,

I have heard of a number of V3/4 wrx owners carrying out an b]"sti power uprgade"[/b] by adding the orange afm, yellow injectors, turbo and ecu.

I have a V2 WRX with a td04, non sti ecu, grey injectors and green afm... I am wanting to carry out a similar upgrade, and I am wondering what i need to do?


What i'm saying is (and i don't think he CAN have STI performance out of the WRX for $500), the money he's gonna spend to mod his WRX to this STI upgrade level is probably going to be around the price difference between his WRX and an STI.

So, why not sell and buy the STI...

If he REALLY doesn't have the money for an STI (once he sells the wrx), then he REALLY doesn't have the money to mod the WRX...get it?

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i only larf ne


[quote name='dubbedup said:

I see sti and laugh,

esp with sti stickers on everything.


What, nervously, just in case it's a real one and EAT's ya... ;D

only if it gota SPEC C sticker and then i'd still prolly smoke it and they will wonder why someone wasted all that time on a shitty old hx.... when they could have gone out and got a sti (and still lose)

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you keep missing the point imo..

he just wants what he has got.. a WRX to go like a better WRX. not an STI

for close to $500 he can do it.. quite simply with out going nuts on kw and breaking stuff.

selling his car and buying an STI would probably cost him a lot more, and would most likely go faster - but refer to the first two lines.

modifcation is rarely about weighing up the ecomonic returns on your inverstment regardless of what you do and where you start - lets face it.

yea i think you and i are on the same page funky.

this guy never said he wanted to make his wrx into an sti, he just wants a little more power, im not sure why you guys keep comparing a slightly modified wrx to a standard sti.

No, your missing the point:

[quote name='WRXTAC said:

Hey guys,

I have heard of a number of V3/4 wrx owners carrying out an b]"sti power uprgade"[/b] by adding the orange afm, yellow injectors, turbo and ecu.

I have a V2 WRX with a td04, non sti ecu, grey injectors and green afm... I am wanting to carry out a similar upgrade, and I am wondering what i need to do?


What i'm saying is (and i don't think he CAN have STI performance out of the WRX for $500), the money he's gonna spend to mod his WRX to this STI upgrade level is probably going to be around the price difference between his WRX and an STI.

So, why not sell and buy the STI...

If he REALLY doesn't have the money for an STI (once he sells the wrx), then he REALLY doesn't have the money to mod the WRX...get it?

So i sell a stock standard wrx for $4000 (maybe) and spend an additional $500 and get me a $4500 STI?

rather than buying a modded up wrx for the same money?

or spending only $500 and getting a faster wrx?

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speaking to Trent most other days, hes under no illusion that $500 will get him STI power, or in fact make it an STI.

Youl note that talks about v3/4s WRX's going for "Similar" "power", not for STI power, nor an STI. His is a V2 and hes hoping for that "Similar" power bump - which everyone knows would give him.

fair dues that passage from him isnt written accurately. my point has been iterated by him and several others on here several times already.

Upshot is, its fairly simple (more so than a v3 onwards) to do a "WRX" power upgrade for not a huge amount of coin and thats what he intended to do.

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i only larf ne

[quote name='dubbedup said:

I see sti and laugh,

esp with sti stickers on everything.


What, nervously, just in case it's a real one and EAT's ya... ;D

only if it gota SPEC C sticker and then i'd still prolly smoke it and they will wonder why someone wasted all that time on a ****ty old hx.... when they could have gone out and got a sti (and still lose)

I soooo wish i could have lined the Spec c up against your wrx... :P

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[quote name='DPI said:

Ok, get ya...

He's gonna fit cheap parts, wind the boost up and it'll go bang... ::)


do you ever accept someone elses point of view? ever?

any why always so negative

i dont think he does.

dpi i have already proved that this mod is perfectly safe and reliable as have many others. experience once again.

anyway im over this thread.

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I had a non STI engine running a Steve Murch TD 05/06 20g hybrid with 550cc injectors and a link, it did over 200 000kms in the end making some nice power and never went bang, the non forged engine is remarkably strong in my experience as long as fuelling etc is kept correct. If you have a non STI, enjoy the car but want it to go faster why not just do some mods along the way and reap the benefits. You can always go and do some autocrosses or motorsport events and beat STI's with no mods if your confident enough. :) Enjoy

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late last year i sold my 1996 wrx v2 for 8g.

So either a)you have a ****ter or b)you arent prepared to wait until the right buyer comes along.

I saw a few STis around for not much more than that at the time.

I agree with DPI. The money difference between the two is not that much.....and the cost to improve your performance to anywhere close to STi level will cost almost as much.

I reckon you could upgrade to an STi of equivalent year for like 2.5G all up.

Well worth it when you consider all the kit you get.

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