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Guest 4wdftw

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Guest 4wdftw

what are your opinions on this epidemic of car cancer in our society these days.

what are your idea's for ending the "war on boy racers"

touchy subject i know, but one that definately needs a solution.

would love to hear potential comittee member's ideas especially.

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More potholes.

Potholes and boy racers are mortal enemy's.... It will also stimulate the economy because people will be getting wheel alignments more often.

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 JoKer said:

theres a war? I want guns! give everyone a gun and no-ine would do bad *faecal matter* because they would be too scared to

Give this man a gun.

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There is no solution. Boy racers have existed since cars were cheap, and will continue as long as there are cars available to them.

A partial solution is to have a drag strip/burnout pad in every decent sized town (ie 50,000+) that actually gets opened evry fortnight.

But on my experience with trying to convince some of my boy racer mates to legally compete (ie in the recent demo derby at Island Park, or the up-coming burnout competition), they are afraid of real competition, where everyone gets ranked. It's kinda annoying that so few of them will compete legally.

The saying 'When the flag drops, the bull**** stops'. Most of the boy racers stop...

I'm so ready to be flamed for the above line. Incedentally if you say something like 'street racerz rule bro, to prove it I'll beat you up' I'm going to ignore it...

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Any progress been made on the compulsory 3rd party insurance law the government was throwing around?

If you couple that with actual CONSEQUENCES! for breaking the law and you'd see alot less of the little pricks.

Most of the B.Rs I know do it coz they know worst they can get is their car taken off them for 28days and license revoked. Not much incentive there to stop, we need JAIL TIME to sort them out. Watch them squeal when they drop the soap ;)

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IMO severe repercussions for their actions. Most of them are spoiled rotten, self-obsessed and more entitled than the balding guy shoving you off the road in his XR8 in rush hour because he can.

Specific laws have already been put in place to combat behaviour that is almost exclusively that of boyracers (exhibition of speed, excessive acceleration, loss of traction, the whole racing another car thing...you name it). There are penalties for being snapped doing these things. But are they being followed up on? NO. They just rack up the fines and never pay them. They scrape their stickers off, steal cars when theirs are written off, and seem to think that attacking cops is a good way of getting around it all (WTF?!).

They need jail time. Nothing a few bum cuddles can't scare out of them. More cars seized to pay their fines, denied loans for the fines (this would be good actually - traffic fines of a certain calibre go on record, so that if they attempt to buy a car, they're kinda screwed) so they can't get another car. Make the penalties heftier for being caught doing these things...less of this pussy 'here, here's a $600 fine' business and more 'here, here's 300 hours of community service'. Failing that... bum cuddles with Butch over at Paremoremo.

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Just keep hitting them in the pockets. Compulsory third party insurance. Also, change the law so that an offending car car be crushed without needing to identify the driver. That way, plain clothes cops can just take video evidence on cell phone cameras, drop by the next day and tow the car to the crusher. Yes, the boy racers will scream blue murder, but as the public think that boy racers are trash then the uproar will be minimal. Also, give the cops confiscated boy racer cars to entice other boy racers into doing skids, donuts, drags, etc. Entrapment is totally the way to go.

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crushing cars will just see more deaths, both of the stupid "boy racer" and the innocent people they crash into, which could be your brother, sister, aunt or mate..

compulsory 3rd party insurance, I can't see that working because either mom or dad will get the insurance on the car or they just wont get insurance, buy the vehicle second hand car and drive without insurance. That's not a new thing. police don't have the resources to check through company records on the spot to see if they have insurance, so how would it be enforced?

The boy racer mentality has been around since the V8's back in the 1950's and with technology stepping up, to help rice munchers, it will continue to grow, you may stop one or two but i doubt if they will stop them all.

The idea of the drag strip and burn out pad is good one.. make attendance free or minimum fee, will draw the crowd once they know where. I don't think it needs to be ranked, maybe times.. straight out drag wars.

my 2 cents..

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In the US, you can't get your car rego unless you have proof that your insurance is paid up. So what we need is for the current year's rego and WOF stickers to be big, bright, colourful and a different colour from year to year, displayed front and back. That way, if you don't have insurance and therefore no rego (or no WOF because the car is dodgy), the police driving around can quite easily see that you don't have the appropriate coloured sticker, and pull you over. Make non compliance easily visible to the police.

No, we can't stop them all. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try harder to get them off the streets. I don't see how crushing cars ends up in more deaths unless the boy racers get crushed inside the cars. Which suits me just fine.

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 Simon C said:

No, we can't stop them all. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try harder to get them off the streets. I don't see how crushing cars ends up in more deaths unless the boy racers get crushed inside the cars. Which suits me just fine.

Putting myself in a numbnuts shoes (yes it hurts) im guessing if you know your cars gonna get crushed your gonna have a go at running.

Personaly I would rather the little puke disrupted my sleep by having police lights outside my window late at night giving him copious amounts of tickets than by taking out my family when there driving home one night.

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rabble rabble rabble

good to see a refreshing, new debate on the age old "problem" of the "boyracer menace" (its coming to Y O U R town and its killing Y O U R kids!!) ::)

i see some fresh new opinions and ideas being thrown around here guys, its a gin-u-ine meeting of the minds... perhaps you should write a letter to the editor of P-car and have a bitch about how the "boyracers" give you "car enthusiasts" a bad name and it makes you a sad panda, cos thats certainly never happened before either. :'( :'( :'(

or wait, why wait for the cops to impound the boyracer cars and then mufti them up to entrap others into more trouble? cut out the middleman, go to the cruise w/ camera and a notepad, and go narc to the cops yourselves! take the initiave to stamp out this most horrible blight on decent, p-smoking, gang riddled, baby bashing, v8-fcuking, double-standard holding citizens of Aotearoa.

fcukin wah. get over yourselves.

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insurance wont work. if they dont care about it then they wont even bother getting reg or wofs. it also means the rest of us the insurance will go sky high.

with some they dont care if car gets crushed they will just go out by another cheapy and use that till they get caught again. and will more so do runners from the cops.

The laws are there just the jugdes / courts do not inforce them.

most of us care bout our cars but others dont give a stuff and will keep doin it. inforce the laws and scare the hell out of them so they wont do it again.

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I know some BR's and they don't care, they are already driving with no wof no reg and prolly no license, so how do you stop these people?? crush their $50 car so they go get another?

I know for a fact if crushing comes in and they take my 10g car and crush it, it will encourage a more of them against us attitude, I will also not stop for police if crushing comes in, this means i will take stupid dangerous risks to keep my car, my family or yours??

I like the rego/wof being different stickers tho as that will get half the dickheads off the road

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 RITALN said:

rabble rabble rabble

good to see a refreshing, new debate on the age old "problem" of the "boyracer menace" (its coming to Y O U R town and its killing Y O U R kids!!) ::)

i see some fresh new opinions and ideas being thrown around here guys, its a gin-u-ine meeting of the minds... perhaps you should write a letter to the editor of P-car and have a bitch about how the "boyracers" give you "car enthusiasts" a bad name and it makes you a sad panda, cos thats certainly never happened before either. :'( :'( :'(

or wait, why wait for the cops to impound the boyracer cars and then mufti them up to entrap others into more trouble? cut out the middleman, go to the cruise w/ camera and a notepad, and go narc to the cops yourselves! take the initiave to stamp out this most horrible blight on decent, p-smoking, gang riddled, baby bashing, v8-fcuking, double-standard holding citizens of Aotearoa.

fcukin wah. get over yourselves.

^^^^What he said^^^^

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Guest loren

[quote name='RITALN said:

rabble rabble rabble

good to see a refreshing, new debate on the age old "problem" of the "boyracer menace" (its coming to Y O U R town and its killing Y O U R kids!!) ::)

i see some fresh new opinions and ideas being thrown around here guys, its a gin-u-ine meeting of the minds... perhaps you should write a letter to the editor of P-car and have a bitch about how the "boyracers" give you "car enthusiasts" a bad name and it makes you a sad panda, cos thats certainly never happened before either. :'( :'( :'(

or wait, why wait for the cops to impound the boyracer cars and then mufti them up to entrap others into more trouble? cut out the middleman, go to the cruise w/ camera and a notepad, and go narc to the cops yourselves! take the initiave to stamp out this most horrible blight on decent, p-smoking, gang riddled, baby bashing, v8-fcuking, double-standard holding citizens of Aotearoa.

fcukin wah. get over yourselves.


^^^^What he said^^^^

haha. what they said ^^^^^^

still think jail time for doing donuts will solve the problem though ;)

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I'll bear the above reccommendations in mind next time some retard comes sliding down our street, does donuts and flies off at double the speed limit...all while some of the neighbourhood kids are within 50m playing.

This happened just the other day.

Crush the car with the driver inside.

'Boyracers' of old would take it into the counntryside. The new breed seem to lack simple commonsense and a sense of consequences.

I've no issue with the cars, or the way they're used, at least not when its done out of town but in residential zones its just plain dumb.

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As for the skid pad idea a guy i work with his mate got approached by police to make a skid pad, thought yeah sounds cool and asked police if they will help monitor it in case they get drunks drug screwed freaks and there responce was "no we dont want anything to do with it", this idea has be thought over by many people but security issues is the major problem.

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