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 EJ20T said:

I dont know about you but the majority of BRAND NEW STI owners ive seen are over 45 and they like autos because to be honest manuals suck in peak hour traffic.

Peak-hour-driving chick in manual here, calling you all sorts of un-masculine names and questioning your testicular fortitude.

Are you a mouse or a man?! Sorry, but what's the kiwi motto... something about hard, and becoming more of it :P

If I can drive in rush hour in a manual with an attitude problem after 170,000km, one bung eye (cornea issues = no contact lens in right eye, and extreme myopia of -8), hard as hell suspension, a big wing (something else people whine about) and an abused power steering pump that's made the steering go rather solid (grasskhana 2007 ftmfw...except for the red ATF throughout the engine bay), a stuffed spine/neck and a weak, clicking knee with no issue... then you in an assumedly somewhat more whole and less abused vehicle surely have nothing to complain about. And as I learned to drive in a vehicle with a nice hard cable clutch... the above is a blessing!

(As a note about the eye... after two weeks of no lens to allow the cornea to heal, my brain has actually adapted to having 20/20 in one eye only...with indecipherable fuzz in the other eye. It's amazing what the human brain is capable of; while it can't edit out 'floaters' and 'glitter' in the vision, it actually edits out several things you should be able to see - the veins in your retina, the black spot from the optical nerve... my vision has adapted so that I still have depth perception from the moving blots seen with the bung eye, with details filled in from the good eye. Perfectly safe...I forget that one is broken!)

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 Shale said:

Are you a mouse or a man?! Sorry, but what's the kiwi motto... something about hard, and becoming more of it :P

you need to buy a can of get hard. <- i like that one :)

i have to agree with EJ20T though, i like auto over manual for driving, but if you want to do more than get to B from A, then manual it is.


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If you can't train your legs up in traffic, how are you going to manage anything more serious? Any form of fatigue during motorsport is dangerous.

And before anyone waves the 'you don't know what you're talking about' finger, I have two Subarus - one of each. Also use both during the week. And frankly, the manual is better for commuting. Just my opinion, though.

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if your worried about fatigue in motorsport racing, you just have to know how to handle it correctly, things like taking breaks, working within your limits etc.

i dont know if i would go back to manual for dailiy driving, maby if i upgraded the commie to like the 4door supercharged one lol (i dont buy loto, so thats not gunna happen )


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The plain truth is that most automatics are too dumb (unresponsive, uncooperative) for the enthusiastic driver.

Ditto the silly robot manuals (SMG etc) and dual-clutch sequential manuals (DSG, PDK, SST etc).

Of the two-pedal options, the dual-clutch gearbox shows the most promise.

VAG's DSG has improved with every generation, the latest 6-speed is very good, with take-off jerkiness greatly reduced.

They haven't totally removed the insular feeling but it is about as good as you can currently get with two pedals.

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 Shale said:

If you can't train your legs up in traffic, how are you going to manage anything more serious? Any form of fatigue during motorsport is dangerous.

And before anyone waves the 'you don't know what you're talking about' finger, I have two Subarus - one of each. Also use both during the week. And frankly, the manual is better for commuting. Just my opinion, though.

Lol... I use both, still find the auto easiest in traffic. Heavy duty clutch for racing in comparison to using it in bumper to bumper traffic are complete different things to be honest. My run around is auto, and I find it so much easier IMO.

Normal manual, no issues with that but with HD/brass buttong clutches aren't the most fun in traffic.

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You don't exactly use the same skills at 5km/h with a manual in the city vs the track

Its a real pain going up the hill @ spegetti junction in stop start traffic with the Sti

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Crawlers on Spag junction make life troublesome, yes, as they travel too slow to ride the torque at idle.

As for brass button clutches...that's an entirely different ball game altogether isn't it? STis, softc*ck or not, don't come facto with them AFAIK. Colleague just biffed his Evo because of exactly that though... pain to drive with in traffic.

Apples and oranges, yes?

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  • 2 weeks later...
 Shale said:

If you can't train your legs up in traffic, how are you going to manage anything more serious? Any form of fatigue during motorsport is dangerous.

And before anyone waves the 'you don't know what you're talking about' finger, I have two Subarus - one of each. Also use both during the week. And frankly, the manual is better for commuting. Just my opinion, though.

Its all good and well saying you are strong etc and telling people to harden up, but being a mechanic i spend 8 hours a day standing, leaning in strange positions and crouching. at the end of the day when i get to sit down in the car in traffic i like to be comfortable, despite this i still have a manual

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haha, 73k for a slusher!!!, "oh, but its got steering wheel paddles, just like the race cars".........epic fail!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :

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Subaru are in the business of making & selling cars period. They make (and sell) what their market research tells them will sell (stating the obvious here). Auto/Manual who cares buy the one with the features you want. Just because 20 or so Subaru fanatics on Club Sub in a market the size of a pin head ramble on able how Subaru have lost their way will not make one ounce of difference. Most of the people whinging probably own harder tuned JDM/Modded versions anyway nothing will change there you'll still buying and moddlng later models or move on to another brand. In the scheme of things it wont make any difference to Subaru whether you stay loyal or not because the market here ain't big enough.

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 DMSREX said:

Subaru are in the business of making & selling cars period. They make (and sell) what their market research tells them will sell (stating the obvious here). Auto/Manual who cares buy the one with the features you want. Just because 20 or so Subaru fanatics on Club Sub in a market the size of a pin head ramble on able how Subaru have lost their way will not make one ounce of difference. Most of the people whinging probably own harder tuned JDM/Modded versions anyway nothing will change there you'll still buying and modded later models or move on to another brand. In the scheme of things it wont make any difference to Subaru whether you stay loyal or not because the market here ain't big enough.


I have said this before, but for us modders they are still a fantastic base and ill own a later model without hesitation in the future(but not auto).

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When the Sti first came to the US it didn't even have a radio....

I think the decisions made by the subaru design dept are dubious at best - over the last 10 years the style has been a mismash of ideas. Most of them hit with the ugly stick. I can't see how that makes marketing subarus any easier... Hence the numerous revamps of the cars looks.

Just cause car makers are in the business of making and selling cars doesn't mean they know what they are doing - Subaru's previous owner GM a case in point.

Subaru / STi have a brand - and from memory it wasn't about seven seat performance WRC cars.

If you continually degrad the Halo brand by putting the name to bland crap products then its a short sighted policy.

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 Qwerty said:

If you continually degrad the Halo brand by putting the name to bland crap products then its a short sighted policy.

Agreed man Halo wars killed the xbox main unique!! LOLs

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 Qwerty said:

If you continually degrad the Halo brand by putting the name to bland crap products then its a short sighted policy.

Well said.

Subaru should look at the experiences of the other exponent of the horizontally opposed engine and how hard they had to work to rebuild the company after they tried to kill off their halo model.

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 DMSREX said:

Subaru are in the business of making & selling cars period. They make (and sell) what their market research tells them will sell (stating the obvious here). Auto/Manual who cares buy the one with the features you want. Just because 20 or so Subaru fanatics on Club Sub in a market the size of a pin head ramble on able how Subaru have lost their way will not make one ounce of difference. Most of the people whinging probably own harder tuned JDM/Modded versions anyway nothing will change there you'll still buying and moddlng later models or move on to another brand. In the scheme of things it wont make any difference to Subaru whether you stay loyal or not because the market here ain't big enough.


If this were true, Subaru would have never bothered investing in any of the STI's, RA's or Spec C's, or the 22B for that matter.

By this logic, they would have developed a 4WD platform that worked and just sold ****loads of n/a ****boxes.

The new model has already bitten them in their collective arses, worldwide, it was greeted with scorn and laughter.

So much so, that this will definitely be the shortest lived incarnation of the Impreza ever...

Now Subaru's Flagship STI is just a generic ****box hatch, that's grossly overweight, hampered by SI-Drive* gadgetry and stoopid lookin, many prospective owners will simply by some other ****box, built by some other manufacturer for considerably less...

This WILL hurt Subaru sales, here, and worldwide...

Reason to buy the old models: They look mean as hell, go like ****, are a serious drivers car and don't cost too much more than other manufacturers cars considering the performance.

Reason to buy new model: You are a TWAT.

* SI stands for Stoopid Idiot, as this device is designed to revert to nana spec on start up, only a stoopid idiot would buy a performance model that had this as a default setting... :P

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