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Hey, get this:

I took the Safari in to OnRoad (Glenfield) for a wof a couple of weeks ago and, apart from a twisted brake hose and a door hinge (had fixed) it was all good, got the WOF.

Now, the front wheel has been making some ugly sounds, like a stone in the dust sheild and also some nasty grinding and banging sounds. I thought it was a stone to begin with as, when it did it, i stopped, reversed and then carried on and the sounds stopped.

However, they kept coming back and around 80-100kph, i had a nasty shimmy in the wheel (very bad vibration) which i put down to it needing a wheel alignment.

All this was going (on and off) before i took it for a wof.

Anyway, yesterday, i has to get the truck transported over to Just 4x4's as the crunching grinding noise was back, and worse than ever.

Turns out, the passenger side wheel bearing had completely collapsed (several wheeks ago from the looks) and the hub had around 25mm play in it (hence the shakes). Any more driving and the wheel would have come off.

Also, the drivers side was loose (no damage though).

Luckily, no scorring on the shaft (god knows how) and all fixed but, fuck me, Onroad are going to get one nasty visit next week.

Even a blind man could have noticed the play in the bearing...

Interestingly, took the Spec C in on the same day (in perfect cond) and they failed it for uneven braking (after spending approx 3 times as long on it as every other vehicle).

They questioned the lack of air bags, the boot mounted intercooler spray tank, lack of boot interior, mufler (std RA R), had ALL the boys over to lok at it (and even questioned me when i said it was all factory).

Took it for a drive and did some hard braking a couple of times, took it straight back (got lots of filthy looks from the testers) but they had to pass it.

I had told them it had been parked up for a while and that was probably the problem with the brakes, but hey, it's their job to be unfair...

So, failed a perfectly safe car and, approved a wof for a dangerously unsafe truck...

Good one ONROAD!

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Not a biggie as far as mechanically goes...just had it fixed, no worries.

The serious part is that a government sanctioned vehicle testing facility failed to pick up a 'possibly fatal' flaw in a vehicle which should have been noticed by even the newest noob tester...

How the F**K do you miss 20mm of play?

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Yeah, i've been failed on a CV boot too.

Doesn't pay to argue with them, as they'll just come up with something else to make life hard for ya...

When i took the Spec C in, the guy who took the keys called it a 'Racer', great attitude... :(

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Guest boostcut

dude, have a yak to the ltsa the guy who missed the wheel bearing will be stood down from issuing wofs. we dont need slack wofs like that on the roads it kills people!!!

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 DPI said:

Yeah, i've been failed on a CV boot too.

Doesn't pay to argue with them, as they'll just come up with something else to make life hard for ya...

When i took the Spec C in, the guy who took the keys called it a 'Racer', great attitude... :(

Did the guy say anyhting about the diff..

Cause fuck me that things rowdy haha went for a drive wtih paul yesterday clunk clunk bank clunk grind graunch haha

Of course its meant to do that but by the sounds of these guys they wouldnt know that lol

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The hell are you doing going to OnRoad? Just go to VTNZ, they ACTUALLY know what they're doing. And the guys down in GI own racing cars.

Also had issues like the latter at the AA. My exhaust isn't stock, so they thought it would be good to verbally harrass me and nearly reduce me to tears over the work that I'd done to my car. I told VTNZ about it and they said they saw nothing wrong with it...nothing that needed certing, nothing illegal, and they think the AA are pricks too. I mean heck, what's the next step... you've got a noisy ride, and imma let you finish, but boyracers suck... ???

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[quote name='DPI said:

Yeah, i've been failed on a CV boot too.

Doesn't pay to argue with them, as they'll just come up with something else to make life hard for ya...

When i took the Spec C in, the guy who took the keys called it a 'Racer', great attitude... :(


Did the guy say anyhting about the diff..

Cause **** me that things rowdy haha went for a drive wtih paul yesterday clunk clunk bank clunk grind graunch haha

Of course its meant to do that but by the sounds of these guys they wouldnt know that lol

sounds like you need some diff oil with a friction modifier

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 boostcut said:

vtnz and onroad are now owned by the same people ::)

You could say that about AMI and Clic, IAG and NAC... particularly with AMI and Clic, the relationship between the major companies and their subsidiaries, or different businesses owned by the same company, are not necessarily related.

Let's face it, this isn't the dairy industry ;) Different flavours aren't a re-hash of the one same thing necessarily.

Furthermore, aren't these places franchised? In which case, factor that in; the experiences between different Pitstops, for example, is vastly different. One location had a boyracer (his car was about 5 different colours of primer, he was barely 17, and bragging to me about his 10 second WRX) staring at my chest while he drilled on the wheel nuts so hard they were too hot to touch when they came off...after breaking three tools...all because they don't have a policy to use a torque tool on their rattle gun. Yes, they replaced the broken studs on my car. Another location were able to actually recommend tyres that suited my setup and my driving (not just read off a sheet that has 'Impreza' somewhere on there), and explicitly stated that they only lightly do up the nuts with the rattle gun before using a torque wrench so they are all correctly and identically torqued up.

Tell me they're all the same company and I'll say so what. The relevance is nil.

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Guest boostcut


wtf was he doing "drilling on the wheel nuts"? because that aint going to fix a broken stud and especially when they punch out with a copper faced hammer.

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They f*cked a stud or two when they tried to take the wheel nuts off. He was literally drilling them on for nearly 10 seconds each, while staring at me. I'd by then zipped my clothes all the way up to my neck to stop him and folded my arms over my chest in an unamused manner but it changed nothing >:( Because it was their fault that they drilled my damn nuts on so hard and wrecked stuff, they had to fix the problem.

Studs have never been the same since.

But eh...new Brembo-sized hubs not too far off! ;D

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Drilling for emphasis. Not literal drilling with a drill, no. But rattle-gunning the b@stards on so hard it broke several tools to get off.

Yet the other place was brilliant, they only use the impact gun to get the nuts completely but gently on, then torque wrench to finish the job as per manufacturer spec. Amazingly they are the SAME company...different owners, different philosophy.

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