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Cell phone driving

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I agree with DPI, I fly Planes and we have to do checks every 180 days to prove we are up to the standard of flying people around, yes I get it, more can go wrong in a plane, but still, I don't think being able to hold your licence till your what 70 is it? and not have to do checks is the right way of going around things, you should at the very least have to redo the written part every few years as laws change and just to refresh you mind on the give way rules (oh and replace all traffic lights with round abouts, but thats another topic!)

Though however, no matter what people think about their driving ability, ask yourself honestly, do you really think you're a competent driver if you're using your phone at the same time? Lets all be honest, everyone here has txted while driving, there is no safe way to do it, even if you hold your phone up on the steering wheel, you still have to unfocus off the road and focus on the phone. A lot can happen in this period, dont kid yourself in being an amazing driver and being able to txt at the same time. When you're going down the motorway, driving fast, your field of vision decreases, you'll have less time to work out what the problem is at hand (car braking infront of you) and you'll have less time to react. And if you dont believe me, go read any human science book, infact, they probably should involve a human science aspect to driving, they do in aviation and it decreased the amount of accidents by ten fold. The human brain is amazing and powerful, but it still can only default concentration to one thing at a time.

So I'm all for this new law, and hands free kits aren't that expensive, infact most phones come with them anyway when you buy one. Just wait for 1-day to bring some up, I'm sure they'll be selling some pretty soon with this new law, only $19 for a good bluetooth handsfree set

Over and out :-)

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Guest keltik

Cant really think of a way to type this without being at least slightly amusing.

Ive been rear ended twice by females talking or txting on cell phones.

Adding in a 3rd female who was playing with her dog and didnt notice me stopped in a traffic queue - 2k of damage to my Honda, wrote off her Galant and didnt do her dog any good im sure.

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 keltik said:

Cant really think of a way to type this without being at least slightly amusing.

Ive been rear ended twice by females talking or txting on cell phones.

Sure they weren't Trannys? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Lets take this a step further :-

get caught with ANY alcohol in your system instant loss of licence no arguing no court case

get caught doing over 10 k's over speed limit instant loss of licence for the first offence ramps up from there

lets get real hard on them

and before Ya'll say anything I have cut a few bodies out of cars because of both of the above :(

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Think its just another revenue making plan dreamed up by that massive gang we call the new zealand police force, i txt all the time while driving and most people that use a cellphone semi-regularly dont need to look at the phone to write and send a txt message, same with making and recieving calls, if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont! Those with a keen eye may notice the small cellphone emblem on this post, indicating it was posted from a cellphone, while driving....

Yeap still alive, havnt caused any accidents, mrs hasnt yelled at me to get back on my side of the road...

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Guest dynofiend

Its about time it was made illegal.

100% concentration on the road is essential. If you hold a conversation, or text whilst driving, you are using up some of that 100%, no matter how good you think you are at multitasking. If you are texting, then there are moments, albeit brief ones, where your concentration is 100% OFF the road, and on your phone. I dont care what anyone says, there is noone out there who can take a phone out their pocket and successfully send a text to someone without looking at it a few times at least.

Scientific testing has PROVEN that holding a conversation on the phone whilst driving has almost as much of a detrimental effect as being over the drink drive limit. Yet its still seen as socially acceptable to talk on the phone and drive. It should be noted the type of conversation being had has an effect too. Conversations involving the driver having to think hard and answer questions distract more than, say, a conversation about what you are going to have for dinner when you get home. However, best not to have one at all. I mean, is your conversation so important, or your journey so time critical, that either waiting till you are at your destination, or pulling over for a short while, is really going to mean the end of the world? The sooner people wise up and realise it isnt safe, the better. One less thing for us to worry about on the roads!

The cynical poster above who reckons its a trick to line the pockets of the police, really needs to start generating some more valid political opinions based on facts and evidence otherwise no one will take them seriously when they actually have a good point to make!

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 zarnah said:

Think its just another revenue making plan dreamed up by that massive gang we call the new zealand police force

Your awesome.

The police force just enforce the laws the government makes. They DO NOT MAKE THE LAWS THEMSELVES.

What i think needs to be made more loudly and widely recognized is that driving is a Priviledge, not a right.

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Guest the_return_of_the_jedi

sure they do.

under section 43 part 5 you are under arrest for walking down the street.

who knows what laws are real and what arent when your half pissed and you get hassled by the fuzz.

for example those maoris that helped that guy in oz and then got pepper sprayed and charged with assault.

i sure dont have a book with all the las in it...

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Your awesome.

The police force just enforce the laws the government makes. They DO NOT MAKE THE LAWS THEMSELVES.

ok ok, the same bunch of crooks that make up rules like "become a mp and you can fly anywhere in the world anytime for the rest of your life at great expense to the new zealand taxpayer" ???

sounds like we're in good hands fellow kiwis......

Oh yea welcome back paul ;D

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gave up on vz mate, sold it to my brother in law and bought a rs shell for $500 chucked a gtb manual box in it (converted to rwd, of course), and had a closed deck block built to factory specs, twisted vf22, link ecu etc etc, got it panelled and painted, threw on some cuscos and some technocast 17's and thats my new ride (wagon parked in garage looking neglected) send ya some pxts if ya pm me ya number (lost my old phone with your number on it)

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 zarnah said:

Think its just another revenue making plan dreamed up by that massive gang we call the new zealand police force, i txt all the time while driving and most people that use a cellphone semi-regularly dont need to look at the phone to write and send a txt message, same with making and recieving calls, if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont! Those with a keen eye may notice the small cellphone emblem on this post, indicating it was posted from a cellphone, while driving....

Yeap still alive, havnt caused any accidents, mrs hasnt yelled at me to get back on my side of the road...

Exactly the attitude that gets bits of kiwis smeared across the road in record numbers each year.

The "been driving since 15 no lessons, written off 5+ cars but none were my fault, use my cell phone in one hand with a beer in the other, seat so laid back i can't see over the wheel, and I'm a meeeean as driver" special that I see so many of each day (well without the beer-sometimes)

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 the_return_of_the_jedi said:

for example those maoris that helped that guy in oz and then got pepper sprayed and charged with assault.

did you know they didnt get off the charges cause the camera footage didnt support their side of the story at all?

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Thought that get a rise out of some people, all im saying is theres a time and a place for everything, its not like i drive round town or on a busy highway txtn, that would be stupid and its the stupid people that cause accidents...

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yeah its not only young people tho... i saw at least 3 older people and about 2 30-40 yr olds on phones today...

do they think they are immune cos they arent " boy racers?" i think so...

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I still think the cops have better things to do than keep an eye out for rampant cell phone abuse while driving...

Like the guy i saw today, on Northcote road, in the left hand lane just ahead of me who, as we slowed at an orange light (just at the start of the bridge), swug hard right, cut in front of me, and gapped it through the (now red)lights and shot down the road and swung onto the northbound on ramp...right in front of a highway patrol car...

What did the cop do?

Eyeballed me as he slowly went past (i guess) cause i'm in a wrx and ignored the F***wit...

Quality police work that... ;)

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