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2001 v7 ej15 turbo help

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Hey guys I'm new.

I'm wondering if anyone here can help me turbo my impreza. I would like it to cope with a Max of 12 psi boost. I know the main things such as a td05 turbo, exhaust, turbo manifold, intercooler to suit turbo, wrx injectors etc. but is there more I need to know I am unsure of ecus and tunes etc. I have worked out with all the upgrades it will push around the 175hp range which is sick for a 1.5ltr



Edited by Timmah
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Im sure that this has been asked before about the same car, and it wasnt really going to work last time. There are huge issues in doing this to a ej15. ECU, wiring, bottom end strength, overall strength, compression ratio, etc etc. Subarus dont like to be +T (nissan slang) at all. They arent built the same as there turbo counterpart. If you are seriously wanting a turbo impreza, ethier get a turbo motor and rewire it all, or look at getting another car. I know its not the answer that you will want to be hearing

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The reason it doesnt mesh as well is you cant just chip the ecu to make it actually safe. Other than that theyre pretty much just as strong as the wrx stuff well no issue at your power level. Wiring/ecu/and ****ty return for money/time spent is the main thing.

Go buy a starlet and put a cynos block into it if you want a fast 1500cc. Or drop in a 2.0t as suggested its definitely cheaper.

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 Kyleej15turbohelp said:
Hey thanks guys some one said it would be cheaper to drop a wrx sti motor in it it definitly isn't cheaper

There was a complete SF5 turbo motor with ECU at a Porirua wreckers for $900. If you can get all the bits you need to make this work, and then make it work, for less than $900 then I'm a walking, talking ham sandwich.

The dyno time alone to tune this hectic 150whp screamer would cost more than chucking in a turbo motor.

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The reason it doesnt mesh as well is you cant just chip the ecu to make it actually safe. Other than that theyre pretty much just as strong as the wrx stuff well no issue at your power level. Wiring/ecu/and ****ty return for money/time spent is the main thing.

Go buy a starlet and put a cynos block into it if you want a fast 1500cc. Or drop in a 2.0t as suggested.

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Would turbo headers fit?

Will you go front mount for intercooling?

Exhaust ?

ECU you'd be better off going for a Link, which you may end up needing to wire in.

Would be a very cool project to watch and have documented here.. but at the same time, selling up for a WRX sounds like a more affordable route. Don't let other members scare you away, it is your car and if it's want you want to do and you're prepared to sink a lot of time and coin into it, then do it.

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you will need to complete rewire the car for the additional sensors, you will also need to make oil and water lines off the heads and a oil return to the sump.... the list is endless with doing a conversion on something like this. Also with it being a ej15 in a bugeye im guessing that its 2wd? so is the box going to like the addition torque, or the clutch, or if its an auto will you have conflicting issues with the TCU? is the TCU and ECU one unit? Factory rods and pistons arent going to cut it ethier and im pretty sure that ej20 have a different stroke and bore size so swapping those isnt a go either.

There is a reason why people are telling you that this is a path not walked for a reason and its not to get you down and angry. Maybe people have done NA to turbo swaps before in subarus, just not this way and with a newer model impreza.

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complete unknown, the cost of doing that is almost as much as a new engine. Also there maybe not enough of the bore to make it that size, and i think that rods are different length as well. The only thing i know about the ej15 is the crank would be good if you wanted to do a destroker on a ej20 and have it rev really high for ****s and giggles.

Why do you wnt to do this 1.5T so badly? What gains do you feel it has over a ej20 thats designed for turbos and is all setup?

Also there is no factory ecu that can run this setup so your looking at a wire in link which is like 2k on its own with sensors.....

Im not trying to burst your bubble but im trying to understand this reasoning

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Yea looked at the link ecus not doing that then hahah re bore is a lot but the cost of putting a new engine is a lot because you need everything including intercooler manifold etc. because a lot of people don't sell engines as a whole plus the cost of labour to put it in will be what you buy the engine for

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If youre not prepared to spend 1.5k- on a tuneable ecu and tune then sell it and buy a wrx.

Is this your first car and you love it or something?

Not hating just as above its an easy way to make a slow car slightly faster and still not even as fast as a turb legy which can be had for 2k- and are more reliable.

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Just remember you will need a cert and brakes etc will have to be on par with power. So factor that in to the budget.

I spent far too much on my first car that i shouldntve i wouldve been far better off buying something already finished for cheaper.

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Drop a 4age engine in it


Here's my honest opinion for you, coming from someone who started driving wrx's at 17 and is now 25 and still driving them haha. Firstly keep your car and don't change a thing about it. Keep it as an A to B car that costs you next to nothing on maintance and is reliable so you can get to work, get to parties and live life with easy transport. Again unless it's broken don't touch it. Don't spend a cent more than you have to and just keep it running without any hassles.

Now that the lame bit is out of the way the next thing to do is save up about 500-1500 and buy yourself a project car. I've seen single turbo legacys go for $300 or for example my car which was in wof condition minus a tyre was $1500 (single turbo goodness). Recently saw a v2 wrx in tidy condition which needed a few basic repairs and the guy only wanted $1500 for it. The deals are out there it's about having the money and sitting on it for a wee while and pouncing when they come up. You've got heaps of time ahead to play with cars because you're only 16.

I aboslutely wouldn't touch a good hassle free daily for that sort of project. Waste of time effot and money. Plus bug eyes look gay so there's always that...

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 slystiguy said:

Here's my honest opinion for you, coming from someone who started driving wrx's at 17 and is now 25 and still driving them haha. Firstly keep your car and don't change a thing about it. Keep it as an A to B car that costs you next to nothing on maintance and is reliable so you can get to work, get to parties and live life with easy transport. Again unless it's broken don't touch it. Don't spend a cent more than you have to and just keep it running without any hassles.

Now that the lame bit is out of the way the next thing to do is save up about 500-1500 and buy yourself a project car. I've seen single turbo legacys go for $300 or for example my car which was in wof condition minus a tyre was $1500 (single turbo goodness). Recently saw a v2 wrx in tidy condition which needed a few basic repairs and the guy only wanted $1500 for it. The deals are out there it's about having the money and sitting on it for a wee while and pouncing when they come up. You've got heaps of time ahead to play with cars because you're only 16.

I aboslutely wouldn't touch a good hassle free daily for that sort of project.

Couldn't agree more here.

Could always slap on some nice rims, perhaps lower the car if your insurance company don't mind and enjoy having a nice looking car that's cheap to run and will be a great basis to learn basic servicing and repairs on.

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