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4& rotary national north island jamboree


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Well using someone else's debit card is no different to using someone else's credit card.

Seriously, getting a debit card from the bank attached to your current account will take about 10 minutes. Most banks do them. It isn't complicated at all! Worst case scenario you have to get your parents to sign the application form. But that is to be expected when you are still considered a minor. Is there any reason your parents wouldn't sign for something like that? Or why you don't want them to know you are entering Superlap? I would have thought you'd have to get them to sign the entry anyway (or maybe the age for that is 16 - it wasn't expressly listed in the conditions).

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 Spec C said:

i was thinking expenses might , bracket , fire extingusher , entery fee , petrol , overalls , helmet .

may need to borrow overalls ,

helmet i may be able to get a hold off but then again i dont know if its one of aproved ones for msnz. will have to check on that one .

il try my best to get in . as now i realised you may not get a lot of track time but $85 for superlap + 1 free helper can come along . me and a friend will watch if i dont enter and that will be $50 anyway extra $35 and i can enter so why not :)

Expense will always come into it when motorsport is concerned sadly. If you REALLY are keen to get into it then why not make a conscious effort, and look at buying yourself a pair of overalls and an approved helmet - then when the time comes for you to enter an event, thats 1 less thing to worry about. You havent done any events since that playday last year so in the meantime you could have saved a bit of cash and bought the above items and be 2 steps closer to entering this event!

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 Spec C said:

i was thinking expenses might , bracket , fire extingusher , entery fee , petrol , overalls , helmet .

may need to borrow overalls ,

helmet i may be able to get a hold off but then again i dont know if its one of aproved ones for msnz. will have to check on that one .

il try my best to get in . as now i realised you may not get a lot of track time but $85 for superlap + 1 free helper can come along . me and a friend will watch if i dont enter and that will be $50 anyway extra $35 and i can enter so why not :)

Helmet $100

cotton overalls $50

Fire ext $50 max (i got my one for $25 on special)

Bracket $10 (or maybe up to $25 if you need someone to build you one - there are very simple if you got across the front seat bolts.

Knowing you spent $210 and are ready to compete at a moments notice...priceless

Well maybe not priceless but it will make it a hell of a lot easier, it also means you can race at late notice, 'oh look racing this weekend, petrol check entry fee check and away ya go!

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But I want that twin scroll garrett turbo and jdm parts man so I can't afford $210 or an entry ::)

now now jon play nice :P

I'm trying to sell my $150 Helmet Size L wore it like 4 times but my head is too big.


[quote name='Spec C said:

i was thinking expenses might , bracket , fire extingusher , entery fee , petrol , overalls , helmet .

may need to borrow overalls ,

helmet i may be able to get a hold off but then again i dont know if its one of aproved ones for msnz. will have to check on that one .

il try my best to get in . as now i realised you may not get a lot of track time but $85 for superlap + 1 free helper can come along . me and a friend will watch if i dont enter and that will be $50 anyway extra $35 and i can enter so why not :)


Helmet $100

cotton overalls $50

Fire ext $50 max (i got my one for $25 on special)

Bracket $10 (or maybe up to $25 if you need someone to build you one - there are very simple if you got across the front seat bolts.

Knowing you spent $210 and are ready to compete at a moments notice...priceless

Well maybe not priceless but it will make it a hell of a lot easier, it also means you can race at late notice, 'oh look racing this weekend, petrol check entry fee check and away ya go!

$100 and the helmet is yours!


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 Spec C']

But I want that twin scroll garrett turbo and jdm parts man so I can't afford $210 or an entry ::)

:o thats the one !

[quote name='Spec C said:

i was thinking expenses might , bracket , fire extingusher , entery fee , petrol , overalls , helmet .

may need to borrow overalls ,

helmet i may be able to get a hold off but then again i dont know if its one of aproved ones for msnz. will have to check on that one .

il try my best to get in . as now i realised you may not get a lot of track time but $85 for superlap + 1 free helper can come along . me and a friend will watch if i dont enter and that will be $50 anyway extra $35 and i can enter so why not :)


Expense will always come into it when motorsport is concerned sadly. If you REALLY are keen to get into it then why not make a conscious effort, and look at buying yourself a pair of overalls and an approved helmet - then when the time comes for you to enter an event, thats 1 less thing to worry about. You havent done any events since that playday last year so in the meantime you could have saved a bit of cash and bought the above items and be 2 steps closer to entering this event!

no ive never said i would do track like you guys, i just wanted to do it a few times and get a bit of experiance , not the right time for me , i would fine it better if i had a less valueble car for track , but i spent all my money on this car. i havint bothered with cars lately. my biggest concern is someone hitting into me. but my tyres are also currently rubbing. its rubbing the guard lineing which tony you have said before it doesnt matter but im not to sure if it will rub thru that and into the metel bit ??? just because ive gone from 35 to 40 ???

trying to get into it eh , but i think il have to borrow helmet and overalls again sadly :-[

i guess i dont need to give yous excuses or my life story , il try my best to get out there . if im there im there if im not im not , but if not theres the playday in may and that should be plenty of time.

honestly buy a shitbox and race it. and what i mentioned above is very cheap racing, i should know its how i race...

You could easily spend $1000 (prolly more) on helmet and overalls if you were serious, dont even get me started on your tyre problem

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 Spec C']

no ive never said i would do track like you guys, i just wanted to do it a few times and get a bit of experiance , not the right time for me , i would fine it better if i had a less valueble car for track , but i spent all my money on this car. i havint bothered with cars lately. my biggest concern is someone hitting into me. but my tyres are also currently rubbing. its rubbing the guard lineing which tony you have said before it doesnt matter but im not to sure if it will rub thru that and into the metel bit ??? just because ive gone from 35 to 40 ???

trying to get into it eh , but i think il have to borrow helmet and overalls again sadly :-[

i guess i dont need to give yous excuses or my life story , il try my best to get out there . if im there im there if im not im not , but if not theres the playday in may and that should be plenty of time.


It makes no difference if you want to "do track like us".... gone are the days of the free-for-all open days where you can just rock out with no helmet and your car full with 4 passengers and go for some laps around thr track for $10 per 15 minute session. Every event at the track these days is going to require you to have some basic safety gear - helmet, overalls, and fire extinguisher (not always required but I would recommend it). Think about it - its YOUR safety, anything can happen out there and you want to be as safe as possible.

Even if you only want to do it a few times a year or whatever, it is far better to have your own gear, and as dubbedup said above, then you are ready to go whenever an event pops up that you want to do. Plus, it is not that expensive to get the things required.

The likelihood of you hitting or being hit by another car at this event is slim since it is a "single car sprint". Cars will be let go at 5 second intervals so they are spaced out, but some cars are faster, some are slower so people will catch you or you will catch them... you just have to be mindful of this, and be sensible if it happens - it is not a race day, so dont try and race another car if they catch up to you - as I said before, it is a SINGLE CAR SPRINT... you are only racing yourself. However, sometimes things can happen which are out of your control so you need to be aware of whats going on around you at all times when you are out on the track (check your mirrors regularly etc).

As for the tyre rubbing - if it concerns you that much, take the plastic guard liners off, or just deal with it until they are worn away enough that it stops rubbing... or you could raise your car up a bit. If you can see that its touching metal anywhere, then definitly raise the car up (or bend the metal away from the tyre).

[quote name='Spec C said:

is there any one that could lend me a set of overalls and maybe helmet ???

Since Motorsport Manawatu are overseeing and handling the documentation/scrutineering on the day I can try and get you a pair of the car clubs overalls and a helmet to use if you cant find anything else (or decide to buy your own before then).

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i dont get it? you can afford to buy a $20,000+ car and to modify it but cant afford to get a decent safety gear? you should think of getting these if you want to do more track time, even 2nd hand ones is good enough

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 JoKer said:

When is it? i should have the ClubSUB Helmets and overalls there too

isnt that for paid members only? if not i got a few mates that wouldnt mind borrowing them too?

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there you go Kev! $35 and you allow to borrow helmet and overalls, you also get a membership card and a small cs sticker... one of the advnatage of being a paid member

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