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Gearbox shut down


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Last night at like 12 I was driving on the motorway, went to change gear and it didnt go in.

At first I thought i just missed it but i kept trying and it wouldnt go into gear, so I tried other gears and it wouldnt go into any gear at all.

It was like it was locked in neutral. I wouldnt even slide over to the 1st and 2nd gear side. It was like the lockout thing that reverse has so you cant put it in reverse instead of 4th.

So i pulled over on the side of the motorway wating for my mate to tow me. Cops pulled up and made me push the car onto the grass over the curb and it scraped so bad :(

Eventually got towed off motorway and then the tow rope snapped about 50 meters from a gas station, so my mates pushed me there and on the way it went back into 3rd and started working again.

Drove it home in 3rd as I had waited for like an hour on the side of the motorway and didnt want to get stuck again. But now it works in every gear, changes smooth as.

Does anyone know how this works? I dont know much about gearboxs and Ive only heard of single gears blowing

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 paroxysm said:

Last night at like 12 I was driving on the motorway, went to change gear and it didnt go in.

At first I thought i just missed it but i kept trying and it wouldnt go into gear, so I tried other gears and it wouldnt go into any gear at all.

It was like it was locked in neutral. I wouldnt even slide over to the 1st and 2nd gear side. It was like the lockout thing that reverse has so you cant put it in reverse instead of 4th.

So i pulled over on the side of the motorway wating for my mate to tow me. Cops pulled up and made me push the car onto the grass over the curb and it scraped so bad :(

Eventually got towed off motorway and then the tow rope snapped about 50 meters from a gas station, so my mates pushed me there and on the way it went back into 3rd and started working again.

Drove it home in 3rd as I had waited for like an hour on the side of the motorway and didnt want to get stuck again. But now it works in every gear, changes smooth as.

Does anyone know how this works? I dont know much about gearboxs and Ive only heard of single gears blowing

Had a simular thing.. 3 days later Blown box, all the syncros where fkd and nothing liked to go anywhere after that

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 G-unit said:

checked the fluid level?

Good question but yet unanswered.. Only time ive seen a box lockup is from wornout rev syncro locking up on the hub, i assumed it was caused from either low oil or reverse getting a thrashing, also could be from using a wornout clutch.. one of those things with many possibilities but i would start by dropping out the oil and inspecting it for metal or brass flake.

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re-reading your description, when i blew a gear a tooth became wedged between a selector rod and the housing, preventing any movement of the gear lever.

its a possibility you have lost a tooth, (although you would hear that) or there are these little metal umm 'bits' that can sometimes dislodge from the selector hub. they are about the size of a tooth and could have jammed your box.

i'm willing to bet theres one of those bits floating around your box, and that its from the 5th gear selector hub. how does the 5th gearchange feel? slightly looser? did this happen on the change to 5th?

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I had the exact same thing once (about a year and a half ago and the box is still going lol) never did it again! Was going to pull it out but then got swampd with stuff to do and got lazy then as time went by and I still didnt have time I though fark it its still going (like a month later) now over a year down the track still pumping and thats at 197wkw too :D. (I dont own the car anymore but a mate does so still see it often and if it broke id be the one getting a call to fix it so ::) )

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 kamineko said:

re-reading your description, when i blew a gear a tooth became wedged between a selector rod and the housing, preventing any movement of the gear lever.

its a possibility you have lost a tooth, (although you would hear that) or there are these little metal umm 'bits' that can sometimes dislodge from the selector hub. they are about the size of a tooth and could have jammed your box.

i'm willing to bet theres one of those bits floating around your box, and that its from the 5th gear selector hub. how does the 5th gearchange feel? slightly looser? did this happen on the change to 5th?

This^ had it happen in 2 boxes now. First time I only found out when the box lunched itself and we put the pieces back together (figuratively speaking)

Second time we drained the fluid as soon as it freed itself and found all sorts of crap in the fluid.

The second box we drained straight after and flushed with some fluid went fine for another 20,000 KM of horrific abuse.That particular box gave up during a redline launch at a drag event.

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  • 3 months later...

gearbox worked for a while but has now done the same thing 2 more times. Have changed gearbox oil but didnt fix it.

Can anyone reccomend what to do? Like go get someone to have a look at my gearbox/clutch or just buy a new gearbox etc.

Also anyone in auckland that can help me out I can give you some cash for any help you can provide

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well the way i read it in the first post - the gear stick could not move over from 3-4 to 1-2 (in neutral)

that instantly rules out clutch

checked if gear shift rods are tight? could simply be to do with the external linkages

if not external linkages - then selectors inside box

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one way or another its going to have to be opened up (unless you've got x-ray vision)

if your not keen to spend on a repair, then find a replacement box and open the broken one yourself later (if you have the patience)

orrrr if you have the time just split it to see if its a simple fix, if not, fit a replacement

you can split the gearbox to investigate without upsetting much*, but its a fair amount of work and a bit stressful if your new to it


no responsibility for you ruining it haha

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if something broke - the oil would be mettalic - plus i doubt just one peice will brake off and hide in the gearbox - it will more than likely have multiple broken bits which you will find in the oil -

if theres one bit "hiding" in the box - it wouldnt take long for it to find its way into the gears and completely destroy it

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