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Top Ten speed camera hits for the first six months of this year

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"AA calculated that in the last 5m before stopping, a car still held 25 per cent of its speed.

So even if a car travelling 189km/h had slowed down to avoid a hazard, it would still be carrying around 47km/h of speed a moment before it stopped."

That is some impressive math, logic, and grammar right there.

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That whole article made my brain hurt. A lot of road safety stuff does. Them saying a child hit at 180kmh is going to die, no shit, they also said they're almost certain to die if hit at 80kmh. The solution? Don't let your bloody kids play on the motorway.

And the cop saying that the 6 percent of people exceeding 110kmh are "very high risk"... there's a difference between a swift driver and a dangerous driver. Plenty of useless Kiwi drivers are dangerous enough at 90kmh while plenty of other drivers will cruise at 115 all day every day and never have a problem.

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i drive to the conditions looking 12 seconds ahead and try to keep at least 2sec behind someone when driving and i double those times if its wet.

but my car actually drives better at 120km/hr than 100km/hr and i'm forever catching myself out when i don't even mean to be speeding ::)

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I think its all luck. The reason is you dont know if the person coming the other way will smash into you. Ive driven all over the world, at speed and not at speed and never crashed once.

The dangerous people are the oldies and the people who do 110 on the passing lanes and 85 normally. It causes frustration and that in turn makes people do silly things.

Also, if im my father in laws v12 csi bmw doing 110kmh...I dont think im a very high risk...i think the person that hits me is very high risk!

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its all driver abilities imo.

"At 189km/h speed a driver is travelling nearly the length of a football field every 1.5 seconds, and would need around 200m and more than six seconds of heavy braking to slow down to a halt."

i find this fact hard to claim considering the variety in cars these days and their capabilities. but the drivers shouldnt have been doing those speeds in the first place. and a child gonna die at 189km/h? they must have been geniuses to figure that one out.

and tbh its all about momentum, a 10 tonne truck travelling at 100 km/h has got more momentum than an average saloon travelling at 189. in fact, the saloon would have to travel at over 600km/h to match that of the truck

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 VADZTER said:

and tbh its all about momentum, a 10 tonne truck travelling at 100 km/h has got more momentum than an average saloon travelling at 189. in fact, the saloon would have to travel at over 600km/h to match that of the truck

eK = (1/2m)*v^2)

eK(truck) = 5000 * 27.78^2 = 3.86MJ

eK(car) = 700 * 52.5^2 = 1.92MJ

So the truck only has roughly twice the energy to dissipate... but it's still rather unpleasant whichever way you look at it.

eK(.50cal) = 0.375 * 850^2 = 0.27MJ - so you still have like 7 times the impact of a .50 sniper rifle bullet.

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[quote name='VADZTER said:

and tbh its all about momentum, a 10 tonne truck travelling at 100 km/h has got more momentum than an average saloon travelling at 189. in fact, the saloon would have to travel at over 600km/h to match that of the truck


eK = (1/2m)*v^2)

eK(truck) = 5000 * 27.78^2 = 3.86MJ

eK(car) = 700 * 52.5^2 = 1.92MJ

So the truck only has roughly twice the energy to dissipate... but it's still rather unpleasant whichever way you look at it.

eK(.50cal) = 0.375 * 850^2 = 0.27MJ - so you still have like 7 times the impact of a .50 sniper rifle bullet.

So the 1400kg car needs to be travelling at ~267km/hr to have the same kinetic energy as the 10,000kg truck travelling at 100km/hr. We have a clear cut reasoning for 250+km/hr speed limits for cars it seems ...

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[quote name='VADZTER said:

and tbh its all about momentum, a 10 tonne truck travelling at 100 km/h has got more momentum than an average saloon travelling at 189. in fact, the saloon would have to travel at over 600km/h to match that of the truck


eK = (1/2m)*v^2)

eK(truck) = 5000 * 27.78^2 = 3.86MJ

eK(car) = 700 * 52.5^2 = 1.92MJ

So the truck only has roughly twice the energy to dissipate... but it's still rather unpleasant whichever way you look at it.

eK(.50cal) = 0.375 * 850^2 = 0.27MJ - so you still have like 7 times the impact of a .50 sniper rifle bullet.

yeeee i just did the roughest calc using P=MV. but you still prove the same point that i was putting through that trucks travelling at car speed limits are MUCH more dangerous

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