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Woah argument.

I also hear that POD on new car = F all gain, and no i wont be installing one. My "man" told me that unless you have a cold airbox surrounding your pod there will be nill gain, infact a loss cause your sucking your hot engine air in too.

As for stuffing up the turbo, wouldnt know, cant imagine it does however.

From what i understand, sometimes the MAF will just not function as correctly as it should, as with all sensors, they do a lot of work, sometimes shit goes wrong, as with all electronics, it doesnt last forever.

Oiling the filter WILL foul the MAF if over oiled. It was recommended to me that stock filter is to be used in the air box, as this does not require oiling. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd, i also hear that people have tested various filters stock and others VS the popular K&N, and virtually nil gain from the K&N.

The guy fixing mine builds race cars. He said unless your ramming a lot of air down there cause your in a race situation, dont change from the stock filter. (street cars generally work fine with stock filters, modified or not, even if your throwing boost down it)

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Shit aftermarket foam pods fall apart and fry comp wheels. HKS are widely used in a lot of cars though and seen as better. Kinda hard to fit a standard size pod in either of my cars both V5/6 engine set ups but came with so why change. Theres endless threads on here comparing the two. Cold air box seems very logical but each to their own. If I was running a stock set up still I would go factory airbox going on what I know now.

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 rex-leggy said:

seriously dont believe everything you read yes vibrations can stuff afm's but if they were installed correctly then there wouldn't be a problem .

99% sure that the whole oiled filter thing is a myth which was used as the blame for engines imploding. have you ever oiled a filter? not that much goes onto it

Had an oiled filter on my old Altezza, AFM ended up with a film of oily crap on it, and AFM failed until it was thoroughly cleaned.

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[quote name='rex-leggy said:

seriously dont believe everything you read yes vibrations can stuff afm's but if they were installed correctly then there wouldn't be a problem .

99% sure that the whole oiled filter thing is a myth which was used as the blame for engines imploding. have you ever oiled a filter? not that much goes onto it


Had an oiled filter on my old Altezza, AFM ended up with a film of oily crap on it, and AFM failed until it was thoroughly cleaned.

I concur, my AFM was fouled, so bad that i think it F**ked it totally, but that is a theory only and cannot be tested.

and it had an oiled K&N filter (in the standard air box) prior to this. you be the judge, ill be getting a non k and n

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Right, just to buck the trend.

I've got an oiled pod filter within a cold air box. Been like that for the past 5000k's and I have had no problems. Infact going this way, my car is A LOT happier because it meant I could drop the venting BoV :P

Also, the filter has a tiny amount of oil on it so it doesn't gunk the AFM.

I'm sure K and N state to put a drop of oil on the filter.

And yes the air filter is a tiny restriction within your air intake. That intake resonator is more of a problem than your filter.

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 Timmah said:

Right, just to buck the trend.

I've got an oiled pod filter within a cold air box. Been like that for the past 5000k's and I have had no problems. Infact going this way, my car is A LOT happier because it meant I could drop the venting BoV :P

Also, the filter has a tiny amount of oil on it so it doesn't gunk the AFM.

I'm sure K and N state to put a drop of oil on the filter.

And yes the air filter is a tiny restriction within your air intake. That intake resonator is more of a problem than your filter.

Good point let us know how your AFM is in 30,000k time, and how many times you had to clean your POD :)

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[quote name='Timmah said:

Right, just to buck the trend.

I've got an oiled pod filter within a cold air box. Been like that for the past 5000k's and I have had no problems. Infact going this way, my car is A LOT happier because it meant I could drop the venting BoV :P

Also, the filter has a tiny amount of oil on it so it doesn't gunk the AFM.

I'm sure K and N state to put a drop of oil on the filter.

And yes the air filter is a tiny restriction within your air intake. That intake resonator is more of a problem than your filter.


Good point let us know how your AFM is in 30,000k time, and how many times you had to clean your POD :)

Well the stock air filter is meant to be replaced every 10,000k's, so I'll probably do the same, or clean my pod every 10,000k. Or when I do an oil change. No harm :)

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[quote name='Timmah said:

Right, just to buck the trend.

I've got an oiled pod filter within a cold air box. Been like that for the past 5000k's and I have had no problems. Infact going this way, my car is A LOT happier because it meant I could drop the venting BoV :P

Also, the filter has a tiny amount of oil on it so it doesn't gunk the AFM.

I'm sure K and N state to put a drop of oil on the filter.

And yes the air filter is a tiny restriction within your air intake. That intake resonator is more of a problem than your filter.


Good point let us know how your AFM is in 30,000k time, and how many times you had to clean your POD :)

Well the stock air filter is meant to be replaced every 10,000k's, so I'll probably do the same, or clean my pod every 10,000k. Or when I do an oil change. No harm :)


True, (didnt realise, i thought it was clean it only), ya learn something every day...

Just to add to my slimming wallet, didnt win big wednesday but neither did anyone else :D


I also need a new clutch (C*NT!)

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 94 Leone']

[quote name='boon said:

I run a pod down in the front guard. K&N. And yeah it gunked up my AFM something wicked.

Solution? Remove AFM.


Can that be done and it still all work fine?!?!

with a link.

Carberry rom...spelling?

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