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Bitch about fuel prices


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priority's change when you have some i used to be young dumb and full of cum as well then i got married got drained and have kids on the way i love my car but can't afford to fill it up when ever i'd like its called budgeting you'll understand when you have a house and mortgage to pay for.

but yeah they will keep putting the price up and i'll eventually have to sell my car but until then leave it alone with the personal insults

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[quote name='ODB said:

Driving an rx7 as a daily driver is retarded. Fact.


I never once referred to the fact that he moans about gas prices, because similarly to myself - he couldn't give a fark. For some (Gen-Y) driving is more than a method of transport - it's a way of life, a way to express yourself and (in some cases) a way to find someone to go home with. Some of us just ignore what gas costs, due to the high level of enjoyment we get from driving around in our cars. For my mate - he's more than happy to drive his black S7 FD, sacked on adjustables with 19x8.5's on the back to work and back, even VIA a bottle shop if he's a bit thirsty. So what?

Some would say that giving away 3/4 of your pay check to pay your mrs' habits is "retarded". Does that make the poor (no pun intended) soul who forks out to keep the love of his life happy "retarded"? No.

I'll once again, politely refer to "each to their own"..

Get over your jewish self and put some more deisel in the Bighorn..

Im happy that you dont care about gas prices etc etc.

I should clarify. Perhaps I should say driving an RX7 as a daily driver is retarded from a practical/economical point of view. you arent gonna get your undies in a twist if i say that are you?

however, if your Gen Y mate uses his car to find someone to go home with....he sounds like the type of person whom it is best to ignore.

I would possibly disagree with you that its retarded to spend 3/4 of your pay packet to keep your mrs happy. But again just my opinion!

Finally is there any need to use racial slurs?

You could have just called me a tight prick!

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 QRAF said:

priority's change when you have some i used to be young dumb and full of cum as well then i got married got drained and have kids on the way i love my car but can't afford to fill it up when ever i'd like its called budgeting you'll understand when you have a house and mortgage to pay for.

but yeah they will keep putting the price up and i'll eventually have to sell my car but until then leave it alone with the personal insults

a> Not al 'young' people are 'dumb'. Just because you're all grown up and have kids and a mortgage doesn't mean that you have to bag on those who do decide to spend their money on enjoying life. Never know - could get hit by a bus tomorrow..

b> Yes - one day I do hope to get married and maybe even buy a house. Before that will be selling the car and doing an OE.

c> Yes - previously referred to 'supply and demand'. Cost of gas will keep going up, due to lack of supply; fx movements; political agreements; international trade and increase in demand.

d> "Retarded" was the first insult I heard in this post..

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No undies in a twist, was merely trying to show that the perception of 'retarded' to one could be 'fricken sweet' to another. So what? My mates quite affluent and doesn't care about gas prices. Just because he doesn't apply your economic theories to his life doesn't make it retarded.

ONCE AGAIN refer to "each to their own" / "different strokes for different folks".

If he happens to find some durty rotor hoe to go home with - good on them both. Provided he doesn't wake up scratching, he's probably going to wake up happy - which in my opinion, is a good thing.

I apologies if anyone was offended by my remark earlier. Was never intended as a 'racial slur', but merely using a commonly used (Gen-Y) phrase.

Please refer to the first point of 'Part 9' in the link below -


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 QRAF said:

yeah there ALL dumb and you'll realise that when you've grown up its all apart of growing up ;)

and posting what your put above proves my point

For someone of an 'older' age, your grammer doesn't assist in understanding what you're trying to say..

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 gmeago said:

No undies in a twist, was merely trying to show that the perception of 'retarded' to one could be 'fricken sweet' to another. So what? My mates quite affluent and doesn't care about gas prices. Just because he doesn't apply your economic theories to his life doesn't make it retarded.

ONCE AGAIN refer to "each to their own" / "different strokes for different folks".

If he happens to find some durty rotor hoe to go home with - good on them both. Provided he doesn't wake up scratching, he's probably going to wake up happy - which in my opinion, is a good thing.

I apologies if anyone was offended by my remark earlier. Was never intended as a 'racial slur', but merely using a commonly used (Gen-Y) phrase.

Please refer to the first point of 'Part 9' in the link below -


Point taken but gen Y is a pretty broad definition taking in birth dates from 1980-1995? ish. i am a Gen Y and in no way im similar to someone born in 1995! haha

Im sure that once your friend gets a few more runs on the board and life experience his view point will change.

As QRAF said we have all been young, dumb and full of cum.

Power to him. Hope he enjoys it whilst it lasts!

P.S-cut QRAF some slack with his spelling haha.

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 QRAF said:

yeah there ALL dumb and you'll realise that when you've grown up its all apart of growing up ;)

and posting what your put above proves my point

I was referring to the fact that I've not no freakn idea what you are trying to say..

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what about your post above

 gmeago said:

No undies in a twist, was merely trying to show that the perception of 'retarded' to one could be 'fricken sweet' to another. So what? My mates quite affluent and doesn't care about gas prices. Just because he doesn't apply your economic theories to his life doesn't make it retarded.

ONCE AGAIN refer to "each to their own" / "different strokes for different folks".

If he happens to find some durty rotor hoe to go home with - good on them both. Provided he doesn't wake up scratching, he's probably going to wake up happy - which in my opinion, is a good thing.

I apologies if anyone was offended by my remark earlier. Was never intended as a 'racial slur', but merely using a commonly used (Gen-Y) phrase.

Please refer to the first point of 'Part 9' in the link below -


this part in bold trying to make what you said was ok cause its written down somewhere.

give me a break

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what about your post above

[quote name='gmeago said:

No undies in a twist, was merely trying to show that the perception of 'retarded' to one could be 'fricken sweet' to another. So what? My mates quite affluent and doesn't care about gas prices. Just because he doesn't apply your economic theories to his life doesn't make it retarded.

b]ONCE AGAIN refer to "each to their own" / "different strokes for different folks".[/b]

If he happens to find some durty rotor hoe to go home with - good on them both. Provided he doesn't wake up scratching, he's probably going to wake up happy - which in my opinion, is a good thing.

I apologies if anyone was offended by my remark earlier. Was never intended as a 'racial slur', but merely using a commonly used (Gen-Y) phrase.

Please refer to the first point of 'Part 9' in the link below -


this part in bold trying to make what you said was ok cause its written down somewhere.

give me a break

Was merely stating that peoples perceptions are different, given where they're at in terms of the 'life cycle of humans'.

One persons perception of 'retarded' is another mans 'dream'.

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 TURTLE said:

I don't like Gen-Y. THey seem like a bunch of dickheads.

For me 48,000k's in the last year $300 Gas, Company car is far better than any run around.

Over expecting and under delivering.

Farken expect everything handed to them on a plate generally, particularly the later gen Y

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All I thought while reading all that was why would you own an RX7 and then not drive it whenever you wanted to (if paying for the gas wasn't an issue which it doesn't seem to be in this case). Who needs space when they're driving themselves to work? Could use a scooter, or drive your nice, fun to drive RX7. I know which I'd choose. Its the weekends when going on long trips that you are more likely to need the space of a bigger car i.e. camping trip with all your gear.

In my case I know which of my two cars I'd choose to drive to work everyday (if the black one had a working engine haha) and it wouldn't be the practical wagon with all the extra space that uses 50% less gas.

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 Koom said:

All I thought while reading all that was why would you own an RX7 and then not drive it whenever you wanted to (if paying for the gas wasn't an issue which it doesn't seem to be in this case). Who needs space when they're driving themselves to work? Could use a scooter, or drive your nice, fun to drive RX7. I know which I'd choose. Its the weekends when going on long trips that you are more likely to need the space of a bigger car i.e. camping trip with all your gear.

In my case I know which of my two cars I'd choose to drive to work everyday (if the black one had a working engine haha) and it wouldn't be the practical wagon with all the extra space that uses 50% less gas.

Watch what you say chap - otherwise you'll be labelled as having acting in a 'retarded' manner and being a classic 'Gen-Y'!!

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