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What grade engine oil for a track day?


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Hey guys

It sounds like a few people run different grade engine oils for track days. Since I will probably be doing an oil change before and after it won\'t be much of a hassle for me to do the same.

I\'m running a GTB with a V5 STi engine in it and it will be getting a hard time on Monday at Ruapuna. Currently it has 2500km old Valvoline VR1 10w40 in it.

Will 10w40 be up to it or should I be chucking in something that\'s designed to be run at higher temps?


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Will a full synthetic be alright in a 140km old engine? I remember when I was looking into it a couple of months ago I was told by a few people to avoid a full synthetic in a car that\'s done a few k\'s. I can\'t remember why though haha

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Sweet as cheers guys. I\'d love to be in the position to splash out on a 20L but this track day is already cleaning out my account haha.

Valvoline Synpower 10w50 goes for about $60 for 5L at Supercheap. Thorpy uses Elf competition oil but I\'m not sure if they do a 10w50

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 evowrx said:

If buying elf ask for trade at your local TWL tell them you will be back for more if they look after you. ENI/Agip, Total, Penrite, Castrol take your pick its all pretty much the same as long as the ratings match like for like.

yup, I get mine(ELF COMP FT) from TWL, cheapest around @122.00+gst for 20L

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 Disruptz said:

Yep also TWL, can\'t beat that price for performance,

on a side note, What coolant do people use? and flush prior to track?

I think 3L of any green concentrate, e.g. http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Nulon-Long-Life-Anti-Freeze-Anti-Boil-Concentrate-5-Litre.aspx?pid=19113&menuFrom=50501#Cross

Plus the rest of this: http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Austech-Demineralised-Water-5-Litre.aspx?pid=102799&menuFrom=50501#Cross

And you\'ll be right as rain.

As for flush:

What about a DIY coolant flush? There are generally three ways to perform this:

a. After the system is drained, many fill up the radiator with regular or distilled water alone. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain.

b. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a "radiator flush" product and water. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain, and then run clear water through to wash out any traces of the product.

c. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a 50/50 ratio of white distilled vinegar and water. Then heat cycle, cool, drain, and then run clear water through to wash out the vinegar. The vinegar is acidic enough to remove any scale or impurities, but not harsh enough to harm your seals and gaskets. Many users believe this type of flush to be gentler than commercially obtainable "radiator flush" products.

Source: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002

This is a good read on coolants: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002

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[quote name='Disruptz said:

Yep also TWL, can\'t beat that price for performance,

on a side note, What coolant do people use? and flush prior to track?


I think 3L of any green concentrate, e.g. http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Nulon-Long-Life-Anti-Freeze-Anti-Boil-Concentrate-5-Litre.aspx?pid=19113&menuFrom=50501#Cross

Plus the rest of this: http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Austech-Demineralised-Water-5-Litre.aspx?pid=102799&menuFrom=50501#Cross

And you\'ll be right as rain.

As for flush:

What about a DIY coolant flush? There are generally three ways to perform this:

a. After the system is drained, many fill up the radiator with regular or distilled water alone. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain.

b. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a "radiator flush" product and water. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain, and then run clear water through to wash out any traces of the product.

c. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a 50/50 ratio of white distilled vinegar and water. Then heat cycle, cool, drain, and then run clear water through to wash out the vinegar. The vinegar is acidic enough to remove any scale or impurities, but not harsh enough to harm your seals and gaskets. Many users believe this type of flush to be gentler than commercially obtainable "radiator flush" products.

Source: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002

This is a good read on coolants: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002


So many post in there of bastards bleating about what chemical makeup of cooling fluids are used.


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[quote name='Disruptz said:

Yep also TWL, can\'t beat that price for performance,

on a side note, What coolant do people use? and flush prior to track?


I think 3L of any green concentrate, e.g. http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Nulon-Long-Life-Anti-Freeze-Anti-Boil-Concentrate-5-Litre.aspx?pid=19113&menuFrom=50501#Cross

Plus the rest of this: http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/online-store/products/Austech-Demineralised-Water-5-Litre.aspx?pid=102799&menuFrom=50501#Cross

And you\'ll be right as rain.

As for flush:

What about a DIY coolant flush? There are generally three ways to perform this:

a. After the system is drained, many fill up the radiator with regular or distilled water alone. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain.

b. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a "radiator flush" product and water. Then heat cycle, cool, and drain, and then run clear water through to wash out any traces of the product.

c. After the system is drained, fill up the radiator with a 50/50 ratio of white distilled vinegar and water. Then heat cycle, cool, drain, and then run clear water through to wash out the vinegar. The vinegar is acidic enough to remove any scale or impurities, but not harsh enough to harm your seals and gaskets. Many users believe this type of flush to be gentler than commercially obtainable "radiator flush" products.

Source: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002

This is a good read on coolants: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504002


So many post in there of bastards bleating about what chemical makeup of cooling fluids are used.


Yeah they make choosing oil a lot easier than coolant..

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I usually use penrite 10w-50, my car has high k\'s. can\'t rate the stuff high enough, good oil full syn, and was on special at repco just last weekend for $48. Not sure if it still is though. But for track day I\'m gonna use a racing oil I got from agip, it\'s a 10w-60. Work paid for it, not that they know yet haha. Also a good thing to note not sure if it\'s been mention here yet, is the letters that come after the rating, further down the alphabet the better, but also dosnt last as long. Cause it will have more conditioning additives.

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