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WRX Questions

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Just a couple of questions :)

What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up.

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich?

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe?

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after.


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 Jambun said:


Just a couple of questions :)

What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up.

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich?

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe?

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after.

No CELs either.


What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up. - You spilt petrol when filling up your car

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich? - You won lotto

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe? - You have a snake in the glovebox

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after. - Battery is scared of the snake.

*disclaimer - I am not a mechanic

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[quote name='Jambun said:


Just a couple of questions :)

What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up.

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich?

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe?

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after.

No CELs either.



What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up. - You spilt petrol when filling up your car

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich? - You won lotto

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe? - You have a snake in the glovebox

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after. - Battery is scared of the snake.

*disclaimer - I am not a mechanic

all very valid answers but yes slap him
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Right finally had time to take it out for a quick spin.

It was all going daisy like, started first turn of the key, idling like normal, wasn't boosting because it hadn't warmed up. Once it did I gave it a nudge, wouldn't go past 3500rpm, stalled while in second, lotsa stalling when creeping round in first and the snakes back :/

Looked at the BOV couldn't see any fluids but then again I'm fairly new to cars spec scoobs so I might be missing it :(

Taking it to a garage on friday because I don't have time to Q/A it myself..

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Update for those intriegued, running SUPER rich, sparks are fouled/blackened to the end of the earth and the IACV could be mixing it up but see after its been retuned....

Anyone delt with Speedtechs out in Seaview?

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[quote name='Jambun said:


Just a couple of questions :)

What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up.

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich?

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe?

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after.

No CELs either.



What could cause a strong petrol smell outside of the car? This happens even when I just start it up. - You spilt petrol when filling up your car

Stalling when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd (Can't be MAF, pulled it off while running and stalled) BOV causing me to run super rich? - You won lotto

I can hear a hiss when cruising at 2krpm. Potentially be related to a screamer pipe? - You have a snake in the glovebox

Taking four tries to start it without stalling striahgt after. - Battery is scared of the snake.

*disclaimer - I am not a mechanic

LOLS and I vote the snake ate the cat that ate the mouse that chewed through your vac tubes... ;D

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 Jambun said:

Update for those intriegued, running SUPER rich, sparks are fouled/blackened to the end of the earth and the IACV could be mixing it up but see after its been retuned....

Anyone delt with Speedtechs out in Seaview?

its worth getting any problems fix BEFORE you send it for a tune, otherwise it'll cost you mega in dyno time.

If you've got a screamer pipe venting to atmoshere its illegal and probably why you can smell fuel easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Round 2:

The first batch of codes I pulled was 23 and 42 (AFM and idle swtich) so I plodded on with those, replaced AFM and did this checklist for #42: http://www.clubsub.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic,66.0.html

I reset the ECU by taking off negative depressing brake pedal to remove residual 'tricity and left it off over night. Come morning time I was hoping codes would be cleared and everything swell so I started her up, she reved to 1500 like it should on a cold then 5 seconds later, promptly died :(

Pulled the codes again and now I have 4 -.-





I've read the CEL number thread and was hoping someone could point out WHERE all these solenoids are, I'm a nub. Also would the AFM simply be being a ***t?


ps just getting picture of engine bay, thought I had one.

pps I'm running an Atomic MBC and I've just noticed the previous owner has installed it backwards :-X Could this do anything?

Also in this pic, my boost solenoid is running to the thing on top, what is this and what is the thing called that that runs too?


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You dont make much sense ? Lol but running a atomic boost tap back wards would cause some major boost spike as the air would go out the easiest path . . Which if it was back wards it would go out the bleeder holes as it would be easier then the restrictor . . If the tap was wound shut it would not make a difference . . . Install it round the right way any way lol . . . .

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iv narrowed down the stalling at the light.mine does it it hot hot weather.

i gear down from 3rd 2nd and my idel goes right to 0.then comes back up again,

i pulled the vac hose off my bov and put a screw in it so it would leak.then tested to see if the car would die down without the bov attached.and it didnt.so it has something todo with your bov.

mines does leak at idel u can hear and feel if it was.just doesnt like hot weather lol

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@ONP, I have a bad habit of writing out all my thoughts and not continuing them :/ As soon as I saw it backwards I flipped it round!

Sti8u, from a quick nosey at my BOV it looks like a HKS SSQV but a fake, so gonna pull it off and replace it with a recircing one.

I've read about the 5th injector and its 'usefullness', I planned on d/cing it but haven't done it atpim.

Today, I plugged the green connectors and cleaned the solenoid. Clicking away like a cicada, this should clear me off #44 but I'm unsure of how to test the pressure exchange solenoid. Carb cleaner aswell?

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is the boost solenoid running through the pressure exchange solenoid and then to the map sensor?

you should have a vac feed strait from the manifold,through the preasue exchange and then to the map sensor.

boost control is meant to be separate? at least every diagram and suby i have seen is.. i spent ages looking when i converted my legacy.

and yea use electra clean man

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Yeah leggs thats how it is. I got it running today, was going great. No stalling or flucuating idle which is absolutely lovely but I do have the tiniest whisp of white smoke. Could this be caused for simply sitting for over a month or some more major?

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