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More soft STI's


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 DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like Stoopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

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[quote name='DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like b]S[/b]toopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

And i say NOT...and i've driven both, so i'd know wouldn't i.

V9 does NOT have a better engine than a V7, it's the other way round (remeber the title of the thread...subaru's, like all other makes are getting softer, not harder).

And as for bigger hubs and wider tyres, are you serious? Try 250-300kg more weight too...

Good joke... :D

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[quote name='DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like b]S[/b]toopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

And i say NOT...and i've driven both, so i'd know wouldn't i.

V9 does NOT have a better engine than a V7, it's the other way round (remeber the title of the thread...subaru's, like all other makes are getting softer, not harder).

And as for bigger hubs and wider tyres, are you serious? Try 250-300kg more weight too...

Good joke... :D

Thus by your reasoning the GC type RA is the lightest "comp spec" wrx thus best?

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[quote name='DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like b]S[/b]toopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

And i say NOT...and i've driven both, so i'd know wouldn't i.

V9 does NOT have a better engine than a V7, it's the other way round (remeber the title of the thread...subaru's, like all other makes are getting softer, not harder).

And as for bigger hubs and wider tyres, are you serious? Try 250-300kg more weight too...

Good joke... :D

Thus by your reasoning the GC type RA is the lightest "comp spec" wrx thus best?

Not quite, but it is very light (with the early non STI version being around 1120ish kg's).

Unfortunately, the GC RA's didn't get enough power or tourque to make them the outright best, but a good model non the less.

The 22B, despite not having the highest HP or Tourque output, looks to be the fastest to 100kph, however, with 4.2 seconds.

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 newsuba said:

4.2sec for a stock 22B is fantasyland.


Agreed, I can't see a 280hp Subaru outdoing a Porsche 996 Turbo to 100kph or the more widely used increment 0-60mph.

Best I've seen is about 4.6 seconds for a 22B usually they run in the low 5's.

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Nah, i think there are definately more 'TRUE' enthusiasts driving subaru's than there are driving Porsches.

If you cut out the wank wank (i'm rich and can afford a Porsche) factor, you wouldn't be left with many Porsche drivers...

And, as for BMW's and Mercs...wow. From what i've seen rouns Auckland, 3 out of every 4 of them are lowered on Chomes, driven by Ali G wanabe's...

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 DPI said:

Nah, i think there are definately more 'TRUE' enthusiasts driving subaru's than there are driving Porsches.

If you cut out the wank wank (i'm rich and can afford a Porsche) factor, you wouldn't be left with many Porsche drivers...

And, as for BMW's and Mercs...wow. From what i've seen rouns Auckland, 3 out of every 4 of them are lowered on Chomes, driven by Ali G wanabe's...

I utterly disagree; and I'll leave it at that.

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[quote name='DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like b]S[/b]toopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

And i say NOT...and i've driven both, so i'd know wouldn't i.

V9 does NOT have a better engine than a V7, it's the other way round (remeber the title of the thread...subaru's, like all other makes are getting softer, not harder).

And as for bigger hubs and wider tyres, are you serious? Try 250-300kg more weight too...

Good joke... :D

what kind of crack have you been smoking? a V9 spec C is only 30kg more than your car (depending if you have got the 16 or 17in models) And the twin scroll GDB engines are BETTER than a V7 engine in terms of torque band, torque output and easly played with to grab more power. Ive driven a ver9 and a ver7 (in normal sti form) and im pretty sure what most people would pick. Altho you are intitled to your own opinion, if based on fact or not

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And lets not be forgetting the V7 is ugly. Apart from looks i couldnt tell the difference between a V7 and V8. And ive driven both models in Spec C guise.

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jeeeeeeeesus will you guys calm down!!!!

You KNOW DPI gets upset if anyone disses the v7 spec C!!!!!

He will hunt you down and kill you.....LIKE A DOG!!!

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[quote name='DPI said:

I don't even like the V8, V9 or V10 spec C's as they went softer year by year (as well as heavier and heavier).

They could make a V11 STI RA Spec C I've got a Huge C0CK Edition for all i care, i still wouldn't buy one unless they dropped about 3-400kg and radically altered the body shape, removed all the useless electrickery devices (like b]S[/b]toopid Idiot drive)... ;)

how are ver 8 and 9 spec C's softer than yours? the S203 and S204 arent as hardcore as the S202 is. But id say a ver9 spec C is more of a weapon than a ver7 spec C in terms of having a better engine, bigger hubs and wider wheels and tyres.

And i say NOT...and i've driven both, so i'd know wouldn't i.

V9 does NOT have a better engine than a V7, it's the other way round (remeber the title of the thread...subaru's, like all other makes are getting softer, not harder).

And as for bigger hubs and wider tyres, are you serious? Try 250-300kg more weight too...

Good joke... :D

what kind of crack have you been smoking? a V9 spec C is only 30kg more than your car (depending if you have got the 16 or 17in models) And the twin scroll GDB engines are BETTER than a V7 engine in terms of torque band, torque output and easly played with to grab more power. Ive driven a ver9 and a ver7 (in normal sti form) and im pretty sure what most people would pick. Altho you are intitled to your own opinion, if based on fact or not

You just mensioned that you have driven both (in STI from), so I believe it is YOU who's opinion may or not be based on fact.

Go away, drive a few Spec C's and then weigh in huh?

Spec C's are NOT STI's, and the V7 Spec C has the same torque as a V8 V9 Spec C. Same power output too, but is considerably lighter (min 100kg, did you pull the 30kg outa your ass?), has more aggressive cams, factory flowed heads, proper forged pistons and runs 1.5bar STD. It was the ONLY spec C to be used for WRC.

V8 and V9 Spec C's only WISH they had this...But, the factory was too busy fitting them with Airbag Steering wheels, electric windows and other pedestrian ****.

Try to get over the look of the headlights people...and, by the way, it's not MY car anymore...

Honestly, some of you guys are so sycophantic, i'm supprised you haven't swallowed the SUBARU coolaid and all replaced your rides with that brand new monstrosity that poses as an STI now. :P

NEWER IS BETTER, NEWER IS BETTER...keep believing it...

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