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So I nearly got killed today...


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 JoKer said:

not entirely true - Crash scene investigators are able to identify if a bulb was illuminated at time of impact

pretty simple really, the wire will burn out once exposed to air when hot.....

I think if you were seriously looking at this you would try to punt him when he wasn't braking, braking the bulbs and theoretically destroying the evidence of his "inoperative" brake lights. But in the real world would you take that chance?

If it was me I would just indicate left for 3 seconds and start moving over, then it basically becomes a game of chicken and if you end up side swiping him you would have a pretty good defence. (he was doing 60, you passed, checked your mirror and blind spot to confirm you were passed him, indicated left and started moving back then all of a sudden he was just there.....almost like he was trying to stop me coming back over....like he was trying to cause some serious accident or something.) Would be hard for him to defend without lying through his teeth and no doubt there would be witnesses to back you up.

Down in Chch we have a lot of drivers who don't understand a zipper merge and try to forcibly stop you from moving into your spot in the line by planting their front bumper as close to the next cars rear bumper as they dare. I just indicate for 3 seconds then start slowly moving over. They get the message pretty damn quick.

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U have answered your own question really..when it got to a certain speed (revs) it changed up..u should have stamped down hard again to drop it down again a gear IMHO..and kept your foot hard down in the first place. Ohhh..and 300m in a 1500cc auto aint enough.

Next time bail sooner....

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300m is decent for my N/A if I don't have a c*cksucker in a Porsche deciding that RIGHT THEN is a good time for a drag race. But mine is a feckload lighter, it's got a 2.0L and it's manual...wee bit more grunt.

This sort of situation is what will make you sick of the current Impreza - but the time you spend in it between now and then will probably determine what sort of SUBARU you upgrade to ;)

Very good you took evasive action despite how ragey it makes ya feel having to do so because some KHUUUUUUUUUUNT with too much money and not enough peepee decided to prove something after going too slow. Man I would have followed him and clobbered him if he was just an average Joe. Can't exactly take on beefcakes at my size ;D

Btw, you should have the function to choose and lock the gear you want. For overtaking get it into either 2nd or 3rd and lock. Change up manually at redline. At least, this is what I do in my auto Legacy...

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 Shale said:

300m is decent for my N/A if I don't have a c*cksucker in a Porsche deciding that RIGHT THEN is a good time for a drag race. But mine is a feckload lighter, it's got a 2.0L and it's manual...wee bit more grunt.

This sort of situation is what will make you sick of the current Impreza - but the time you spend in it between now and then will probably determine what sort of SUBARU you upgrade to ;)

Very good you took evasive action despite how ragey it makes ya feel having to do so because some KHUUUUUUUUUUNT with too much money and not enough peepee decided to prove something after going too slow. Man I would have followed him and clobbered him if he was just an average Joe. Can't exactly take on beefcakes at my size ;D

Btw, you should have the function to choose and lock the gear you want. For overtaking get it into either 2nd or 3rd and lock. Change up manually at redline. At least, this is what I do in my auto Legacy...

Thanks mate. Yeah i'm not the bigest either, only weigh 73kg. It is a bit of a pain but I have had it for a month and only taken it over 105Km/h once. It's good to get some practice in before I upgrade to another subaru as you said! Thanks for the help. :)

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When I got my first GTB, (many years ago, the silver one in my sig) I dropped it back to third and passed a bunch of cars on a long straight. Went to the end of third, changed to fourth, then through fourth and changed to fifth. The next thing the motor just cut out. I thought I had blown it up, but it had just hit the speed limiter. Didn't even fell like I was going that fast and all happened in a flash.

Moral of the story.....keep an eye on the speedo when overtaking in a GTB as you can't just go as fast as you can any more (My previous car would struggle to top 120 in the same situation)

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 Treecrusher said:

When I got my first GTB, (many years ago, the silver one in my sig) I dropped it back to third and passed a bunch of cars on a long straight. Went to the end of third, changed to fourth, then through fourth and changed to fifth. The next thing the motor just cut out. I thought I had blown it up, but it had just hit the speed limiter. Didn't even fell like I was going that fast and all happened in a flash.

Moral of the story.....keep an eye on the speedo when overtaking in a GTB as you can't just go as fast as you can any more (My previous car would struggle to top 120 in the same situation)

yeah remember that in the gt legacy till i put the 240km speedo in but when i got the nz new wrx i didn't have that issue anymore as its got no governor.

I'm like yourself now in that i don't got over 105km/hr anymore.

Speeding can kill.

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yeah this is the excuse you need to upgrade to a turbo?

In saying that whatever turbo you had might not have been enough to beat a 911 ina rolling race~!

Id have just gradually pulled in and side swiped him if he wouldnt move.

People always allow me to pull in on the zip merge....but then its dangerous to stop a 2 tonne truck when its merging!

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I found the speed cut going home from the car dealers in my 1990 Rs. not the best when the power steering stops working and theres a corner coming up.Removed the screw from behind the speedo that night and took the speed cut out. There must be something about porsche's. maybe its the boxer engine. I remember racing up the bombay hill against a porsche 911 and a Nis GTir. The nissan couldnt keep up up the hill and this porsche and I blasted it all the way to the motorway. Back when I had no kids and was young and stupid. Gas only cost 90c/litre. ahh those were the days.

But back to the OP I'd expect abit more than 120 out of the 1.5.

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 Me Old Wert']

[quote name='keltik said:

b]My car is limited to 120kph. I wouldnt dare go any faster.[/b]

Hahahah - mines like one of those milk tankers, 90kph that's me ;D

hate these fockers. always see em going to mt hutt! Take up 3/4 of the road!

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