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So i went for a ride in one of these...

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[quote name='sultan said:

i'd say 160+ is when it would come alive. 0-160 isn't really the best example for it. took what 11 seconds to hit 160 from a slightly rolling start? to do a 12-13 sec quarter mile in our subbies (light awd), you need to be hitting around 175kmh. i imagine this heavy beast would be struggling to do a 13?

what a machine to drive to work though...!


i dunno.. i guess if he had of properly launched it and let the traction control do its thing i'd say it wud do better, plus he was a tad reluctant to even be driving it like that, he said 'for gods sakes dont put that on YT' lol (mainly so his daughter didnt find out) thrilling all the same!

traction control- from here: http://www.evo.co.uk/carreviews/evocarreviews/67059/mercedesbenz_clk_63_amg.html

That's not the end of the story, though, for thanks to the complexity of a modern Merc's safety systems, peeling away the ESP reveals the next layer of defence: electronic traction control. This safety net can't be folded up and packed away, and while it effectively snuffs out your wildest D1-style drift fantasies, it also means you can drive the CLK to the very edge of adhesion, and sometimes beyond. It's a subtler censor than the ESP system, and is incredibly flattering, smoothing and massaging the rough edges from your throttle play while at the same time maximising the amount of muscle hitting the tarmac. It does permit some oversteer, but rarely enough to warrant a correction, and though this can prove frustrating at times, satisfaction can be had from retracing your steps and revelling in the crisp pair of black lines, complete with tread pattern, that scribes each corner from turn-in to exit. Be in no doubt, the CLK wrings every last drop of grip from all four of its tyres.

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sh1t didnt see this, my boss didnt use the paddles on the steering wheel

As the miles pile on and the roads become more challenging, you begin to understand and appreciate the CLK's carefully crafted duality. When you switch the SpeedShift seven-speed transmission from 'C' (Comfort) to 'S' (Sport) and ultimately 'M' (Manual), the 63 deftly ups its game, the gearbox responding 30 per cent faster in S mode and 50 per cent quicker in M. The new paddles also feel much more direct than the old buttons, which never made you feel like you were truly connected to the car, and each gear hits home with a satisfying precision and immediacy.

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and i bet this retails at a heck of a lot more than the tickford!

Nice kit but ultimately a wank mobile imo.

If you are splashing this much cash and want a performance car there are better options.

+1 to that lol . nice car but why auto?!

There never was a fpv tickford ford..and the first fpv fords that came out were using truck engines lolol . Not surprised its quicker!!

Aah Capt Slow not so.. There was indeed Tickford FPV's !!!

What most people don't realise is that EVERY XR was built by Tickford, not Ford. This changed with the BA. And while Tickford was a marketing flop, the Tickford built cars outsold HSV models.

[quote name='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Performance_Vehicles said:


The roots of FPV can be traced back to 1991, when the British automotive engineering company Tickford began a collaboration with Ford Australia to produce high-performance variants of the Australian Falcon range. The partnership, Tickford Vehicle Engineering, saw the introduction of the Ford Falcon XR6 and Ford Falcon XR8 models. This was followed in October 1999 by the launch of the Ford Tickford Experience dealer network and the FTE T-Series range based on Ford’s AU Falcon and Fairlane models. In 2002, following the purchase of Tickford by Prodrive, the Ford Performance Vehicles company was formed and the FPV brand name was created to replace the FTE name. A restructured range was developed based on Ford’s BA Falcon and headlined by the FPV GT-P.

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They are impressive cars, I had a ride in a CLK black series, one word, WOW.

I had a customer that had a CLK 55 AMG DTM, only 100 produced world wide, only two in NZ, Never went in that, but I saw it go, and dam did it go!

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They don't make many high performance european cars with what we would call a manual gearbox these days. Their reasoning is that with an electronic controlled paddle shift or similar the gearchange is so damn quick that the power delivery is a lot smoother, personally I much prefer the feeling of changing gears with an actual stick but everyones different.

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I think those that are commenting that it should have a manual/it's a wank mobile are completely missing the point of the vehicle.

Its a Luxury car! You are meant to have comfortable leather seats, high tech everything, super build quality. A manual simply does not work for this sort of vehicle.

Sure you could hoon down the autobahn in your 250kw WRX at 260kph but you are going to be damn busy doing it while the Merc driver is casually adjusting his seat heater.

The driving style is also completely different, the AMG has enough torque to pull the sun closer, you don't have to work it at all to get where you are going swiftly.

Ubercruiser, and wicked.

If you wanted something more involving I would perhaps head towards the Audi RS range or BMW M range.

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im just lovin the audis these days aye :D especially the RS4 and along with the rest of them. even the little S3 is quite a power packer :D

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 Spetzna said:

saw 1 the same last friday at the taupo nzv8 round was a nice looking car. And being fairly new it wont be playing up yet but time will pass and the problems will begin and that means time to buy a new 1 yuss. :P

When you can afford a car like this, upgrading to a new model/car isnt a major issue.

I Remember a few years ago there was a CLK DTM Merc for sale in Welly. Second hand $500K.

And yet a this AMG is mild compared to the Brabus model.

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ewww just ewww, boring old mans car who has way to much money to spend.I know a 70yr old who has one of these or something very similar it has 2 speeds of reserve ? an when you put it into sport the seat lowers down an moves forward.

waste of money BUT thats just my opinion, im sure its nice to get granddad to the store an back

OH AND!! in reference to the honda ricers, the other day I saw a honda accord station wagon with a "D squad" (drift squad) sticker on the back, didn't have my phone handy to get a pic but it was a huge fail

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