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Car crash legal stuff??????

sti wrx

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Last june i was caught up in a 'accident' and basically the other party failed to give way and i collected the rear end of his car, the police took statements from both parties, and he signed the police notes saying he was at fault.

This would of been ok if i had of had insurance, but i hadn't even had a chance to change the ownership papers, as i had only brought the car a few days earlier, the other party didn't have insurance or a rego or a wof.

so in november he was summoned to court for failing to give way, and he pleaded not guilty wtf?

so today, 6 months later i had to goto court for the defense hearing, i was the police witness, and after 3 hours of irrelevant arguments mostly created by the boys mother and the entire 'whanau' the two jps came to a decision, he was found guilty for failing to give way causing a accident, and made to pay $350 dollars to the government, and court costs, but they decided to just not bother trying to get any reparation what so ever for me.

so im 5k out of pocket not including the towage at the time and i cant help but feel the jps decision not to make the boy pay for what he did was because of a series of letters from 'friends' of the family saying just how much of a nice boy he is, and that he doesn't have a job ( he is 18 and no longer at school, but doesn't want a job..) and that the family just has no money. im sure if i was in the situation were i crashed into them, then i would be made to pay, and i dont think it would take 6 months before they came knocking on my door.

i just cant help but feel the justice system in this country but mostly court cases run by jps who arent really anyone special is just a fat fuckn waste of time ? and that if your poor or dont want a job then you get away with anything to do with money

any advice with the small claims court would be appreciated , as thats my only option left

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thats just rubbish, what a waste of your time,

if you do go to small claims, try and claim for any time off work going to court :)

i havnt been to small clains, so i dont have any advice to offer, other than good luck


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 sti wrx said:

Last june i was caught up in a 'accident' and basically the other party failed to give way and i collected the rear end of his car, the police took statements from both parties, and he signed the police notes saying he was at fault.

This would of been ok if i had of had insurance, but i hadn't even had a chance to change the ownership papers, as i had only brought the car a few days earlier, the other party didn't have insurance or a rego or a wof.

so in november he was summoned to court for failing to give way, and he pleaded not guilty wtf?

so today, 6 months later i had to goto court for the defense hearing, i was the police witness, and after 3 hours of irrelevant arguments mostly created by the boys mother and the entire 'whanau' the two jps came to a decision, he was found guilty for failing to give way causing a accident, and made to pay $350 dollars to the government, and court costs, but they decided to just not bother trying to get any reparation what so ever for me.

so im 5k out of pocket not including the towage at the time and i cant help but feel the jps decision not to make the boy pay for what he did was because of a series of letters from 'friends' of the family saying just how much of a nice boy he is, and that he doesn't have a job ( he is 18 and no longer at school, but doesn't want a job..) and that the family just has no money. im sure if i was in the situation were i crashed into them, then i would be made to pay, and i dont think it would take 6 months before they came knocking on my door.

i just cant help but feel the justice system in this country but mostly court cases run by jps who arent really anyone special is just a fat ****n waste of time ? and that if your poor or dont want a job then you get away with anything to do with money

any advice with the small claims court would be appreciated , as thats my only option left

Dude i would say go to the press....

Be it the paper or even the telly..

Would be interesting to see what happens when they get involved.

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 sti wrx said:

Last june i was caught up in a 'accident' and basically the other party failed to give way and i collected the rear end of his car, the police took statements from both parties, and he signed the police notes saying he was at fault.

This would of been ok if i had of had insurance, but i hadn't even had a chance to change the ownership papers, as i had only brought the car a few days earlier, the other party didn't have insurance or a rego or a wof.

so in november he was summoned to court for failing to give way, and he pleaded not guilty wtf?

so today, 6 months later i had to goto court for the defense hearing, i was the police witness, and after 3 hours of irrelevant arguments mostly created by the boys mother and the entire 'whanau' the two jps came to a decision, he was found guilty for failing to give way causing a accident, and made to pay $350 dollars to the government, and court costs, but they decided to just not bother trying to get any reparation what so ever for me.

so im 5k out of pocket not including the towage at the time and i cant help but feel the jps decision not to make the boy pay for what he did was because of a series of letters from 'friends' of the family saying just how much of a nice boy he is, and that he doesn't have a job ( he is 18 and no longer at school, but doesn't want a job..) and that the family just has no money. im sure if i was in the situation were i crashed into them, then i would be made to pay, and i dont think it would take 6 months before they came knocking on my door.

i just cant help but feel the justice system in this country but mostly court cases run by jps who arent really anyone special is just a fat ****n waste of time ? and that if your poor or dont want a job then you get away with anything to do with money

any advice with the small claims court would be appreciated , as thats my only option left

Sorry to hear...but, you mentioned whanau, so, i'm guessin you won't see a cent...

I like the defence that he doesn't have a job and has no money, must use that when i crash into someone's beema...oh no, hang on, i'm white, i'm accountable...

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[quote name='sti wrx said:


Sorry to hear...but, you mentioned whanau, so, i'm guessin you won't see a cent...

I like the defence that he doesn't have a job and has no money, must use that when i crash into someone's beema...oh no, hang on, i'm white, i'm accountable...

what are you racist or sumfn >:(

and by the way, sti wrx sometimes its like getting blood out of a stone...unfortunaly

heres a funny story...

about 15 years ago i drove my brothers toyota soarer (AT SPEED AND UNDER THE INFLUENCE) and somehow i collided with a bus and wrote them both of(Newlands bus) done the hole court thing plead guilty but at the time was unemployed so i told the judge ill make weekly

payments of $5 bucks as its all i could afford at the time), long story short i made the

payments for a month totalling $20, (times were getting tough needed that $5 for smokes) so i stopped paying, got the fone call regarding payment and told them

' i aint got it, might aswell take me back to court, its gonna be like getn blood from a stone'

never heard from them again..

case closed ;D

reality is : if kunts can get away without paying they will! ;)

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Guest boostin

I had a crash years ago. Some little f/stain out rally driving with his mates on the gravel road between Russell and Paihia. We met head on at a blind corner. I had pics of his 20m skid marks down his RHS of the road. At the Disputes Court hearing, I got found 60% at fault. WTF??!!

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 boostin said:

I had a crash years ago. Some little f/stain out rally driving with his mates on the gravel road between Russell and Paihia. We met head on at a blind corner. I had pics of his 20m skid marks down his RHS of the road. At the Disputes Court hearing, I got found 60% at fault. WTF??!!

must be your good looks ;D

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That's so **** that how you, completely innocent (even w/o insurance you shouldn't have to insure yourself against others idiodicy, only your own) can be out of pocket by that significant amount of money. TBH, the kid should be set to work at your property/business at minimum wage until he's paid it off, at least. Who gives two flying ****s that he's a nice boy? He took a risk (driving w/o insurance), broke the law (three ****ing times!) and you have to pay!? he should also get an employers review weekly to make sure he does complete the jobs you set him.

How in this fair country of ours, is that damn possible?

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[quote name='aim said:

How in this fair country of ours, is that damn possible?


Because our legal system is actually pretty poor.

+1 quote of the week here! 8)

i agree, wisest thing ever said on this forum i would say


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why dont you take him to small claims court anyways?

If he claims that he has no money say you want him made bankrupt.

At least he will have a permanent stain on his financial reputation and it will be incredibly inconvenient for him.

Failing that get a gang to be debt collector and let them keep 50% of whatever they get.

You can be sure he will come up with something

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Guest boostcut

take his parents stuff. hold it as "security" if the police come knocking.. i have a similar problem of my own at the moment and am having to go to small claims court all because some homo cant stick to an agreement..

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[quote name='sti wrx said:


Sorry to hear...but, you mentioned whanau, so, i'm guessin you won't see a cent...

I like the defence that he doesn't have a job and has no money, must use that when i crash into someone's beema...oh no, hang on, i'm white, i'm accountable...

what are you racist or sumfn

or realist...

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[quote name='sti wrx said:


Sorry to hear...but, you mentioned whanau, so, i'm guessin you won't see a cent...

I like the defence that he doesn't have a job and has no money, must use that when i crash into someone's beema...oh no, hang on, i'm white, i'm accountable...

what are you racist or sumfn

or realist...

realist my a$$ >:( , are you one of those realist ???

even white folk are dodgy...maybe even dodgier than the brutha's!

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