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If someone runs an orange/red light..

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Say you are turning right at a traffic light and you are out in the middle of the intersection waiting to turn, the light changes to orange, a few cars travelling straight (towards you) run the orange, they pass and you then complete your turn (on the verge of red/orange, don\'t lie everyone\'s done it), If a car continued on while you are making the turn and you collide, who is in the wrong? Them for running the orange/red when they could have stopped, or you for making the turn (even though you had to as you are in the middle of the intersection?

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You\'re not allowed to enter the intersection until it is clear to do so, so in reality, you\'re in the wrong for sitting out in the middle in the first place.

But we all do it and I sometimes wish I could just drive straight into those &*^*%& wa*%rs that speed up through the orange and leave you hanging in the middle of the intersection after you\'ve been waiting for 4 sequences of the lights. I like to get on the horn and give them the finger while making it look like I\'m going to just drive a large BMW out in front of them. Hopefully they will make an effort to stop in the future.

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Id say the guy running the orange, he should have seen you in the intersection and stopped to let you go.

Although you shouldn\'t have entered the intersection before you exit was clear....

Simple answer.. don\'t crash ;D

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You\'re in the wrong in terms of not going when it\'s clear

They can be done seperately for running the red - if able to be proven - but you still pulled in front of oncoming traffic

They should have stopped - but as koom said you also shouldn\'t have been there either following that logic

It\'s retarded but a mate of mine had exact same scenario

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your fault .

laws dont have words like "should" in them

had this exact thing happen to a mate .

wasnt that much traffic . half in intersection . 3 lame road . cars in 2 lanes had already stopped . light was orange so he went . car in 3rd lane ran it and t boned the fuck out of it . driver of the car who hit him was twice the legal limit for alch .

police attended and sorted it out etc . then his last action was to my mate . "i have to give you a ticket for failing to give way"

and my mate said "well you dont have to "

he issued it . mate got off it

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 Marky said:

You\'re in the wrong in terms of not going when it\'s clear

They can be done seperately for running the red - if able to be proven - but you still pulled in front of oncoming traffic

They should have stopped - but as koom said you also shouldn\'t have been there either following that logic

It\'s retarded but a mate of mine had exact same scenario

Yeah lucky we both braked hard and speed was minimal, more of a bump than a crash. it\'s only a bit of paint transfer (came off with cutting polish when i got home) the other vehicle was a Toyota Dyna delivery truck and damage was minimal, he is going to get a quote from the panelbeater monday. Oh joy

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in this case DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY, he is as much in the wrong as you are.

do you have insurance ( full would be better but any is better than none)

tell your insurance company what happened and let them sort it out.

this is one of those cases that police should of been involved if for no other reason than a 3rd persons perspective.

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 We are borg said:

in this case DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY, he is as much in the wrong as you are.

do you have insurance ( full would be better but any is better than none)

tell your insurance company what happened and let them sort it out.

this is one of those cases that police should of been involved if for no other reason than a 3rd persons perspective.

I flagged down a cop at the scene and he said I\'m in the wrong as straight ahead traffic always has right of way regardless of the lights.

I just thought I\'d bring it up here to see what others thought

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[quote name='We are borg said:

in this case DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY, he is as much in the wrong as you are.

do you have insurance ( full would be better but any is better than none)

tell your insurance company what happened and let them sort it out.

this is one of those cases that police should of been involved if for no other reason than a 3rd persons perspective.


I flagged down a cop at the scene and he said I\'m in the wrong as straight ahead traffic always has right of way regardless of the lights.

I just thought I\'d bring it up here to see what others thought

Hahaha, not really... if they\'re on a red and you\'re on a green arrow they can eat a bag of dicks.

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 We are borg said:

in this case DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY, he is as much in the wrong as you are.

do you have insurance ( full would be better but any is better than none)

tell your insurance company what happened and let them sort it out.

this is one of those cases that police should of been involved if for no other reason than a 3rd persons perspective.


Oh and running an orange light is technically against traffic regualtions/acts, as it states to the effect that you are to stop and give way to traffic already in the intersection waiting to turn tight. This applies even if the person stopping at a orange light has some muppet run up their a rse or could run up their a rse due to "safe follwoing distances".

Therefor: if you are waiting in the middle intersection waiting to turn right (as driver instructors teach you to do), they should giveway to you. However this does not give you the right (as the car turning right accross traffic on a yellow) to turn accross oncoming traffic. - I find the finger and a very loud blast on the horn as they speed throught he intersection does get the message accross.

Ofcourse if they speed up or are speeding throught the intersection to make the light then the ball game changes significantly depending on the speed they entered the intersection... Here a case cxan be made that due to their negligence and speeding you expect them to travel at the sign posted speed mot at the excessive speed they were traveling at...

Inreality both parties would get a fine and depending on evidence etc both could be done for a few things under the act I would imagine

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Check the road code. Im sure if its a double lane road you can sit in the middle if your on the light or your not in a hazardess position. (is that how you spell hazardess?)

By the way. Orange means prepare to stop. So technically if he kept going and didnt make an effort to safely stop hes in the wrong BUT good luck getting him to admit it.

Might be one of those bad luck suck it up type incidences.

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 Swindog said:

Check the road code. Im sure if its a double lane road you can sit in the middle if your on the light or your not in a hazardess position. (is that how you spell hazardess?)

By the way. Orange means prepare to stop. So technically if he kept going and didnt make an effort to safely stop hes in the wrong BUT good luck getting him to admit it.

Might be one of those bad luck suck it up type incidences.

Even if he\'s on an orange that\'s about to go red and you turn in front of him as he\'s heading straight through, you\'re more in the wrong than he is i would have thought.

P.s. In Christchurch, its a grid layout, go straight through, then make three lefts and you\'re back to where you wanted to be :P

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