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STI power upgrage


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Hey guys,

I have heard of a number of V3/4 wrx owners carrying out an "sti power uprgade" by adding the orange afm, yellow injectors, turbo and ecu.

I have a V2 WRX with a td04, non sti ecu, grey injectors and green afm... I am wanting to carry out a similar upgrade, and I am wondering what i need to do?


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I do realise that it would be better just to sell and buy an sti, however I am a student and can't really afford to pay the extra cash all at once for an sti. I like my WRX and an ongoing project is more suited to me...

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Its easy to do this upgrade on a V3/4 WRX to STI spec. Upgrading a V2 WRX to V2 STI could be do-able but would be just as easy to chip the ECU. To go to a better ECU (3-plug that runs 440cc injectors) is something that you could do if you're a masochist i.e. its a major pain in the ass.

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Ok, but a TD05, or VF22, some good yellow injectors and an STI ECU ain't exactly cheap. And, even then, it's not up to STI spec.

Then, there's the fitting, getting it to actually work properly...

After you sell yours, it might take another $3-4000 to get the sti?

Mods, and getting someone to do it, and getting it all working properly will probably set you back $1500-2000

$2000 more and it's a FULL STI...

Just pointing out the options...

Trust me, once you've shelled out money and realise how far it still has to go to be an STI, you'll wish you'd have saved and got one...

Just my opinion...

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Not that I have done the sti mod, but spending little bits of muney to get your rex going harder seems like a good idea rather than buy an STI, im like you and have a V1 and didnt want to change cars, and to be honest i reckong flag the sti mod list and start saving for plug in link, best bang for buck, then once you have this you can put whatever you like in way of inj/turb/motors etc.

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Plus you can't do the STI upgrade in bits & bobs. If you replace any one of those parts (turbo, ecu, injectors, AFM) you have to do all the others as well, or the car will run like a bag of crap. So unless you plan on buying the bits over time and having them sit there collecting dust, better to save the coin for a proper STI.

Plus a WRX with STI bits doesn't fetch as much as a genuine STI when it comes to resale. Except of course if it's singapore spec.

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 Erelyes said:

Plus you can't do the STI upgrade in bits & bobs. If you replace any one of those parts (turbo, ecu, injectors, AFM) you have to do all the others as well, or the car will run like a bag of crap. So unless you plan on buying the bits over time and having them sit there collecting dust, better to save the coin for a proper STI.

Plus a WRX with STI bits doesn't fetch as much as a genuine STI when it comes to resale. Except of course if it's singapore spec.

you can swap turbos with no probs at all.

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Only go down the 'turn the WRX into an STi' path if you are prepared for pain. Blood, sweat, tears and parts sitting on ice for 4 years now...trust me, I can confirm that it's not an easy choice.

Either start saving for an arseload of parts, or start saving for an STi. Either way it's a lot more investment than you're expecting now.

This said, you will appreciate your own car a SHARTLOAD more if you've wrung every single extra pony out by hand, than if you just swap for an STi.

Your move.

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 Erelyes said:

Plus you can't do the STI upgrade in bits & bobs. If you replace any one of those parts (turbo, ecu, injectors, AFM) you have to do all the others as well, or the car will run like a bag of crap. So unless you plan on buying the bits over time and having them sit there collecting dust, better to save the coin for a proper STI.

Plus a WRX with STI bits doesn't fetch as much as a genuine STI when it comes to resale. Except of course if it's singapore spec.

That was what i was trying to get across; i'f as a student, you can't afford to sell your wrx and buy an STI, i guarantee you can't afford to start throwing money into a WRX shaped hole...

It's your choice, at the end of the day, but; many people on here have embarked on similar projects and, to ignore their experience in the matter would be foolish...

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Yea thanks for the help guys, selling is actually a good idea for me too as i will be living in the city next year and won't need a vehicle... but then again thats the reason why a project car was suited to me, because it didnt matter if it was in bits in my mums shed haha. It was worth asking if this upgrade was simple and worthwhile, but a genuine sti is going to be much better anyway.

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 dubbedup said:

can someone please explain the differnece between sti vs wrx other than the following: motor box ecu and susp?

Pretty much those plus interior bits and bobs, front panels, wheels, brakes and the wank factor that comes with owning an STi rather than a wrx that has been rangied together to look like one (thinking of a certain Singapore model that was recently for sale).

I have owned at least one of just about every model turbo subaru made up until the v7 STi I currently have. Every one I have messed with (or planned to) to upgrade to STi spec. Mods such as suspension, wheels, interior, engine etc. The fact is it doesn't matter even if you change every little last thing it still isn't an STi and if you are such a Subaru enthusiast that you went to those lengths it will certainly piss you off when the real thing pulls up next to you.

Everyone has given you the best advice, which is to save up and buy the real thing......you won't regret it.

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 WRXTAC said:

yea i see that this is the way to go... but out of interest, what kind of afm and injectors do v2 sti's run?

i think they run a green sticker with they greys on the V2,

but nevamind what everyone else rekns bro you shud jus do it, i have makes the cars run a sh!t load faster and theres nothing better than pulling up next to a 'GENUINE STi'

in your rex then wiping your ar$e with his face when you leave them at the lights

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

they look like this >>> :-[ :- :-[

u]( could also be drivers error but ill just assume my wrx is faster than a sti)[/u]

i do it in my V1 WRX alot :P :P :P :P

WRX = FTW ;)

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nothing wrong with upgrading your wrx to sti spec bro, have done it myself in the past, upgraded my v2 wrx to sti-ra spec with turbo and ecu, they run the same green afm and grey injectors so you dont need to change much. also upped boost to 15psi no worries.

i can tell you it would cost you less than $500 to upgrade yours, my turbo and ecu was $350. and you will notice a huge difference in power.

whats with everyone telling this guy to sell his car ???

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[quote name='WRXTAC said:

yea i see that this is the way to go... but out of interest, what kind of afm and injectors do v2 sti's run?


i think they run a green sticker with they greys on the V2,

but nevamind what everyone else rekns bro you shud jus do it, i have makes the cars run a sh!t load faster and theres nothing better than pulling up next to a 'GENUINE STi'

in your rex then wiping your ar$e with his face when you leave them at the lights

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

they look like this >>> :-[ :- :-[

u]( could also be drivers error but ill just assume my wrx is faster than a sti)[/u]

i do it in my V1 WRX alot :P :P :P :P

WRX = FTW ;)

You would bet me every time of the lights......Because dragging from lights is a boy racers game that will ultimately end with you losing your licence.

A drag from the lights is absolutely no gauge of speed and generally the person who wins is the person willing to break the law the most. Also, most people aren't going to have their car sitting at 6 grand at the lights to get a good launch.

Until you win on the track you have no bragging rights ;)

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 driftrex said:

i can tell you it would cost you less than $500 to upgrade yours, my turbo and ecu was $350. and you will notice a huge difference in power.

there you go trent.. looks like turbo and ecu and your away laughing :) for $300-$500 bucks cud be the funnest wee mod you can do.

A bet you in terms of everyone "upgrading" kw for $$ the wrx to sti on a v1/2 would be the most value by far.

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yea i see that this is the way to go... but out of interest, what kind of afm and injectors do v2 sti's run?

i think they run a green sticker with they greys on the V2,

but nevamind what everyone else rekns bro you shud jus do it, i have makes the cars run a sh!t load faster and theres nothing better than pulling up next to a 'GENUINE STi'

in your rex then wiping your ar$e with his face when you leave them at the lights

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

they look like this >>> :-[ :- :-[

u]( could also be drivers error but ill just assume my wrx is faster than a sti)[/u]

i do it in my V1 WRX alot :P :P :P :P

WRX = FTW ;)

Shame you never lined MY STI up...that would have made you think twice... :P

[quote name='driftrex said:

i can tell you it would cost you less than $500 to upgrade yours, my turbo and ecu was $350. and you will notice a huge difference in power.


there you go trent.. looks like turbo and ecu and your away laughing :) for $300-$500 bucks cud be the funnest wee mod you can do.

A bet you in terms of everyone "upgrading" kw for $$ the wrx to sti on a v1/2 would be the most value by far.

I owned a Mint V2 STI and also a V3 WRX; i'd be very, very suprised if you could spend $350 on a WRX and make it go like my V2 STI...

Pipe dreams and wasted money.

People on here advising young guys (who don't have money to waste) to p1ss away their hard earned cash on making a silk purse out of a sow's ear should be ashamed...

I don't care how many 'mates', or 'fiends friend's' have made their WRX into an STI killer... ::) It is very, very simple: An STI (and it's level of performance) Will always be cheaper to obtain by buying one than turning a WRX into one.

I'm not knocking anyone who mods their WRX, but, please don't advise a novice Subaru enthusiast to 'make his/her WRX into an STI' as a cheap option...IT'S NOT!

As to a reliable STI turbo and ecu combo for $350...where you getting this McDonalds?

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i never said it would make it into an sti, but it will produce more power.

and dpi i never had a reliability issue with the sti gear, only problem i have had is with gearboxes, and i got that gear cheap because i hunted around for ages for the best deals. however i no longer run the sti stuff, sold on to other club members, moving to link ecu etc.

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