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Speed camera tolerance dropping to 5km !!


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 Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


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[quote name='liquid_ice said:

Sounds like im stuffed, my speedo is 9 kph out.............


Nope thats within tolerance levels (could also be your tyres are worn down when compared to new tyres, etc) many reasons that it could be.

Brand new set of tires (for track day) ;D ;D

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 Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol

20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.

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 Andrew NR']

[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.


I'm sure my bigger scoop just advertises to people in front slow down :o, its that or the QRAF number plate when they look in there rear view mirror.

I never have this trouble with people in the primera. :P

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[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.


I'm sure my bigger scoop just advertises to people in front slow down :o, its that or the QRAF number plate when they look in there rear view mirror.

I never have this trouble with people in the primera. :P


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I always thought the speed limits were in place because that is the most efficient speed that vehicles travel at in regards to traffic light timing, braking distances and other factors like that.

I could be wrong though, and i'm pretty sure that you can get fined for driving below the speed limit (like 30) as its counted as some form of obstruction or hazard.

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 Divine said:

I always thought the speed limits were in place because that is the most efficient speed that vehicles travel at in regards to traffic light timing, braking distances and other factors like that.

I could be wrong though, and i'm pretty sure that you can get fined for driving below the speed limit (like 30) as its counted as some form of obstruction or hazard.

I think they can fine you in some circumstances. Would be up to the disgression.

And yes speed limits are for that purpose, sorta. Speed + reaction time = stopping distance. Going faster gives you less time to react in an emergency and also lengths the stopping distance. As illustrated everyday on adverts, 10kmp/h makes a difference.

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 Andrew NR']

[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.

I actually know of a guy that got pulled over for going slower than the speed limit. I think he was going about 10km under. The cop gave him a warning and let him go.

Also been told by the cops that they only like people to stay within the speed limit by about 5 or 10 kms.

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 Divine said:

I always thought the speed limits were in place because that is the most efficient speed that vehicles travel at in regards to traffic light timing, braking distances and other factors like that.

Aah that be a big fat NO.

Speed limits are the Maximum Safe speed that you can travel on a given road in good, clear conditions...

Its like one of the main points in the road code and one of the questions on the written test (at least when I did it last) and that you have to apply in-practice while driving during the practical test...

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[quote name='Divine said:

I always thought the speed limits were in place because that is the most efficient speed that vehicles travel at in regards to traffic light timing, braking distances and other factors like that./quote]

Aah that be a big fat NO.

Speed limits are the Maximum Safe speed that you can travel on a given road in good, clear conditions...

If only it were so black and white.

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[quote name='Divine said:

I always thought the speed limits were in place because that is the most efficient speed that vehicles travel at in regards to traffic light timing, braking distances and other factors like that./quote]

Aah that be a big fat NO.

Speed limits are the Maximum Safe speed that you can travel on a given road in good, clear conditions...

If only it were so black and white.

How much more black and white do you want it???

FFS in NZ it is the MAXIMUM SPEED ALLOWED end of it, you go over you get a ticket...

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 Andrew NR']

[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.

yeah just wait till you get stuck behind me doing 30kms all the way down the valley and see if you are nice and calm by the end of it! hahaha ;)

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 Andrew NR']

[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.

going to the mountain 1 year we got stuck behind someone doing 80 most ways and there were no places to pass.. when we stopped to get something to eat there was a cop so we asked if they can/will ticket you for going slow, his response was " if you are under the speed limit and hold up cars we will issue a ticket as it only adds 30 seconds to their trip to pull over and let people pass, rather than annoy people and cause stupid over taking other words being a hazard" so they will ticket if you hold up traffic

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Was actually having a similar discussion with my boss at lunch today.

He was stuck behind 4 cars and a Bambina going 40km/h in an 80 zone on a long weekend's Saturday morning back in the day...he was driving a big ol' Mack with a B-train. The cars overtook the Bambina on the median (long-arse straight road, can't for the life of me remember where this was other than CNI)...he had 15 cars up his arse wanting to overtake both a nanna AND a B-train...so he just swung out, put it on the floorboards and overtook the Bambina on the safety zone with a 45T truck :P

Cop saw him, pulled him over instead of the 10 cars that had also shot past, or the slow-arse.

Trev being Trev gave the cop absolute ARSEHOLES about it and almost wound up arrested :D

Got the ticket of course.

Interestingly enough he had a gripe about it to his cop mate, who said 'Oh you got THAT GUY. Yeah he's a wanker...the rest of us would have pulled over the guy going 40km/h under.'...

It's all about a balance, which in itself is all about the officer's discretion.

Moral of the story is to be calm, or *555 methinks :P

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[quote name='Old Skool Subbie said:

More people will be driving carefully so not to get tickets lol.. like driving at 30kms a hour in 50km zones... Its becoming more common... I get stuck behind at least 2-3 people a day doing that speed lol


20km/h under the speed limit is a bit stupid but it's called a speed LIMIT not a speed MUST DO. It means that you aren't supposed to go over the posted speed, there is nothing that says you aren't allowed to do 5-10km/h under the speed limit. If you want to go fast find a bloody race track otherwise learn some self control and be patient.

going to the mountain 1 year we got stuck behind someone doing 80 most ways and there were no places to pass.. when we stopped to get something to eat there was a cop so we asked if they can/will ticket you for going slow, his response was " if you are under the speed limit and hold up cars we will issue a ticket as it only adds 30 seconds to their trip to pull over and let people pass, rather than annoy people and cause stupid over taking other words being a hazard" so they will ticket if you hold up traffic

Fair enough. But if you are doing spot on the speed limit or 2-3km/h under and have a line of vehicles behind then surely the cops can't pull you over for holding up traffic in that situation.

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